[quote=@DrewVonAwesome] Yeah certainly we'll cross the bridge when we get there, but I feel like part of the set up is what will Hulk do to require being launched into space anyways? Also yeah I meant Skaar... I kind of tuned out completely after Civil War and still haven't quite tuned back in yet. [/quote] It depends on what happens, he could be purposefully captured by the Illumanati and sent to space (They're the only people I know off who could think of that). Or like in the comics he could go up into space to try and save the Earth and they could go "We could get rid of him now!" We'll see what happens, this is likely a while down the line and at least fought beside the Avengers on several occasions. He also needs to fight Iron Man at least once so that he can try and build a Hulkbuster... I say try because they don't have the best success rate :P