[center][h2][color=#00EBEB][U][B]Tsūretsu, Shinmyōko[/B] - [I]Futashika Arashi[/I][/U][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/971/3113bf9c627a173c86b5b8c8a8bcb48cb356e91d.png?976428[/img][/center] [hider=General Data][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Tsūretsu(Bitter), Shinmyōko(Meek child). [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] Futashika arashi(The Uncertain storm)/ Inmyō; Ōko; Tsuu; Retsu. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Female. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 26. [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 19. [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Heterosexual. [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] Kirigakure. [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] Kirigakure. [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] The Peacekeepers. [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai:[/U][/B] Tsūretsu/Fuhon'i jun'nō. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] B rank. [U][I]Position:[/I][/U] TBA. [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Wind+water+fire(Netsuton). [url=http://safebooru.org//images/989/3207af4778bd84d2e8bcca5c0c756c0e30d26f82.jpg?994610]Additional Appearance Details:[/url] Wearing her head protector as a belt, Shinmyōko stands at 5'2 and weighs a bit above average for her height. [B][U]History:[/U][/B] Born, raised, and trained in Kirigakure, Shinmyōko had a lot of trouble in her earlier years. Always having been a bit timid, she was often protected by her parents and eventually it came to become something of a weakness. Despite her efforts she always found the use of jutsu a difficult task, especially ninjutsu. Still with rigorous training and discipline, as despite being timid she was quite responsible, she managed to learn even some of the more advanced jutsu of her clan. She however, did not prefer these techniques and only learned them to please her family and her clan. So, as she grew up, becoming a genin worthy of the chuunin exams, she found a passion of her own, though she kept it a secret. Eventually, when the exams began and reached the arena, her style was revealed. Taijutsu augmented by her clan's powerful Kekkei Tōta, better known as nintaijutsu, or in her case kekkei nintaijutsu. Actually failing her first exams, but impressing her father and mother alike, they helped her train harder and helped her begin to blossom as a person as well, to become more than the timid little girl that people saw on the outside. Coming of age was hard for her, others made fun of her --particularly the more well-endowed girls-- for her lacking physique, and her confidence lowered. However, when it again came to the exams and she was matched against one of them, they soon found out who was superior. Her match began in silence, the two kunoichi stalking each other with narrowed eyes. Shinmyōko just kept eye contact until her opponent finally rushed her, preforming handseals and sending an eruption of flame in her direction. There were only moments to spare, and in those moments she burst through the flames, unhindered by their raging heat, and struck the girl with 6 successive strikes, fists augmented by cold and hot alike, driving her away in one final strike where she slammed into the wall with great force. The girl had to be carried off, but she was merely unconscious and her wounds would not be severe, despite her strong dislike Shinmyōko had shown restraint and it was this that gained her rank. From there on her confidence grew, but she was still a bit more quiet spoken and withdrawn then the rest. Something different began to happen though, she as approached by others, she began to make friends. This brought joy into her life and her skills only improved, eventually allowing her to accomplish much in her youth, even elevating her to jounin rank for splendid performance and leadership. She has been a jounin for two years now and would be settling into her position if Kirigakure had not erupted into civil war around the same time she became a jounin. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Shinmyōko is a bit quiet and reserved, but she is overall a fairly happy woman who either wears a smile or a serious expression. She is often seen to be somewhat happy, with a subtle smile on her face despite the seriousness in her eyes. She is rather vulnerable emotionally, but she has many friends and is confident in her own abilities. One could call her strong as despite her shortcomings, as she is no genius, she has persevered to better herself over the 26 years of her life. Overall she is a rather determined, loyal, and caring individual with an eye for talent and a strong sense of justice. [Url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLqiQWAXQh8]Theme:[/url] Two Steps From Hell - Winter Spell.