[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] [b]Port of Panjung Priok March 21st 10:39PM[/b] Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine and Michael Stevenson had spent all evening running Bucky through the operation. They went through it over and over again, making Barnes recite the plan until he was blue in the face, until all three were satisfied they were adequately prepared. Brent Jackson had left in the afternoon to acquire a Boeing CH-47 Chinook from the Indonesians for Bucky’s extraction. Stevenson alone accompanied Bucky up through the stacks to the container that Barnes would be hidden in until Tiger Shark made his move. He’d taken a particular liking to Agent Stevenson over the course of the day and reminded himself as he stood in the mouth of the container to recommend to Smiley or Fury that they make better use of him once they were done here. “Once Tiger Shark’s yacht comes into view the crew will assemble in a panic room in the container ship’s hull. These guys know the drill, they’ve been through this before, and most importantly they know Tiger Shark’s MO. So barring this thing hitting an iceberg you’re not going to have to worry about any civilian casualties on this one.” That certainly made Bucky’s life a great deal easier, he nodded as he leant against the wall of the container stack. “Good to know.” A wry smile appeared on Stevenson’s face. “Oh, and Captain? Tiger Shark’s been making my life difficult for the best part of half a decade. Don’t be too gentle with him unless you have to be.” “Duly noted,” Bucky said with a nod. “I’ll see you on the other side.” Stevenson closed the door to the stack and the clear piercing light that the Moon had provided them disappeared. Bucky stood alone in the darkness. He was surrounded by large crates that mostly contained luxury goods made on the cheap in Indonesia that would be shipped to other ports in South Asia and then onto the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Barnes fashioned himself a seat between two of the crates and sat on the floor of the container stack. He could feel the cold through the legs of his uniform as he let out a contented sigh. In a little over two hours time Tiger Shark would be his and SHIELD would be one step closer to regaining some parity in their war against HYDRA. If anyone could get Tiger Shark to speak it would be George Smiley. The minutes turned to hours and the container ship Bucky’s stack was aboard screeched into life, pulling out of Tanjung Priok, and towards Tiger Shark’s waiting arms. There in the darkness Bucky’s mind had found its way back to the dreams he’d had as he’d flown from Germany to Jakarta. The images were so vivid that Barnes found his brain struggling to place them somewhere despite his certainty they were the product of his sleep-deprived imagination. They couldn’t have been memories. Perhaps his brain was working overtime trying to phantom up some semblance of a life Barnes could have lived instead of being stuck in the ice. If that were the case, the life he’d dreamt up looked anything but a pleasant one. It was violent, almost overwhelmingly so, and it almost made him relieved to know the images were only the product of his over-active imagination. [center][b]*****[/b][/center] The sound of an alarm sounding stirred the seated Bucky into action. He could hear the crew shouting in Indonesian outside the stacks to one another and the sound of their hurried footsteps. It was Tiger Shark. He’d taken Valentina’s bait hook, line, and sinker and was unwittingly sailing towards his own destruction. Barnes waited for a time until he heard the sound of Tiger Shark’s yacht pulling up beside the container ship and the hail of bullets being fired into the air that came with it. This was it. He’d wait until his men were onboard, find his way onboard Tiger Shark’s yacht, and get it and Tiger Shark somewhere they could be picked up by Brent Jackson. Not too much of an ask compared to some of the things Bucky and Steve used to do. Barnes pushed the container door open slightly and peered outside as Tiger Shark’s men poured onto the ship, firing their weapons in the air by way of warning, and began to fortify it whilst they uncovered the goods they were looking for amongst the stacks. Bucky took a glanced down at the Luger on his waist as he ran his hand over and past it to opt for the combat knife instead. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use either but Barnes wasn’t afraid to take a few lives to save hundreds, if not thousands, more. Taking Tiger Shark out would help Smiley found out HYDRA’s leak in SHIELD and stop them from handing out access codes to drones with the capacity to start wars. Bucky readied his knife and slipped through the container doors. Making his way through the stacks unseen proved easier than he’d imagined. It was noisy out on the open sea and dark to boot. Tiger Shark’s men looked well experienced, they’d seen battle many times before, but with his dominance of the Indian Ocean they had clearly grown complacent. To them, these were Tiger Shark’s waters and nobody would interfere in his business. They were wrong. Bucky dared. [i]Captain America[/i] dared. Bucky kept as low to the ground as possible as he approached one of Tiger Shark’s men stood close by the railing of the container ship. In one long bound Barnes was behind him, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck, squeezing with all his strength until he felt all the strength sap from his body and he was certain the man was unconscious. Usually he’d drag him out of sight but Bucky didn’t have time for that. Three minutes, Stevenson had told him, a minute and fifteen or so had already passed. Beside the container ship was Tiger Shark's yacht. It was large, larger than any yacht Bucky had ever seen before, but [i]everything[/i] seemed bigger in this day and age. The food, the drinks, the buildings, even the boats. He looked around for a few seconds for some way to climb across until he sensed it. A flash of movement in the corner of his eye caught Bucky's attention and he spun round to one of Tiger Shark's men leant over the edge of the ship with a cigarette between his lips. He was young, too young to be involved in this life, but as he slowly turned to face Bucky there was little choice as to what Barnes had to do. He slung his knife through the air and it struck the young man in the neck the second he spotted Bucky. Barnes sprinted, sliding across the surface of the ship, to catch the boy as he fell and set him down on the ground as quietly as he could. The boy looked up at him with a confused look on his face as he suffocated on his own blood quietly and Bucky gritted his teeth in displeasure. This was the part of the job he liked least. He pulled the knife clean from the boy's neck and wiped it clean on the boy's shirt. A minute and twenty seconds left. Give or take. Bucky leant over the edge of the container ship to take a look at the water beneath him and shook his head in displeasure. He didn’t want to do it but he didn’t have time to reach the pirate’s makeshift bridge. Bucky slotted the knife between his teeth and leapt over the side of the container bridge into the Indian Ocean. The water was freezing cold and as Bucky clawed his way back up to the surface he fought back the memories of that day in the Atlantic. Hand over hand he made his way to Tiger Shark’s yacht and dragged himself aboard. The sound of clicking made Barnes stop dead in his tracks. He looked up and there, surrounded by armed men, was Tiger Shark. [center][img]http://s24.postimg.org/b55zidndh/Untitled.png[/img][/center] The picture Smiley had shown Bucky hadn’t done Tiger Shark’s extravagance justice. His suit was made of a material that Bucky had never seen before and appeared navy and blue at once as the light of the moon bounced off of it. His shoes looked like alligator skin and Bucky presumed the red blindfold that covered his eyes was made of a fabric that had been equally exotically sourced. A small man bald man in formal dress and sunglasses that were blood red stepped forward and addressed Bucky in heavily accented English. “This is a most pleasant surprise."