Ghost, Ultron, Cyrania & Ant-man [hr] Ghost sighed, marching away from the group to collect whoever patience he had left. So he was dealing with a Pym, or Pyms technically. It wasn't like this was the first time he'd deal with highly intelligent synthetics, but having the Ultron name floating around made him uncomfortable. Maybe Pym actually figured out how to properly make an Ultron unit. Maybe Ghost will be fighting her to the death in a few days. Too many uncertainties. He sighed again, not really sure what to do. He turned back to the group, waving his arms around in that almost awkward way of trying to find the right words for the moment. "I...apologize for...well...mixed comments about you two young ladies," Ghost pieced together like a guilty criminal with blood on his hands. "In this line of work I tend to...uhh...engage individuals and opportunities without prejudice. Or with prejudice in a way it seems. "I might of been quick to judge, is what I'm trying to convey. But it isn't anything personal. Nueva York is full of rich, bloated personalities who would love to make people like us who can think and rebel suffer. I see enough squalor and beaten civilians, so I don't want to see a young girl who looks more fitting for adventure to The Misty Mountains get hurt...and no offense here...literally Ultron. Literally Ultron..." Ghost massage his temple as he finished speaking, a spike of pain making it's presence known. He chuckled lightly to himself a little bit, doing his best to contain himself. "Literally Ultron. Seriously, there are some things I never thought I would say in my life." “So much so that you said it three times in the span of five seconds just to be sure.” Janet poked. “Very well, apology accepted, I guess. And as long as your revolution doesn’t cause more casualties than the corporations themselves, you’re safe from me. But I’ll be watching you - if this gets bloody, you’ll either stop on your own or i’ll make sure you do. That goes for everyone: metahuman, alien etc. So, if you don’t mind showing us what you have on them, perhaps my attention can be focused on the so called Avengers alchemax built. How does that sound?” Janet offered, wondering for quite some time now what kind of dirt Ghost collected on them. “I also accept your apology then,” Cyrania replied. “I understand the worry about Ultron, but would just like Janet to be given a chance first.” Then she smiled, “You know though of course, that the Misty Mountains were not for the faint of heart either, nor the unskilled. So really, if you think me ready for Smaug, that is a great compliment.” “Smaug didn’t live in the Misty Mountains, he lived in the lonely mountain.” Henry shrugged, as everyone looked at him. “Ask Janet, she’ll agree with me.” He stretched his shoulders. “I think Tolkien’s work is overpriced.” “Now that we know she isn’t a fan of great literature, Janet does have a point. We should be focusing on the task at hand, you want to take down Alchemex. We have delusions of grandeur, the first thing we need to focus on are the Avengers who’re going to be the ones to give us grief. What’ve you got Casper?” “Did you put any of it into the machine over there?” Cyr asked while pointing at the computer ‘Casper’ had been tinkering with. But just before the Ghost could reply, a strange sound emitted from him into the room. Afterwards, his cloak activated and he rose through the ceiling and back into the city streets. Alice just watched his progress, amazed at his tech like a child is amazed when his father performs a magic trick, but also wondering what took him away so suddenly and what information would he have given them if he had stayed.