[/hider] [hider=Equipment][B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X flash tags. X kunai X wire[/hider] [hider=Combat Data][B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Resistant to both heat and/or cold. Above average chakra control. Low resistance to genjutsu. Skilled in nintaijutsu. No skill in genjutsu. Average Durability. Large chakra pool. Physically strong. High Stamina. Fairly quick. Flexible. Agile. [B]Name of Kekkei Tōta:[/B] Fuhon'i jun'nō([sub]不本意順応[/sub] [I]'Unwilling Acclimation'[/I]). [B]Clan:[/B] Tsūretsu. [B]Description:[/B] A genetically locked Kekkei Tōta attributed to members of the Tsūretsu clan, this advanced elemental affinity allows its users to manipulate Netsuton([sub]熱遁[/sub] [i]'Heat release'[/i]), which is created via the combination of wind, water, and fire. This elemental affinity, as its name implies, manipulates thermal energy. This allows even the average inheritor to shift materials, though primarily water, through the three states of matter commonly found on earth--whereas advanced users can create plasma as well. Due to their affinity suffusing their body to an extent, members of the Tsūretsu clan gain a resistance to both heat and the lackthereof, eventually making them highly resistant to ice and fire affinity techniques. It should be noted that Netsuton is offensively weak to the lightning affinity whereas the strongest defense against it is earth affinity chakra. ========================================= [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Prison_Technique]Suirō no Jutsu(Water Prison Technique)[/url]: Only useful for containment, or defense, after battle(s). [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Sky_Convergence]Suiton: Suiten Hōfutsu(Water Release: Water-Heavens Convergence)[/url]: Linked to her KT. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Rising_Water_Slicer]Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri(Water Release: Rising Water Slicer)[/url]: 10 yard max range. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Ice_Release:_Swallow_Snow_Storm]Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki(Ice Release: Swallow Snow storm)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Great_Sphere]Shinkū Taikyoku(Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Running_Fire]Katon: Hibashiri(Fire Release: Running Fire)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Blade_of_Wind]Kaze no Yaiba(Blade of Wind)[/url] [i]*Hyōton Techniques do not require preexisting Ice.[/i] [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Netsuton: Zōkyō([sub]熱遁: 増強[/sub] [i]'Heat Release: Augmentation'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Supplementary Kekkei Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-A. {B}. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 12. [B]Description:[/B] By preforming the 12 handseals of this technique, the user's Kekkei Tōta becomes active in all jutsu used thereafter thus allowing them to control the heat and pressure systems of said techniques with varying levels of ease. Mastery of this technique allows the user to actually create weaker versions of particular jutsu and used clever tricks to amplify their strength rather than utilize an inherently stronger jutsu on command. The trade off for this is that these smaller jutsu will take more time to form and gain strength due to the increased complexity. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique takes a constant, but very small, drain on the user's chakra proportional to the amount and strength of the jutsu used. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Natsu·fuyu no tensō([sub]夏·冬の転送[/sub] [i]'Summer-winter Transfer'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei Nintaijutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 7. [B]Description:[/B] By manipulating the pressure, and thus heat, systems of air in front of and behind the user, a stream of air is created which follows their movements. This air stream's direction --via temperature and pressure-- alters by the will and bodily movements of the user. This means that if the user is running towards an enemy with this active, it will create a strong breeze to push them at an increased pace towards their target. This gives something of a supplementary attack as the air behind the user is particularly hot and the air in front of them is rather frigid. This technique can speed someone up about as much as 1-2 times. [B]Weakness:[/B] While this technique is in use no techniques above C rank can be activated due to the focus required. The chakra cost for this technique is moderate, but constant meaning the longer it is active the more chakra is taken to supply it. Useable for up to 8 minutes with a cool-down time of 4. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Gokkan no kōgake([sub]極寒の甲掛け[/sub] [i]'Frigid Gauntlet'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei nintaijutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton: Hyōton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] One of two techniques, Gokkan no kōgake uses the inheritor's netsuton to form a gauntlet of intense cold around one, or both, hands. There is a layer of protective chakra around the hands and forearms to defend from the possibility of frostbite or the like. The cold is intense enough to cause burnsor intense damage to exposed tissues. This thus augments the user's hits with either a cold wave upon contact, or it simply causes increased damage. Articles of clothing or armor can and likely will be damaged by this technique. The air around the technique can be seen to ripple with a light bluish glow but has no otherwise telltale signs. [B]Weakness:[/B] Can only be maintained for a maximum of 2 minutes. Useable for up to 6 strikes after which the jutsu will disperse in a wave of chill. Weak to fire affinity techniques, but also good at serving as a slight defense against them. Takes a set amount of chakra and then remains active for that amount of time. Cannot be used without access to her arms/hands. