IC: Amaranth Desire The soft thump of a sandwich on the table made Amy glance up, Lauren's subsequent comment causing her vision to focus on the one abnormally large crimson spike sticking out in front of her face. Her eyes crossed slightly as a result, she tried to blow it out of her vision, then she shook her head and her eyes returned to normal. [color=FF0066]"There are few things I can bring myself to care about right now, Lauren, and my messy hair isn't one of them,"[/color] she said, her gaze falling to the sandwich and candy bars on the surface in front of her, her stomach growling as if to punctuate the attention change. [color=FF0066]"Food, on the other hand..."[/color] She unwrapped the BLT quickly, taking almost too big of a bite out of it and making a slightly high pitched sound in the back of her throat. She smiled. [color=FF0066]"First good thing I've had today."[/color]