[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/1d/The_Immortal_Iron_Fist_(2007).png/revision/latest?cb=20130523002657[/img][/center] [b]March 20th, 2005 New York City, Chinatown 9:32 PM[/b] It had taken some quick course-corrections once Danny had figured out that the aura had started moving rapidly [i]towards[/i] Chinatown instead given he was halfway to the Bronx by then, but after a long fifteen minutes of qi-boosted parkour it looked like he had finally tracked the violent emanations of K'un-L'un energy to their source... and she was [i]way[/i] more violent up close. To Danny's senses anger rolled off of her in waves, shimmering and burning like the air over a bonfire in pulsations so strong that he was sure if it had been actual heat the pavement at their feet would've been melted back into bubbling tar. The energy surrounding her roared and crashed against his third eye like a tsunami or the assault of some raging beast and he had to stumble back for a second before readjusting himself to it all. The Force was strong in this one alright. [i]Strong and pissed.[/i] Worse yet she was standing over Professor Lee Wing, a good man and one of the few to know enough about the supernatural lore of the East in New York to be worth consulting if rumor was to be believed. The only reason Danny himself hadn't sought him out before was out of a desire to avoid bringing trouble to his doorstep. But it looked like trouble had found him anyways. [color=A6A6A6][b]“You are [i]going[/i] to tell me everything you know before or after I start [i]breaking[/i] limbs, it's up to you which one.”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen]"Is that a fact?"[/color] Danny figured that was pretty good as far as heroic interruptions went, though now that he thought about it his entrance was kind of ruined by the fact that he was still holding two bags full of takeout from the fight-club with 'Thank Yuo for Shopping, Hav a Nice Day! =)' on them. Still, he ran with it. [color=seagreen]"Because personally I was thinking we could all relax, split some pork dumplings, really make a nice evening of things. Professor Wing is known to have a lovely Jasmine tea that's to die for!" [/color] The girl in the strange tiger costume only glared at him and balled her fists so tight he could hear the knuckles crack, and if he weren't concerned for the man's dignity Danny could swear the good Professor might have wet himself just a bit. Danny dropped the bags of pork-based deliciousness with a sigh and fell into an easy stance, legs forming a crescent moon shape between them, knees slightly bent, palms out and open to the sky. [color=seagreen]"No? Kung Fu fight on the street instead? I respect your choice, but you're really missing out on good tea." [/color]