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Yakitsuku kōgake([sub]焼き付く甲掛け[/sub] [i]'Scorch Gauntlet'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei nintaijutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton: Katon. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] One of two techniques, Yakitsuku kōgake uses the inheritor's netsuton to form a gauntlet of intense heat around one, or both, hands. There is a layer of protective chakra around the hands and forearms to defend from the dangerous heat. The air around the technique can be seen to ripple with a reddish glow but has no otherwise telltale signs. The heat is strong enough to cause 2nd or 3rd degree burns on contact, but if the hand is held on an opponent it can carbonize the flesh due to the increased focus of doing this. The user can fire off up to 2 heat-waves which can only cause 1st degree burns but also serve as a buffering wind. Materials that are more conducive to heat will be more easily damaged by this technique. [B]Weakness:[/B] Can only be maintained for a maximum of 2 minutes. Useable for up to 6 strikes after which the jutsu will disperse in a wave of heat. Weak to ice, water, and lightning affinity techniques, but serves as a slight defense against water and ice. Takes a set amount of chakra and then remains active for that amount of time. Cannot be used without access to her arms/hands. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Netsuton: Kao no Hayate([sub]熱遁: 顔の疾風[/sub] [i]'Heat Release: Visage tempest'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei Nintaijutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 10. [B]Description:[/B] By exuding physicalized Netsuton chakra, the user programs it with the jutsu's 10 handseals after which the chakra forms a cloak of heat/cold potential with a similar shape to the kyuubi's 1-tail cloak. This cloak shields the user from both intense hot and cold thus allowing them to charge right through most non-piercing water, ice, or fire techniques. All strikes become augmented with both hot and cold as first a wave of heat is sent off followed by a wave of more intense cold. The heat can nearly cause 1st degree burns, but it is the cold that is dangerous as the heat prepares the body for more of itself only for it to be struck with what amounts to a gaseous wave of ice, or rather frigid air. This can actually freeze clothing completely and cause it to shatter or melt if heat or movement occurs. This cold, if continued exposure is allowed, will cause frostbite and then severe frostbite if one is not careful. Coming into direct physical contact with the cloak causes overexposure within a space of 6 seconds. Overexposure is when the cells are exposed to near simultaneous intense heat and cold which causes them to lose their ability to reproduce, and increases the rate that the exposed cells die at. This effect however does not spread, but should an entire limb be enveloped within the cloak's chakra it should simply be amputated due to the high probability of chakra poisoning. The user's speed is amplified similarly to Natsu·fuyu no tensō. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique is incredibly weak against lightning and will only last for up to 4 minutes max with 1 use per battle per half a day. This technique takes about 2/3rds of her chakra stores despite the short amount of time that it lasts. This technique, after it falls, stops the user from utilizing techniques above D rank for 1-2 minutes. Causes immense physical strain, thus after its deactivation the user's nerves are incredibly sensitive to stimuli, particularly through the sense of touch. Decreased agility, flexibility, and strength after use. No other jutsu can be activated during its use. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Netsuton: Taiki no sai kōsei([sub]熱遁: 大気の再校正[/sub] [i]'Heat Release: Atmospheric re-calibration'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] B-S. {B} [B]Range:[/B] 15 yard radial hemisphere. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Netsuton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 14. [B]Description:[/B] This technique is executed by pushing Netsuton chakra from the body and into an amorphous cloud of moisture or by spreading this moisture out over a radius. Once this is done the user can apply their advanced shape manipulation to the cloud/area allowing it to shift shape, attack, defend, at their whim. 6 seconds of contact with this chakra causes overexposure, as explained in the previous technique. