[hr] [b][center][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/038/6/0/8222_render_batman_by_gbmpersonal-d5u6laz.png[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]University of Gotham, Coventry (11:41 PM)[/b][/center] The best line of business is to disarm, disorient, and incapacitate. As the name suggests, the idea is to use a tranquilizer capsule that’s built into my guantlets for tactical ejection onto a battlefield. The right aimed shot and it can take out several men in seconds— something that we have done many times before. The tranquilizer is a modified dosage of fentanyl that can render a small mob into unconsciousness in the matter of seconds. I’ve caught a maximum of three criminals at a time with one capsule, so we should have enough if we make our shots count. As I click my feet to the left, Robin clicks his to the right and we glide down hands out as we prepare to do what Dick so affectionately calls “the gas attack”. Sometimes it makes me question if I made the right choice in partner. Heh. [i][indent][h3]THK![/h3][/indent][/i] I land flat on a lamp-post as the fentanyl gas-enhanced smoke erupts around the group of anti-mutant terrorists and you can begin to hear them screaming in surprise before the sound of their bodies hitting the pavement is heard in succession. My hand reaches to my utility belt and presses a button down and the power drops for the entire parking lot; as I do this I notice Robin land above the smoke on the top of one of the Purifier’s vans. [i][color=A93838]“Five out of Eight down, Batman.”[/color][/i] I can hear Robin chime in over communication channels. Good. The sound of scrambling as the assortment of student’s retreat away from the parking lot as the Purifiers left with assault rifles and submachine guns point their guns up to the sky. They know we’re here, they’d have to be stupid to think it’d be anybody else. I’m not too surprised, this is Sandman’s neighborhood so perhaps they expected to deal with him first? If that was the case they would’ve brought gas masks. So the only other answer is that they’re stupid or were too overeager to test their little canister of chemicals. At least I stopped them from injecting it into a student. That’s when I hear a bone-chilling scream as I notice that Dr. Jason Woodrue, the Purifier with the labcoat with syringe in hand has grabbed a red-headed student. She must’ve been in shock or grabbed when we dropped down. Damn it. [i][b]“If you don’t come after me and let me go, nothing happens to this girl!”[/b][/i] He exclaims before running off in the opposite direction: into the local community garden. [color=black]“Robin.”[/color] [i][color=A93838]“Already on it.”[/color][/i] Excellent. That leaves two men with assault rifles for me. [color=black]“Good. Be careful.”[/color] [i][color=A93838]“Aren’t I always?”[/color][/i] After dealing with these two gunmen I’m going to have to call Sandman to pick up the chemicals the Purifiers intended on using before SHIELD or GCPD respond. I cannot allow this chemical to be lying around with the few lackeys of the likes of The Joker or Scarecrow left who were not apprehended. [color=black]“Alfred. Contact Sandman, tell him to get to Parking Lot C of the University Campus immediately.”[/color] [i][color=darkgray]“Will do. Anything else?”[/color][/i] [color=black]“Put ORACLE on red alert, see if anything else out of the ordinary is happening tonight.”[/color] [i][color=darkgray]“The ‘ordinary’, right.”[/color][/i]