[center][U][B]Shingen Tenjin[/B] – [I] The Strategist of Heaven [/I][/U][/center] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/sengoku-period/images/3/31/Shingen_takeda_SW1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100705122511[/img][/center] [hider=General Data] [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Shingen Tenjin [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] The Strategist of Heaven. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 40-ish [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] Mist [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] Mist [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] Leader of the Kiri Patriots [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] S [U][I]Position:[/I][/U] Leader of Hito no kyōdai ai (Leader of The People’s Brotherhood) [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Wind, Water, Lightning [B][U]History:[/U][/B] Shingen is a mysterious individual, appearing 2 years ago around the time of the assassination of the Mizukage, with no written record. Though many blame him for its happening, he refutes it vehemently. He claims to have always been a loyal subject to the Mizukage, and has only stepped out of ANBU in order to bring back the control she had on the Mist. He began by calling for a stop to the bloodshed in the middle of a battle, appearing between the two warring sides. He of course was attacked from two sides, and yet neither side could even land a blow on him, despite everyone’s claim that he had. He then summoned a mighty storm, and scared off the battle from occurring. Since then he has sought out, and allied himself with many shinobi he believes can make the Mist stronger, and has succeeded in gathering many powerful ones. Eventually his ‘allies’ became a large influence in Kiri, naming themselves the Hito no kyōdai ai (The People’s Brotherhood) able to stop any skirmishes of lesser forces. Shingen asserts himself as the true Mizukage on his strengthening of allies, and refuses to step down, even when bloodshed occurs. He rarely appears himself, and always trust his allies to take care of things. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Shingen is a charismatic men, who uses his trust in his allies to bring out their true strength. He depends on their them, and they depend on him in turn. He always talks hopefully about the future, and has an very high zeal for it. Shingen shows an even greater zeal for rebuilding the Mist, and to make the nightmare of the bloody mist fade from everyone’s minds. He’s a very hard man to get a hold of. He does everything according his to his own time schedule, when he feels is best. He would upstage a kage if he felt he had better things to do. [Url=]Theme:[/url] Optional.[/hider] [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [B][U]Specialized Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Chained sword [B]Description:[/B] See picture, it’s simply a katana chained to it’s sheathe, no practical application whatsoever. ================= [/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] *High Defenses *Extremely Intelligent *Master of Basic Jutsu *Very High and Versatile Use of Killing Intent *Various Weather Jutsu [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hiden/Kekkei Tota:[/B] Hydrification [B]Clan:[/B] ??? [B]Description:[/B] Shingen claims this is the defense that makes him untouchable, though curiously no one has ever gotten wet striking him. ========================================= [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Killing_Intent]Killing intent[/url]: Shingen can use this to sap people’s will to fight. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_Technique] Clone Technique [/url] Master of this [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Fujin [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu* [B]Rank:[/B] S [B]Range:[/B] Medium [B]Nature Type:[/B] Wind, Water, Lightning [B]Handseals:[/B] 30 [B]Description:[/B] Shingen’s most terrifying jutsu, he summoned a tempest around him, which fills everyone inside of it full of inexplicable dread. It is a large area jutsu that can drain the morale of an army. Also, getting hit by lightning would suck. He describes it as magical, as it leaves no trace when it leaves. It last for 5 minutes. [B]Weakness:[/B] Locating and destroying the center of the technique is the fastest way. The easiest way is to grit it, and watch out for gathering lightning. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Ryuujin [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu* [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Medium-long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Water. [B]Handseals:[/B] 6 [B]Description:[/B] An updraft of water shakes the area, disorienting sailors and ninjas, and causes them to lose direction. It seems magical, as it leaves no trace when it leaves. [B]Weakness:[/B] Steadying yourself against something can help. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Sukuna-Biko-Na [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu* [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Medium-Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Water [B]Handseals:[/B] 3 [B]Description:[/B] A strong Rainstorm falls down, laced with killing intent. The rainstorm robs the senses, and the will to fight. It seems magical, as it leaves no trace when it leaves. [B]Weakness:[/B] It has a limited range, running out of the technique will work. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Okani [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] N/A [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A [B]Handseals:[/B] 1 [B]Description:[/B] A combination of the academy clone and shadow clone, the user creates an intangible clone that when ended returns all experience to user. It is solid enough to have a shadow, and to be picked up by sensors. [B]Weakness:[/B] Messing with its chakra with a kai will kill it, or other techniques that disrupt chakra. It also can’t fight. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Uke Mochi [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu* [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Medium [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A [B]Handseals:[/B] 3 [B]Description:[/B] A concentrated form of killing intent that causes the opponent to feel sick to their stomach, until said opponent throws up. [B]Weakness:[/B] Interrupting Shingen interrupts the technique. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tempest of Ōhoyamatsumi [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Medium [B]Nature Type:[/B] Lightning [B]Handseals:[/B] 6 [B]Description:[/B] Forming a small cloud around an opponent, Shingen then releases Lightning chakra throughout the cloud. [B]Weakness:[/B] Run out the cloud. [/hider]