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique requires essentially all of the user's chakra besides the base amount needed to think correctly, remain conscious, and use for limited dodging and the guiding of their now externalized chakra. This technique remains active for 5 minutes after which the user is too drained to move. Her lower mastery of this technique makes it less powerful and disallows her from creating complex pressure/heat patterns and shapes from and within the cloud.[/hider] [color=007236][center][h2][U][B]Soria of the Forest[/B][/U][/h2][h3][I]Tetsukuzu[/I][/h3][/center][/color][center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/136/0/c/Hakuouki___Hijikata_Toshizo_by_TieriaNadleeh.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=General Data] [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Soria Senju-Tetsukuzu. [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] Soria of the Forest. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 32. [U][I]Age Appearance:[/I][/U] Late twenties-early thirties. [U][I]Sexuality:[/I][/U] Heterosexual. [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] Kyokujitsugakure. [U][I]Birthplace:[/I][/U] Land of the Rising Sun - Forest of Death. [U][I]Organization:[/I][/U] N/A. [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai:[/U][/B] Senju-Tetsukuzu/Mokuton – Shizen no megumare-noroi. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] S ranked shinobi. [i][u]Position:[/u][/i] Advisor to the Sankage and Senju clan Head. [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Yang, Natural, and Mokuton[Augmented]. Soria is incapable of using Water and Earth individually/directly. [U][I]Other Appearance Details:[/I][/U]Soria's eyes are a light soft almost navy green, likened to gray somewhat often, and described as serene and expressive. He stands at the height of 5'10 with a fairly lean muscular build and a toned weight suitable to one fit for his height. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] By the guiding hands of nature and fate's subtle chorus he has come to be as he is now, a man of understanding, calm, and rationale. Unswayed by the seductions of darker forces Soria has, for the moment, decided to tread quite purely through the path of light. With a kindness gilding his heart and a serenity dwelling in his emerald eyes he moves through life, assisting those who might need it, and trudging through the obstacles presented him by nature's hand. In essence he is much like his element of habit. Roots strong enough to pierce and weed their way through stone, conquering all opposition; branches ambitious enough to reach into the sky and grasp at all in their breadth; and leaves expansive enough to shade his loved ones, those whom he cares deeply and would die for. Yet, there is one aspect to his nature that is rather disharmonic to the rest, and this is the seed of anger and hatred bottled deep in his core. With so many of his dearest friends and family gone -brothers slaughtered by an unknown foe, father died at the hands of who knows, and mother who met an end from the birth of his little sister- it would be difficult to be unaffected. In this way, deep beneath the surface of his calm is a beast so horrible that it might devour him whole if left unchecked. However, this anger and intense hatred is saved only for those who provoke him or are a true threat to all that he loves, for he is not one easily manipulated, and he is far from naive. So, in the end, it is only time that will reveal the finality of his existence. Time and the sway of nature over his being, and a powerful sway it is. [B][I]History:[/I][/B] Soria is an individual who has been tested ever so often in his life with each successive trial being more difficult than the next, and each trumped respectively. Born to a family already with 2 siblings, Soria grew up the baby brother under his elder siblings Kentari and Kishibu. Often made fun of by his brothers for his love of nature, he was the most prominent in adapting as his Kekkei genkai took root at an accelerated rate to his brothers. Being rather diminutive in his size as a youth he did not inspire much but more ridicule as he and his brothers grew and shifted their competitions to more meaningful areas. They began experimenting in the areas of ninjutsu, tutored mostly by their father, except for Soria. Having grown tired and angry at the ridicule he received from his brothers, he would often go to his mother's garden. His dearest mother, Reisei Tetsukuzu, would comfort him, her youngest and dearest child, for many years and teach him her ways and skills, skills that she had not even taught Kishibu, the eldest among them. His tutelage under Reisei continued even through the months of her 4th pregnancy, the one that would bear her the most precious of her children: Haruka, her only daughter. Feeling incredibly happy at his realization, Soria ran to the garden a few days after, only to be met by his father, Moriyama Senju, with a sad look and words of sympathy. Soria had never seen his daddy so distraught. Yet, even while he was told of the tragedy, of his mother's death, he noticed that neither of his elder siblings were present. Even as tears ran down his cheeks, he could not help but feel the betrayal of their absence. This was the first seed of anger in his heart. Growing ever faster he tended, and still does to this day, the garden of