[center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e7/Knightfall1.png/revision/latest?cb=20130208032859[/img] [i]“For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.”[/i] It is a time of conflict, as the Clone Wars rage throughout the Galaxy. The Jedi in their duty to the Republic have fought with the Clone Troopers side by side in this conflict. Bleeding together, sweating together and dying together. However everything is about to change, the war is about to end. Just not in a way anybody could have predicted. Unknown to the Jedi, Chancellor Palpatine who is secretly Darth Sidious has been playing them and both sides of the conflict to give him control over the entire galaxy and as General Grievous dies, he convinces a troubled Jedi named Anakin Skywalker that he is the one who can save his love. With fear that the Jedi wouldn’t understand the sacrifice he was making for Padmé and that once Padmé was safe he could imprison the Chancellor not truly understanding the plans the Sith had Anakin agreed to march upon the temple. To [b]kill[/b] all the Jedi at the Jedi Temple. The Jedi in their temple are unaware of what’s happening until the first shots are fired, the first bodies fall to the ground lifeless. There is panic, there is chaos. [i]Can you survive?[/i] [hr] Welcome, to Jedi Exile. In this roleplay we will be playing Jedi in the events directly following the start of Operation Knightfall, the attack on the Jedi Temple by the 501st Legion led by the recently dubbed Darth Vader. It will be tough, it will be hard. Though being Jedi we will find creative solutions to unexpected problems. Our goal is to first, survive. Second, escape. There will be clones, there will be things worse than clones. Though all hope is not lost, there are passages in the Temple that aren’t on records. Jedi willing to help, craft capable of travelling at speed and time to prepare. What route will be available to you? Or will you make your own? These are all unknown, but one undeniable truth is that Coruscant is not safe. The plan of this Roleplay is to explore what I personally feel is one of the most pivotal and interesting moments of the Star Wars Universe. The Jedi always beacons of hopes are declared as traitors by the Chancellor and he subsequently tries to have them all wiped out. When we escape we’ll need to think of a plan, Coruscant isn’t safe that’s for certain but where can our characters go? As Jedi all of their lives what can they do? Cool Lightsabers, Force Powers. We’ll have them, but I want to explore more into what it is to be a Jedi. Our characters beliefs will be tested, their lives will be torn to shreds and then they’ll be left wondering where to go next. It’s a big galaxy out there after all. [hr] If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. We will be playing a small group, I'm hoping that we'll be near the 6 Mark though depending on the players I may willing to accept more. [@Gowi][@Sloth] *Please standby, I'm having image problems in that the Guild doesn't want to have the title remain large. [/center]