[@Wade Wilson] Gonna have to say no to Darkness manipulation. The power rubs me the wrong way since darkness is basically [i]nothing[/i]. Even if I was fine with it, you didn't particularly explain it well. Like, you said that he can "manipulate the shadows", and nothing else. Like, can he move stuff with it, or etc? Also, 50 meters is around 150 feet, which is like a power in and of itself. Yeah, and I'd also like [i]some[/i] backstory. [hr] [quote=@HHShetland] Quick question; how long would you be expecting posts to be? I find that the average length of one of those posts in the previous RPs is far too long for my level. :/ [/quote] Since I'm strongly against forcing length, the minimum is one paragraph. One. [hr] [@UrbanEvolution] You couldn't jump back in if you tried. You're just not cool enough.