his deceased mother, using the abilities granted him by his heritage and her kind lessons to assure its survival. The days passed and yet still his brothers did not return, even his father had left him now, traveling alone, unable to bear the memories of his dead wife's home. It hurt and the seeds of betrayal sprouted anew, and he further withdrew into himself. His only solace was his garden, and the small child that had been left in his care, for not even her father would watch over the child who had killed his beloved. For a time Soria had thought the same, but, seeing the neediness and loneliness in the baby's tiny eyes he understood he could not let her die. Years passed and she continued to grow. He could no longer manage her, restrict her, and protect her on his own, or so he felt. He sent out a message, she needed her family, they would have to come back. For the first time, his relatives heeded his call and so came his brothers. His father never arrived and Soria took him for a traitor and a coward. Kentari, the kinder of his elder brothers, began to take a liking to their little sister, playing with her often and teaching her small and harmless jutsu. Afterall she did have the talent. It was in this time when Soria bid his brothers ado and departed their home, his home, for the first time. The world was in turmoil, war, and chaos. Yet in the horrible symphony of death and destruction he found a light, another garden, and a girl. Her name was Shinsei, and she was a girl who had been given a heinous blessing disguised in the face of a curse, the power over life and death. She was a sad girl and he couldn't help himself, he approached her, and guided her deadly hands with no fear of her power. He helped her tend to the garden, with a smile, and he took a liking to her. A liking that he decided to mention too late. Bandits attacked the compound and he was drawn into the fray. In an attempt to assure Shinsei's safety he threw down a bomb of smoke and quickly pulled himself and the bandits beneath the earth, the strength of his vines far surpassing their own human limits. As the smoke cleared, they were all gone. - - - - - - War and pain, battles and strain, loss and gain, again and again. It all went on, the years that followed were some of his hardest. They were the last years of his brother's lives, and the ending of his tragedies. After a time serving under his father Moriyama, he beseeched the man that he be allowed leave. He had to make sure that his mother's home had gone unharmed. Finally allowed to go he set off, only to arrive far too late. For while he had been gone dealing with the scuffles of clans and village skirmishes, his closest family members had been slaughtered.... The blood of his kin, of both his brothers, soaked the compound and he found their mangled bodies at the edges of the garden. The flowers now bloomed a crimson, dark in its color, and it was in this moment of tears and anger that he heard a voice, Kentari's voice "k-keep her safe b-brother. We...I, she is special." These were his brother's last words, last words that he would never forget. Yet, as he wept before the fire as it spread, burning at the garden he had done so much to protect and nurture, Haruka pulled at his clothes and extricated him from the inferno as he stared blankly into space. Why was he forced to lose so much? As if to ascertain the hopelessness, they were attacked on their travels back to the Senju compound. Mysterious shinobi and their kunoichi counter parts assailed them, evidently targeting Haruka. Soria was done, he would never again lose another of his loved ones and so at the risk of his life and humanity, he exerted the full extent of his control over the forces naturally present in their surroundings... The result? Pandemonium. Exhausted and bloody, he was dragged, Haruka using whatever little strength she could, towards the closest safe haven she could figure. It was a miracle really, what saved them that was, for out of the forest emerged one final kunoichi: Shinsei. The same girl he had gifted those gloves so many years ago, seven to be exact. It filled him with a familiar sensation and a kind of joy, she had survived, and she had grown up to surpass the sadness he had once seen so strongly in her eyes. Not only that, but as the years continued to pass and the two of them grew closer, his dearest sister, Ruka-chan along side him all the while. Finally marrying, Soria soon received word of his father's state, he had departed this mortal coil, he was the successor. Taking the message in stride, Soria, Shinsei, and Haruka prepared to depart for Kyokujitsugakure. Alas, on their journey in the dead of night, Haruka disappeared. To this day Soria has been unable to find any trace of her whereabouts, much to his disappointment. The remainder of his family dead or allegedly kidnapped, Soria and Shinsei continued their trekk to Kyokujitsugakure where he reunited with Ayameko, one of many whom he had served alongside during the 15 year Shinobi War. Explaining his situation to his old comrade, sensei, and friend Soria came to reside in her village and eventually become one of her advisors. To this day he works alongside her, fostering peace and expanding their nation all whilst living with his wife in his personal haven near the edge of the village—not to mention leading what remain of the Senju. