[center][img]https://fanart.tv/api/download.php?type=download&image=15912§ion=3[/img][/center] Jean could sense the hesitation in Quicksilver's mind but she hoped he would pull through and choose the right side eventually. She knew he struggled against his conflicting emotions toward the Brotherhood and she was there for him as a companion and emotional guide just as much as the Professor was. As Lorelei's powers were rendered useless against the male X-men members. Avalanche decided to have a go next. He points his arms at the ground and the floor beneath Jean, Storm and Beast's feat was in the direct path of an earthquake that would tear the concrete apart from under their feet. Luckily Storm could fly and easily evade the attack. Jean used her levitation to lift her and Beast of the ground. Storm then conjures an electric bolt to strike at Avalanche, not so much that it would kill him, merely shock him into submission. As Jean puts Beast down, he roars and leaps at Blob. Jean stood in front of Lorelei and pointed one arm at her. "Make your move, Harlet." Her emerald eyes narrow at the she witch, daring her to try something against the mistress of telekinesis and telepathy. She would either read her moves before she made them or use anything towards her as a weapon. Either way Jean Grey was a formidable enemy that Lorelei made this day. She could not stand seeing a woman try to use men the way she did. This rubbed her up the wrong way and anger boiled up within her. She was more and more angry with each passing day. Was this due to her heartbreak over Scott and Lee finally reaching the surface? [center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/anime_vicky/Valkyrie%20logo%20self%20made_zpsqlnkwmth.png[/img][/center] Sabertooth snarls at the Asgardian Princess Sigyn reincarnate who did not yet fully realise her own legacy. “Clever girl.” He paces around her. Clay instinctively shoots at the cat like man, who was too quick to take a bullet. He leaps upward and toward Maria. Victoria's eyes grew wide, he was about to hurt a weaker agent. Her wings sprout forth and helps her glide over the sand, which picks up in a comet-like tail in her wake. Victoria's sword reaches Sabertooth before his claws impacted Maria. She brings it across his arm and slashes it through his flesh. He reels in agony on the floor but she watched his skin heal over. “Regeneration.” “Yes....like you. Valkyrie. We know all about you too.” Victor Creed stands fully upright. “We have interest in you as well. But we chose Hulk first. Now just imagine if we had Hulk AND Valkyrie DNA fused together, what madness we could create in this already mad world?” He jeers. “You're a monster.” Valkyrie shakes her head in disbelief at how someone could think of such evil things. “No. Hulk is the monster. I am merely an instigator!” He yells as he lunges toward her and claws into her shield. She turns her body to bring her shield down as she brings her sword hilt up and smacks him under the chin so hard it rendered him unconscious. Victor lay on the scorching ground lifeless. “The only monsters here are people like YOU.” She growls back. “Tag him and bring him aboard the Helicarrier. He'll lead us to his friends. Scan for some kind of tracking device within his body. It's likely they would put something under his skin and it would heal over.” She sheaths her blade and turns her gaze behind them as if something made her. She saw a figure in the distance, a wavy black silhouette on the edge of the horizon line. It carried a large hammer. It was walking away from them and disappeared. Victoria wasnt sure if this was real or a mirage. “That...way....” She points in the direction of where the figure appeared. She felt as if she'd seen a ghost from her past. A flash of a red cape enters her mind. Being embraced by someone warm and large in comfort. Was it just a memory or a taste of things to come? She did not know. “Why that way?” Maria asks as Clay drags a tied up Sabertooth across the floor toward the small jet. “I feel as though...someone or some..thing out there is helping us. Guiding us.” Victoria drifts off in her own world and looks toward the sky. “A power we cannot yet understand.” A vulture passes by overhead and squawks. ---- On the helipad, Sabertooth was in one of their cells. Victoria headed the navigation and stood where usually the director would, guiding the pilots. “How long do we go this way, Ma'am?” “Until I say so.” She was sure she would receive another sign in due time. The first sign of the silhouetted figure indeed showed her the way the Team X's plane flew. They were following its fume trail as a scientist confirmed from the lab. Valkryie nodded her head in acknowledgement at the message and folds her arms. “Hold on Bruce Banner. We're coming.”