[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XalelKH.png[/img] [h3][color=#b28f00] Nabil.[/color][/h3][/center][hr] [b]C[/b]annonfire whistled outside. The eerie noise brought a dreadful sense of nostalgia to Nabil as he peered between the swinging doors. A flash of fire raced across the day before dying from a lack of fuel. His eyes narrowed as the shockwave rocked the Rusty Wench. [b]T[/b]oo quickly he looked towards Marxo. They had waited too long, either that or somehow the marines had been tipped off about their raid. Now they were under attack. Or it could just be a random attack, some new order to wipe out any pirates heading into the Grandline. [color=#b28f00][b] “W[/b]e wasted too much time dealing with her!”[/color] He nudged his head pointedly towards the woman and her crew as they reacted to the explosions. [b]T[/b]he air around Nabil shimmered from the rising heat surrounding him. The marines always lit a match beneath his feet. They pissed him off with their hypocritical ways and constant disregard for the innocent. A supposed order of justice that had turned out to be a mob of the weak pretending to be strong. He slid his fingers across the wood before turning towards the door to leave. [color=#b28f00][b] “W[/b]e’re going to put an end to this,”[/color] he told Marxo as he neared the entrance. [b]S[/b]uddenly he heard that elven-eared woman yell for everyone to get down. He felt a twinge, a thread pull at him to roll to the left. Just as he did, the woman crashed through the tavern wall, through the counter, and into the wall; narrowly missing him. Instinctively he ran over to her, standing in the path of destruction her body made. He [b]tsk![/b] before stepping through and looking down at the cannonball in her hands. [color=#b28f00][i][b]T[/b]hat was stupid[/i][/color] [b]M[/b]oments later the tavern shook again and pieces of wood started to clattered onto the floor. A ceiling fan crashed into a table and the dishes in the back could be heard shattering. Nabil went over to the seemingly unconscious woman and attempted to lift her into his arms, she didn't look like she weighed much. In his arms, she would feel warmer than normal; perhaps even hot. [color=#b28f00][b] “W[/b]e’ll drop her off to that fishman from earlier and handle these marines ourselves.”[/color] he told Marxo. [@Yorutenchi][@Ira]