[quote=@Sep] Total idea. When SThor gets a love interest... John Foster. JUST SAYING. If you're genderbending may as well take it all the way. [/quote] Total idea ++ John Foster works in a DIY store/is a carpenter/some profession involving hammers John Foster picks up Mjolnir becomes new Thor Odinson appears and is infinitely confused at the 2 new Thors. Loki's pissed he's still not worthy. (here is an excerpt from the stage play version of this TOtal idea x'D) [u]Odinson enters stage left, Odinson observes 2 Thor's and Loki prancing in the background: "Oh come on!"[/u] Total idea ++ ++ John Foster is a doctor, SThor gets hit with a crane (because reasons). John Foster performs CPR, romance blossoms (hahahahaha wtf) Total idea ++ ++ ++ John Foster is an astrophysicist, getting pints with Selvig, they hit SThor with a car and she throws the car across New York and he asks for her number. [i]"What are these digits thou art requesting puny mortal man?"[/i] Total idea ++ ++ ++ ++ John Foster is actually Loki EPIC MINDFUCK I really wish John Foster was a thing now ...