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=Ip-4WZmHpCc]Theme:[/url] Cristian Onofreiciuc - Cosmic Web.[/hider] [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X shuriken. X kunai. X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. Additionally Soria carries several pouches at his waist, each of which contains one hundred or so seeds. There are exactly six pouches. Plants grown from these seeds will naturally be infused with Soria's chakra. However, Soria must utilize a set sum of chakra per seed to cause it to grow at its accelerated rate.[/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Extremely knowledgeable in botany, natural chakra, and nature He lacks proficiency in strength, speed, and agility Knows only the very basics of Tai and Kenjutsu Keen understanding of the human body Rather vulnerable to most genjutsu Enhanced chakra regeneration Large Chakra Reserves Effective at mid-range Genius level intellect Powerful Life Force Incredibly durable Skilled in Tactics [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Mokuton - Shizen no megumare-noroi (木遁 - 自然の恵まれ-呪い 'Wood release - Nature's blessed-curse') [B]Clan:[/B] Senju/Tetsukuzu. [B]Description:[/B] With the forbidden union of Soria's father, Moriyama Senju, and his blessed mother, Reisei Tetsukuzu, this Kekkei genkai was born. With the blood of the Senju giving its life and synchronicity with the natural world and the Tetsukuzu's nature of understanding and connection with their surroundings a new mutation in the Senju genome occurred birthing forth a unique form of the Mokuton. Rather than simply empower the bodies and merge the water and earth affinities, the Shizen no megumare-noroi causes the inheritor's body and genetics to become excessively malleable. In Soria's case, and formerly in the case of Kishibu his now sadly passed on eldest brother, it causes his mokuton nature to quite literally take root in his body. Due to the prolonged interactions with his affinity and his extensive training, his Mokuton has become less just a chakratic affinity and more a part of his being. He is something of a combination of flora and human DNA at this point, though primarily he IS in fact human. This causes Soria to have a much more attuned sense of his surroundings and actually allows him to use both created and natural vegetation to his greater advantage. While he is certainly no sensory ninja, the flora that share a symbiotic bond with his body have allowed him to better understand the forces which keep both human and plant-life around. This has caused him to have an innate understanding of both water and earth as well as a unique appreciation for the sun and its fiery light. Thus throughout his life his body has become a unique mixture of flora and human allowing him some rather unique traits. First of all Soria, while unable to do so at a notable speed, is capable of absorbing natural energy through the plant life around him. Secondly Soria is capable of passively regenerating with the tax of his chakra and the amount of useable chakra, both natural and otherwise. In the category of a tertiary ability Soria has gained the capability to modify plant DNA on the fly. However, this tertiary capability has required rigorous training and effort for him to master and fully utilize, and, in particular, it is the ability that makes his brand of Mokuton so unique. After all, he rarely uses the 'tree' based mokuton, rather preferring to utilize the surrounding flora to his advantage. This is, in essence, his kekkei genkai, though there is one final detail to express. Simply that it is a double edged sword as his secondary ability essentially means that with every wound he progressively loses more of his humanity, gradually becoming more and more plant-like. A dark secret indeed, one that he has kept to himself above all else, in fact only his siblings knew of the curse, only his siblings...and 3 of them are dead. [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [I][sub]All basic and academy level techniques.[/sub][/I] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release:_Cutting_Technique]Mokuton: Sashiki no Jutsu(Wood Release: Cutting Technique)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release:_Four-Pillar_Prison_Technique]Mokuton: Shichūrō no Jutsu(Wood Release: Four-Pillar Prison Technique)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release:_Transformation]Mokuton: Henge(Wood Release: Transformation)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release:_Wood_Locking_Wall]Mokuton: Mokujōheki(Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release:_Great_Forest_Technique]Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu(Wood Release: Great Forest Technique)[/url] [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Shurei onjin - Shinzui ten no Utsuri([I]种类恩人- 真髄転の移[/I] 'Kind patron - Transference of essence'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Direct or indirect contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Yang; Natural; Mokuton. