[hr] [b][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i1VZ5Nn.png[/img][/center][/b] [hr][center][h3][b]March 20th, 2005[/b][/h3][/center] [center][b]Chinatown, New York City (9:52 PM)[/b][/center] [color=seagreen]"I am the Immortal Iron Fist of K'un-L'un, and if that means absolutely nothing to you I'm pretty sure K'un-L'un is where your Tiger amulet came from. Now I have some questions for you. Who are you? How did you come into possession of a fraction of the sacred Jade Tiger and most importantly [i]where did you find the talisman I'm holding?[/i]"[/color] Iron Fist? K’un-L’un? Jade Tiger? I don’t know what any of the word’s that this guy is telling me… asking me. I take a light breath again before I even try to begin to answer such questions, some of which I have never answered out loud to myself or to others. These answers are painful, but I knew I would have to explain myself to the Professor when I got the information from Knox— so why am I tongue-tied? [color=A6A6A6]“I am the protector of The Bronx, the White Tiger.”[/color] I pause as I smirk under my mask. I’ve never actually said that out loud before tonight, because well.. nobody in The Bronx asks that question as they know what the White Tiger is and what they stand for. I realize I’m in Chinatown, but maybe.. this guy is new to New York in general? Does he know who Knightress, Daredevil, or Moon Knight is? Does he know of [i]The Defenders?[/i] Does he know of[i] Iron Man[/i]? I look down at the pavement, recollecting my memories and sorting my thoughts. [color=A6A6A6]“I admit I’m new to this amulet, but my brother was the last holder of it and he… [i]had[/i] protected The Bronx with it since the towers came down. I don’t know much about it, I don’t even know if my brother did. All I know is of its power and what it means for the people of The Bronx. Without it many people would have perished.”[/color] I look up at him, this Iron Fist character. [color=A6A6A6]“As for your other two questions I can answer them.” [/color] I feel my body tense and my emotions flare. [color=A6A6A6]“I [i]inherited[/i] the amulet when people with that talisman [i]killed[/i] him in our home. That was[i] four weeks ago.[/i]”[/color] I bite my lip. [color=A6A6A6]“That is why I have to know who did it. So they can [i]pay[/i].”[/color]