[quote=@Archangel89] [@Dedonus] I'm currently working on my sample but is there anything about my sheet that needs work so far? [/quote] While I am perfectly fine with the characters being "vanilla" (i.e. almost identical to their 616 universe counterparts), it is kind of obvious that you heavily used Marvel Wikia to construct the history/bio section in your character sheet. While I have nothing against using Marvel Wikia, you relied on it so much that you can still pick out phrases that are copied word by word from Marvel Wikia. If you could try to reword it a little bit more, I would really appreciate it. See my character sheets for some examples how I used my own words to write Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, and Hawkeye's character sheets. [u]Spider-Man[/u]: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76031-all-star-marvel-audax-mundus-novus/char#post-2365583]Character Sheet[/url] [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Peter_Parker_(Earth-616)]Marvel Wikia[/url] [u]Ms. Marvel[/u]: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76031-all-star-marvel-audax-mundus-novus/char#post-2741042]Character Sheet[/url] [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Carol_Danvers_(Earth-616)]Marvel Wikia[/url] [u]Hawkeye[/u]: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76031-all-star-marvel-audax-mundus-novus/char#post-2472614]Character Sheet[/url] [url=http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Clinton_Barton_(Earth-616)]Marvel Wikia[/url]