‘Mouthy little cunt, isn’t he?’ Parasimon mentally grumbled to Examon over the Hazard link, his tone implying he’d like nothing more than to clock the Biomerged Knight with a good solid blow as UlforceVeedramon started lecturing them. With the two Hazard Knights working on disabling Millenniummon’s arms, they couldn’t move far from their current positions, leaving the cannons to sputter out and begin to lose traction with the creature’s body by themselves. ‘Don’t you even start,’ Examon grumbled back, far from in the mood for the attitude from Parasimon or even UlforceVeedramon himself. “Shut up and get to work yourself!” He started, yelling at his fellow Knight as he drove his lance deeper into Millenniummon’s flesh. With Rodendramon seizing and savaging the other arm on Parasimon’s side, only a single arm of Millenniummon was left unimpeded by attack. UlforceVeedramon’s own contribution seemed effective enough, as the beast began to scream as the Trinity Rays made successful contact with its eyes. “Quit your whining, I’ve got it!” BanchoLeomon roared over at the two as he delivered one last punch to Millenniummon’s ridiculously hard Digicore before vaulting up the beast’s body and onto its shoulders. From there, he gripped the right cannon with both hands and [i]pulled[/i]. With a herculean grunt of effort, he started to rip the cannon out inch by inch. The abomination in the sky screeched in distress as it was ripped apart from all sides. UlforceVeedramon’s attempt to blind it seemed successful, distracting it with pain to severe for it to pay attention to the efforts of Examon, Parasimon and Rodendramon. Bit by bit, Millienniummon began to come apart. As BanchoLeomon tore both cannons out, he leapt back down towards the beast’s chest and went back to trying to smash its core. And that was when the arms came off. A raging torrent of black, burning blood came bursting out of the mangled stumps of three of four of Millenniummon’s arms, and myriad screams filled the air; one of mortal and overwhelming rage and pain from Millenniummon, and two deep roars of triumph from the two Hazard Knights. Examon doubled back as he dropped the arm he had torn from Millenniummon’s body into the ocean below, dodging a clumsy, futile swipe from the blinded abomination as it was further crippled. Setting down on the edge between the Tokyo mainland and it’s bay, he saw Parasimon grip another of Millenniummon’s limbs in two of his own four arms, and saw Rodendramon disappear from sight. “SKREEEEE!!” He was about to leap back into the fray when he heard the sounds of fear from behind him. Out of instinct, he turned, and was greeted with the sight of Dorugoramon, perched on a rooftop with no intention of heading over water to try and savage Millenniummon as it had done earlier. He narrowed his eyes, staring at the Mega. The feeling from earlier returned. Millenniummon had been within the realm of expectation, but this new Digimon was a complete anomaly. Furthermore, every Digimon he knew had come to the Human World to prepare for battle had been accounted for- [i]All but one.[/i] As gears turned in his head, Examon wondered why he hadn’t realized it sooner- the distinct feeling of wrongness about Dorugoramon had been one thing, the logic of its appearance was another- but now the sound of its fearful cries at the sight of the water before it... ‘... Hydrophobia.’ Siggy whispered to himself, within the union of minds. Meanwhile, the scene over water was far less solemn. As he tore the limb free of Millenniummon’s body and dodged its furious counterattack, the air was filled with a deranged, triumphant chorus of laughter from Parasimon. The Insect Knight’s body began to darken with a sickly black aura as he tightened his grip on the severed arm- the destructive power of the Hazard coursed through the limb, breaking the super-dense data down. Millenniummon had been an abomination, no doubt. But now that he was able to sample some of its data, Parasimon could see that it was an order of abomination far above even him- the data in the artificial Digimon’s arm alone felt like several whole Digimon torturously and hideously forced together into a form they didn’t belong in, and the sheer quantity of different data types was horrifying. It had been a challenge enough newly-formed- Parasimon [i]shuddered[/i] to think what it could have become given time. But that feeling of horror was nothing before the sense of power he felt as he absorbed the mass of broken-down data from the abomination’s arm. His body began to overflow- the temporarily-stable mass began to feel the tell-tale signs of degradation, much like what he had experienced the day before. It was too much data, and he had to get rid of it somehow. Thankfully, [i]he had a way[/i]. With a clear view of the empty distance behind Millenniummon with his position in the bay, Parasimon’s body began to glow as he called on the reservoir of Spirit Elemental energy within him. He considered calling on the Brahmastra again- but he thought better of it. He was here to stop Millenniummon, not ruin the city more permanently than the abomination ever could. So he reached deeper into the reservoir, seeing what his years of using the spirits had to offer him before- [i]‘Perfect’,[/i] He thought to himself, as he found and settled on the very technique that the Brahmastra had been derived from. Inefficient and unwieldy, but absolutely perfect for the situation. “GET CLEAR!” Parasimon roared to everyone that was still within range of Millenniummon, as a distinctive golden diamond formed before him. Nodding up towards Parasimon, BanchoLeomon kicked off of Millenniummon’s chest, firing off a black-tinged Fist of the Beast King at the core as he did so. The blowback from the blast pushed him clear out of range of whatever Parasimon was about to unleash, and the lion plummeted towards the ocean as gravity took hold. As above him, Parasimon let loose a savage, raging blast of heat and light from the diamond, the entire world seeming to become nothing more than a tremendous inferno as the Knight forced every bit of the data he’d taken into the attack. And as the Omega Burst hit Millenniummon head-on, a piercing scream of rage, pain and fear filled the air, loud and desperate enough to cut over both the roar of the blast and the sound of the water below boiling.