Mostly throwing it now up so I can have the picture I want. A quick question as far as powers go, would basics be things like force push, pull, jump etc? Also is there a limit to how many force powers a character can have? I'm not going to throw a ton on or anything I just want to make sure I don't add more powers then I'm supposed too. [hider=My Hider] [b]Name:[/b] Cane Sorena [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Cane] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*]Telekenesis, Mind Control, Force Jump and Force Speed [*][b]Psychometry:[/b] Allows Cane to pick up impressions and traces of information by touching items that others have used. This power allowes Cane to view events as if he were there, including the sights, sounds, and feelings, both emotional and physical, that the wielder of the object experienced. The more of a personal attachment to the item that the owner had, the easier it is to use Psychometry. [*][b]Farsight:[/b] Farsight allows Cane to pick up glimpses and impressions of things happening in other places or times. It tends to be rather unreliable at times as the future often shifts and changes, and Cane it is still a relatively new skill for Cane. It uses in battle are still limited, giving Cane only a short glimpse of a move an opponent might make. [/list] [b]Non-Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][b]Form I: Shii-Cho[/b] [*][b]Form V: Shien and Djem So:[/b] A very defensive form of combat that allows Cane to turn an opponents weapon against them. Shein allows Cane to deflect an opponents blaster fire back at them, turning their own weapon against them, while Djem So allows him to block an opponents physical attacks and use their momentum to perform a counter attack. He is relatively well versed in both forms, however, he has gotten a lot more practical use out of Shien and is slightly more skilled in its use. [*][b]Form VII: Juyo:[/b] Cane has only recently been allowed to begin training in Juyo, a form that taps into its users emotions to produce wildly powerful and unpredictable attacks. It is an incredibly dangerous form to learn as the use of ones emotions can often lead to the dark side. However, due to Canes calm and collected nature, and his skill at mastering his emotions, Cane was allowed to learn the often restricted technique. He has only been using it for about a year and has not yet been able to master its use. [*] [b]Slicing/Hacking:[/b] Cane is rather good at getting into places he probably shouldn't be, whether by slicing into a locked door, or hacking into a highly encrypted computer terminal. [*][b] Tracking/Hunting:[/b] Due to the nature if work that Cane often performs, he has become rather skilled at picking up on the small signs a query might leave behind, whether that query be humanoid or bestial. This means that he is quite capable at hunting for food, should the need arise. [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Cane's demeanor is almost always calm and collected. Few can ever remember a time when Cane raised his voice or showed any sense of outward aggression. To some he may seem bland or cold, and there are very few who would actually call him a friend. But, those few who did put in the effort to get to know Cane discovered a kind, and surprisingly humorous, young man. While the nature of Canes work often requires him to work alone, he does enjoy the company of others when he gets the chance. Canes motivations are, at times, hard to pin down. Most of his actions can be attributed towards a strong sense of justice and a great desire to protect those who cannot protect themselves; this is why he often goes after criminal organizations or corrupt government officials whose actions bring pain and suffering to the common man. Often working in the slums of the galaxy has led Cane to feel sympathy towards the downcast and unlucky. [b]Biography:[/b] Cane was born on the planet of Garos IV. His father was a trapper and spent most of his time in the lush forested regions that dotted the planets surface. The meat and pelts sold decently which meant that Canes family never really lived in poverty, however, the were content with living a relatively simple life. Cane was very young when his parents discovered that there was something special about him. He was always incredibly observant, and learned new things at a surprising, and sometimes seemingly impossible, rate. There suspicions that their son was special were confirmed when they went into his room one day to find that some of Canes toys had taken to the air, seemingly of their own accord. Although it was an incredibly difficult decision, Canes parents knew that they would have to send their son to the Jedi order so that he could be properly trained in the strange abilities, Cane was 3 at the time. It did not take very long for Cane to adjust to the life of a youngling. Even at a very young age he seemed strangely adept at mastering his emotions, rarely over showing the fits of anger or emotional outbursts that most human toddlers are prone too. Using the force almost seemed to come easy to him, and at a very young age he showed great promise in sensing things that were going on around him. His deductive reasoning skills were also surprisingly high for a child. He seemed to have a knack for investigative work and enjoyed solving mysteries and puzzles, although on one her to occasions his natural curiosity landed him in areas that a youngling likely should not have been. His first real struggle as a child seemed to be in getting Cane to train with a lightsaber. It was not that he was unskilled with one, it was more that the use of a single bladed saber seemed almost...dull. He did not throw himself into its use as he did his other studies and it quickly became apparent that was falling behind the others. It was not until Jedi Master Sim Buir took Cane on as an apprentice that Cane was introduced to the duel bladed lightsaber. Few Jedi used the duel bladed saber anymore, as it was often viewed more as a brutal weapon then a concise tool. But the difficulty and practice that it took to wield the weapon fascinated Cane and he dove much more enthusiastically into learning to how to use the weapon proficiently. [b]Secrets:[/b] [b]Relations:[/b] [/hider]