Nikko looks bored and incredibly disappointed. Leaning forward she puts her left arm on the table and then uses her right arm to prop her head up under her chin. Her large gloves seem far to big for her. A little tint of red starts to show in her cheeks from the alcohol but there isn't any facial expressions indicating she was inebriated. Suddenly a dark haired young woman appears next to her and slides some food in front of the two boys. Nikko was then promptly scolded by this woman for the damage she had done to the business. [color=f7941d][b]"Huh..?"[/b][/color] Was her reaction to being asked to get out. [color=f7941d][b]"Well I guess I was a little tinsey bit rough on your furniture."[/b][/color] she admits holding up her fingers to make a tiny space between them. Though this she looked at the cook with her bluish green eyes. [color=f7941d][b]"I got carried away with the table and I don't mind paying for that. I don't bust up honest businesses. I don't apologize for the guys that got knocked out. I imagine fights happen all the time where between the whipped cowards and the misty eyed rookies. Either way tho..."[/b][/color] She reaches into her bag and pulls out three golden coins. The coins together would be estimated to be about 150,000 beri. She tosses them to the girl. [color=f7941d][b]"That should cover the damages right?"[/b][/color] Standing up she walks over to a plate of the food that had been left untouched by someone quickly leaving the bar during the fight. She takes a bite of it and the food felt like it was melting in her mouth. It was incredibly delicious. Top of the line gourmet. Strange for it only to be a grilled cheese. Thankfully her newest member jumps up behind her with some encouraging words to snap her out of her dreamy appreciation for the food. A small smile forms on her face and she perks up. Nikko's ears quite literally perk up as she reaches over to pat the girl on the head again. [color=f7941d][b]"Why thank you!"[/b][/color] She says standing up and stretching her hands high over her head. Her narrowed eyes scan the room once more and she notices a few other people in the Tavern with significant strength. Most notably would be a swordsman sitting in the corner and a shorter fellow in the back. Her eyes then fall back on Polly. Polly introduces herself as Roger but not...that Roger. She chuckles. [color=f7941d][b]"Not that Roger huh? Well that's fine too. I can see pretty quick that you've got a good ability at hiding and sneaking. If I had to guess I would imagine that you probably even stole that logpost am I right? As a pirate its always easier to grab loot without being noticed than having to fight for it. Also I like you. Welcome to my crew. I am Nikko the captain."[/b][/color] She turns to wave at the cook one more time while she sets up at the Bar. [color=f7941d][b]"And you! That was delicious. You ever want to sail the seas you let me know!"[/b][/color] Suddenly the doors to the tavern bust open and her first mate Able ducks to get through the door. He was obviously too big for this place as even the high ceilings here were just high enough to allow him to stand comfortably. Beside him were three normal sized humans. A young girl with bright pink hair, a pale man holding a mask in his hand and finally a taller brown haired man with a sword by his side. [color=f7941d][b]"Two?"[/b][/color] She asks as Able tells her about the members. She obviously counted three people with him. Perhaps one was only a prospective member she thought to herself. [color=f7941d][b]"Well you're doing better than me. I found one member."[/b][/color] She holds out her arm to indicate Polly. Before she could say anymore about the others she had met in the tavern Able thrusts a drink into her hand and instructed her to drink. She was never one to turn down a drink so she downed it in one go. [color=f7941d][b]"Woah..."[/b][/color] She said rather surprised. It wasn't necessarily strong but it was good tasting.[color=f7941d][b] "Yep. Accepted."[/b][/color] She gives a thumbs up sign to the new brewer. [color=f7941d][b]"Oh! This one is a doctor? Neat I was afraid we weren't going to find one.....I HAVE WHAT SYNDROME!?!"[/b][/color] She exclaims having not caught the insult immediately. She pulls back her arm and strikes Able in the gut once and he slides back a few inches with his hand over his stomach. [color=f7941d][b]"Freaky fish guy......I oughta.... "[/b][/color] Realizing she was talking to new members she quickly changes gears back to a cheerful disposition. [color=f7941d][b]"Sorry a bout that! I saw a fly and had to get it!"[/b][/color] The lie was pretty obvious. [color=f7941d][b]"Anyway welcome to the crew!"