I'll reserve this spot for my Jedi if that's alright! [Hider=Character Sheet] [Center] [Colour=DarkGoldenrod][h1][B]- [U]Character Sheet[/U] -[/B][/h1][/Colour] [img]http://i.imgur.com/27vcK6I.jpg?1[/img] [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]- Name -[/Colour] Dakk Tanus [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Age-[/Colour] 35 [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Species-[/Colour] Devaronian [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Appearance-[/Colour][/Center]Eager to prevent the many stares of distrust, Dakk covers himself from head to toe in layers of black beneath a heavy duty shawl stripped in yellow. In a similar attempt to lessen his devilish visage, two flattened brown circles crown his head where horns once protruded. A typical dusky red hue taints his skin, deepening in all the crevices of his face and body whilst small bright eyes sit in their sockets with an involuntary harshness. Pointed ears make his mask uncomfortable at times but more often than not yield to the gentle curve of his hairless head which sits two meters high atop his broad shoulders. [Center] [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Force Abilities-[/Colour] I [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Non-Force Abilities-[/Colour] Will [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Personality/Motivation-[/Colour] Finish [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Biography-[/Colour] This [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Secrets-[/Colour] Tomorrow [Colour=DarkGoldenrod]-Relations-[/Colour] Sep [/Center] [/Hider]