The squad, making sure no survivors were left, found only pink splatters and 'tiny' pieces of what at first appeared to be chunky salsa. Having found nothing else of immediate interest, they all went back outside and made sure to take their time to make certain that The Swarm would be relatively 'safe' when it got back to base. When they arrived, the Swarm was allowed in first and the engineers quickly began cleaning it thoroughly, putting anything suspicious in special, if jury-rigged canisters. Joe was put into the medical ward to get a thorough scan while the rest were debriefed. They were led into the briefing room, with Bill and Alexandra being called in as well. The Captain looks extremely happy with how it all went, considering. [color=8882be]"Due to the Pluggers' efforts, we'll likely be getting enough scrap that we can sell off for half of a million ICC, which is very, very far ahead of plan. As well, the actual useful components of the base can be used to prop up Smith's Rest, at least for a while. We can even re-use its' NC production hangar to bolster our own, and to help improve our industrial infrastructure on a civilian level. In essence, we got extremely lucky. Which, of course, I like. We also will likely see our standing in the world improve, the Ruling Companies are beginning to sell us parts, we received an additional contract offer, and we're currently preparing to negotiate with Volkov for one of their NC drop-ships.[/color] [color=8882be]"However... For obvious reasons, what enemies you did fight are severely worrying. Due to their tactics and Bishop's name, It's very likely they're part of a larger team. The rest, in theory Pawn, Knight, Queen, and King, will be angry with us. I consider it plausible, if not inevitable, that they'll be trying to hinder our efforts later on. This of course is not a complete failure on your parts', It's difficult to think of it this way but, perhaps a constant spanner in the works will make sure we're sharp."[/color] [color=8882be]"Finally, each of your personal quarters' has a console that can connect into the inter-corporate network. One of the few things the Ruling Companies ever agreed on, just a glorified shopping catalog to us right now. We'll be reserving a cut of the profits for you pilots, of course. If you so choose, you can order parts for your NC's and we'll install them how you wish. We'll know what you bought, and I'm sure we'll find a place to store it. After all, we did just get a bunch of extra space. Obviously, ammo won't be a concern to you, we'll handle that."[/color] [color=8882be]"Go to the barracks and use your free time I suppose, or check in on friends and family. We'll discuss our contract offers tomorrow, six A.M. sharp. Obviously, we'd highly prefer if you stayed here, but I suppose if you absolutely must sleep in your own home.. Just make absolutely certain you're not late. If so, you'll be 'fired' for leniency and the sacrifices we've made to get your NC will be in vain, so don't allow it.[/color] [color=8882be]"Dissmissed."[/color] As the Squad likely turn around to get out, Bill and Alex are still extremely giddy at the mere mention of one of Volkov's 'Dropships'. They move out at the dismissed and discuss about operating one of those behemoths right outside. Of course, they do wonder where the hell they'd put it.