[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/1d/The_Immortal_Iron_Fist_(2007).png/revision/latest?cb=20130523002657[/img][/center] [b]March 20th, 2005 New York City, Chinatown 9:39 PM[/b] As Danny figured the girl immediately went on the attack, all fury and motion and power in one. As an angry tiger-themed human missile launched itself at him with enough force to take a grown man off of his feet and likely claw his eyes out in the same instant, Danny shifted his weight ever so slightly, looked at her dead on and [i]smiled.[/i] As he allowed her to collide with him he moved to intercept her force and turn it against her. Provided she wasn't much, much better and more clear-headed than he thought, he would lash around like a whipcord and redirect her own momentum into a lamp post just behind them, an adaptation of a basic aikido principle. As he moved to execute the two-handed throw he noticed the amulet hanging from her neck, its' jade tiger head like a blinding beacon to his third-eye. It's aura was unmistakable, and with recognition came a surging sense of alarm. Regardless of how his reversal played out he knew what he had to ask next. [color=seagreen]"What are you doing with that amulet!? How did you come to meddle with the sacred Jade Tiger of K'un-L'un!?" [/color] Admittedly he sounded like a character out of a bad Wuxia tale now, but the sudden reminder of home brought it out in him. Did this girl even know what she possessed? That the trinket she wore was a treasure beyond value, an artifact of power so dangerous that it could threaten the very existence of his home? He had to know, even if the only way to communicate with her was with his fists.