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] By studying his wife's jutsu, Hakei Saisei, Soria has engineered a technique that allows him to utilize his nature chakra and natural affinity for mokuton and yang to infuse dying organisms with additional life energy. However, while Shinsei's technique can also transfer and take energy, this technique cannot and only allows him to infuse flora with life. He can also utilize this technique to infuse elemental ninjutsu with strength, or to infuse naturally occurring elements with it utilizing the Shizen-kai no zōkyō. [B]Weakness:[/B] Direct or indirect contact must be made with the subject that Soria wishes to effect. This can only be applied via his plants or his physical body. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Shizen-kai no zōkyō([I]自然界の増強[/I] 'Augmentation of the Natural Realm'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Direct contact; Indirect contact; Within 6 yards. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Natural. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] By utilizing Shurei onjin - Shinzui ten no Utsuri, Soria is capable of infusing notably inanimate entities with what amounts to life. This is a rather taxing technique when used in this fashion however, this is not its only use. Generally, Soria uses this technique to amplify both his own mokuton jutsu and surrounding flora for a unique effect. When applied to surrounding flora it will amplify their growth and evolutionary potential greatly and strengthen the defense and structure of the plant(s). This causes the plants within a 6 yard radius, or subjected to his direct or indirect contact to become at least twice as resistant to normal weaknesses, such as fire (C rank resistance). When applied to his mokuton jutsu it amplifies their resistance even further due to their already augmented form via his unique chakra affinities, thus they become more resistant to B rank and below fire jutsu, though they can still be damaged if the jutsu is potent enough. Additionally they gain a natural resistance to being cut causing even steel blades to have trouble cutting through in a single fell swoop. [B]Weakness:[/B] Limited range. Augmenting surrounding flora is more taxing than augmenting his mokuton jutsu. Chakra cost is dependent on how many jutsu are amplified and the rank of said jutsu, or simply by the sheer amount of plant-life surrounding Soria within a 6 yard radius. Augmenting inanimate entities is twice as difficult and takes intense focus. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Chō shizen no shinka([I]超自然の進化[/I] 'Supernatural evolution'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Natural; Yang. [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] By utilizing already established connections with the plants under his control including ones formed from his jutsu directly, Soria will activate or modify portions of their DNA respectively and alter the plant's evolutionary probabilities. Simultaneously he will cause plants to cross pollinate despite the type of plant and thus cause them to share or take on processes of their neighbors upon dropping seeds. In essence this technique speeds up the growth cycle of the particular plants and allows Soria to also alter and activate dormant strands of DNA to his own purposes. [B]Weakness:[/B] Despite the processes of the plants being much quicker than normal, the technique still takes time to so greatly modify their nature and purpose. Depending on the complexity of the changes to the given organism, this jutsu will take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. This techniques takes a constant, but negligible drain on Soria's chakra. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Shizen niku no dōka([I]自然肉の同化[/I] 'Assimilation of the Natural flesh'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Yang; Natural; Mokuton – Shizen no megumare-noroi [B]Handseals:[/B] 6. [B]Description:[/B] By utilizing his own flesh and unique DNA sequence, Soria propagates his symbiotic cells and either splits them off from his body or further amplifyies their growth speed with yang while regulating their purpose and balance with natural energy and the Mokuton - Shizen no megumare-noroi. This propagation and purposing of cells takes two turns which each chain into their own unique technique. The cells created from this technique are especially vulnerable until entered into their completed forms. [B]Weakness:[/B] Chakra and focus intensive. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Kyōsei([I]共生[/I] 'Symbiosis'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] S. [B]Range:[/B] Direct or Indirect contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Yang; Natural; Mokuton - Shizen no megumare-noroi. [B]Handseals:[/B] 2. [B]Description:[/B] By utilizing Shizen niku no dōka and keeping the propagating flesh either on himself or implementing it with another individual, he can replace and regrow limbs or body parts entirely. This technique is an extremely advanced healing technique and cannot be used in battle. However, he can utilize the application of this and split a portion of the propagated flesh from his body, using it to track or mark targets as long as the symbiotic cells remain attached. [B]Weakness:[/B] Not useable in battle. Takes time to adapt the cells to other individuals for use in healing. Incredibly chakra intensive. Relies on the use of Shizen nku no dōka. Additionally, direct or indirect contact is required. