The crew mostly nodded in unison, and most of them did not really want to stick-around, Mortimer had things to unpack, and Adria did not feel like answering questions; even though Isaac wanted to know Erika slightly better, he knew that attempting to socialize with her with parents looming over her shoulder would not make for pleasant conversation. So with varying degrees of enthusiasm, they all pushed their chairs away from the table and rose. The meal, and the meeting, was informally adjourned. Thankfully for Isaac, Erika had pegged him as the ship's gossip and followed him down the halls. This may or may not have led to an incident where they had gotten 'lost' long enough for Erika to discover he either didn't have or wouldn't tell any embarrassing stories of his captain; her baby-sister. Mortimer was in a bit too much of a rush for Jarret to follow in a calm and civilized manner. His room was tidy, mostly from refusing to unpack what would not be needed, since they would have to pack it later anyways. Most of his time was spent writing a letter to [i]his wife[/i] still on station 28-1, Liza Knell. But Adria wandered the halls briefly like a fish out of water, until Jarret offered to guide her through the various rooms of importance to a guest, an offer she gratefully accepted.