[/b][/color] She pats the new doc on the shoulder as he was the one that looked the most nervous. However it may or may not have reassured him in the way she wanted. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a blurred movement. Suddenly one of the two boring guys had a cigarette and one of the men at the bar had his head slammed into the wall. It was pretty fast to say the least. She takes note of that but doesn't say anything. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Just outside the harbor a large naval ship sails in. It is large with a steel hull colored white and blue for its traditional Marine colors. Its huge sails each had the Marine logo on it. Standing at the front of this ship is a large man standing at about eight feet in height. He has huge broad shoulders and a highly muscular frame. He has a dark grey five o'clock shadow and large bags under his eyes. Over his shoulders is a large white jacket with JUSTICE written across the back. Under neath that was his bare skin as he was only wearing cut off shorts. The man's face was dead serious but his appearance couldn't be any less so. "Commodore!" A tall slender woman calls out as she walks up next to him. "Are you seriously not going to put on a shirt for this? Show some damn decency for your rank!" She sclods him. She herself had long flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes. She also had a jacket on but underneath was a full black garb. Her eyes were heavily makeup-ed with crying smokey eye and bright red lipstick. "Is that anyway to talk to your superior [i]captain[/i]?" His voice is gruff in his response but its easy to tell he was putting extra emphasis on her rank. "Besides, I wear what I want when I want. Hell I'd probably go naked if they would let me. If I ever make admiral thats just what I'll do." "I hope you never reach that high sir..." She has to look away from the silliness. "But anyway why are we striking now? Seems a bit odd. And you commodore with five captains with their lieutenants? It all seems a bit much in my opinion." Her haughty tone seems to have irked the commodore a bit. "You won't be saying that when a filthy pirate has their sword sticking into your gut." He takes a look at her figure once again. "Or at least you will wish that it was a sword sticking into your stomach I bet if we're talking about pirates here. Besides it can't be helped. Orders are orders. We are going to clear out all of the pirates trying to escape the grand line as well as rookies starting out. This may even become a regular thing if we notice fewer big name rookie pirates reaching fame in the grand line. Get'em while their green they said." Jumping up to the rails at the edge of the ship he waves his hands. "We will erase the pirate scum as well as the ones who harbor them! We are order. We are law. We...are...JUSTICE!" On that line several of the cannons on the starboard side of the ship fire all at once. They hit and sink half of the ships in the harbor in under a minute. The barrage continues until all of the ships that even remotely looked like pirate ships. However unfortunately one of the cannons seems to have gone awry. It fired several cannonballs into the town itself. One narrowly misses the lighthouse and several more level a few buildings. After just a few moments the cannonfire stops and the ship slowly comes into harbor. Dozens and dozens of marines spill into the docks and rush into the town. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Back at the tavern the sounds of cannonfire abruptly end the small casual conversations. Massive explosions are heard outside followed by screams. Nikko quickly rushes outside to see what is going on and spots the massive ship sinking all of the ships in the harbor. And now it seems they are even firing on the town itself. Whats worse is these are explosive cannonballs that deal massive amounts of damage even after impact. [color=f7941d][b]"GET DOWN!"[/b][/color] Nikko yells as her eyes catch something. Quickly leaping into the air as a blast of gunpowder flashes at the side of the ship as the final cannonball is released. She is struck mid air a split second later. The force of the impact threw her back all the way through the walls of the Tavern, through the central support beam, through the bar counter and into an indent in the stone wall behind it. In her hands is an un-detonated cannonball. She had somehow caught the cannonball in a way where it did not explode. In the process it seems she has unexpectedly hit her head on the stone wall behind her and she isn't moving. Overhead the tavern begins to creak dangerously as pieces of debris fall here and there around the ones inside. The main structural beam was shattered by the force of the cannonball.