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Mori no ko([I]森の子[/I] 'Child of the Forest'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] S. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Yang; Natural; Mokuton - Shizen no megumare-noroi. [B]Handseals:[/B] 4. [B]Description:[/B] By first utilizing Shizen niku no dōka, Soria then splits up to two portions of it from his body and purposes the cells with a format almost identical to his own. The cells will propagate and alter their purposes, forming vines of mixed symbiotic cells until they weave together and form up to two clones. This jutsu is unique in that, if coupled with a slight use of Kyōsei to extract cells from another individual, it can create what amounts to an almost exact physical copy of either the user or designated individual. These clones are capable of utilizing all of Soria's jutsu with the exclusion of Shurei onjin - Shinzui ten no Utsuri. The thing that makes these clones so special is they acquire the ability to merge with other flora seamlessly, either to imbue their life force and partial sentience, to hide, or for another purpose, such as traveling between the connections of flora much like [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mayfly]Kagerō[/url], though detectable and only with the sacrifice of all other jutsu while in use. Additionally these clones cannot be dispersed, an aspect worked in by Soria's studies of the Moku bunshin no jutsu. Additionally, due to the Mori no ko's strange nature, any damage done to the clone will appear the same as if you had damaged the actual Soria. The only notable difference between Mori no ko and Soria himself is their lack of totally independent sentience and the fact that the chakra system of any given Mori no ko is not nearly as complex as the chakra system of a living being, this is their only derivative and thus they essentially trick all dōjutsu with the sole exclusion of the byakugan. It should be noted that when material from a Mori no ko gets on someone, it can be tracked or tapped into by Soria in much the same was that Kyōsei can be used. [B]Weakness:[/B] The clones are limited to two at any given time, Soria can only create 8 of these, in total, before becoming totally exhausted regardless of his extensive chakra pool and natural energy. While they cannot be dispersed, Mori no ko can be damaged like any other being and can and will become crippled or die from extensive wounds. A single clone takes a whole 20 seconds to fully form and become useable making them especially vulnerable until fully formed. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Genshi-ko no taihai([I]原始子の退廃[/I] 'Decadence of the Primal Child'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] S+ [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Yang; Natural; Mokuton - Shizen no megumare-noroi. [B]Handseals:[/B] 10. [B]Description:[/B] Soria's best hidden, most advanced, and darkest jutsu, the Genshi-ko no taihai is a well guarded secret. Created through something of an accident and an attempt to vent the seed of hatred in his core, Soria utilized Shizen niku no dōka and the result was this unnaturally jet-black seed. Beginning to grow at a rate far out of Soria's control, the seed parasitically sapped his chakra almost to the point of death, even robbing him of a few years of his life in the process. Having barely managed to cut the flow of the seed, Soria found that its presence latched on to the secret garden of his laboratory and began to drain the life force of the surrounding flora as well. He quickly suppressed and cut its link once more, but not before it had accumulated an absolutely astonishing amount of chakra that he could not risk extracting without danger to his life and those of the surrounding individuals and nature itself. Bottom-line, the Genshi-ko no taihai is an extreme parasitic life form of unknown intelligence and filled with the blackness of Soria's hate and anger. To keep it as isolated from its surroundings, Soria has actually designed part of his internal body to house the Genshi-ko no taihai safely. This area of his body cuts off the seed from growth and the rest of Soria's body, becoming the literal seed of hate and anger inside of him. Incidentally, Soria can, at the risk of himself, draw upon the massive chakra within the seed by temporarily allowing it to cannibalize on his negative emotions and degrade his life force at an exceptional rate. The only individual who knows anything regarding the Genshi-ko no taihai is his wife, Shinsei, and it should be noted that should he ever have to use this technique and its corresponding evil for longer than even a minute, he would be consumed and the consequences would be impossible to predict. [B]Weakness:[/B] Listed in the jutsu itself. This allows an extremely limited, 30 yard hemisphere negative emotions sensing ability –the ability can only sense very strong killing intent, hatred, and anger. [/hider]