[center][h2][color=#294592][U][B]Kanagata, Himawari[/B][/U][/color][/h2] [img]http://i39.tinypic.com/5upb21.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=General Data][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Kanagata(Metal-pattern), Himawari(Sunflower). [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] Hima; Hima-san; Hima-kun. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male. [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 15. [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 15. [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Heterosexual. [U][B]Village:[/B][/U] Kumogakure. [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] Land of Lightning - Kanagata compound. [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] Kumogakure and the Kanagata clan. [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai:[/U][/B] Kanagata/Raijin no junshū. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] Genin. [U][I]Position:[/I][/U] Unknown to him he is an heir. [U][B]Chakra Nature:[/B][/U] Denjiton(Lightning+Earth) and Fuuton. [I][U]Additional Appearance Details:[/U][/I] While his head protector is indeed around his neck as depicted rather than have a marking on it, it possesses no markings whatsoever. When he enters battle, he removes his sheathed katana from the case on his back and fastens it to on the left side of his body at the waist. He stands at a height of 5'3, though he clearly hasn't hit his growth spurt yet. His weight is fairly average for his height and he has a lean build of toned muscle. [U][B]History:[/B][/U] Too young to remember the war, Himawari only remembers his parents being very busy for a year or two when he was toddler. Beyond that he was raised rather normally in a time of peace where the Kanagata were once more turning their eyes to future generations. While he is indeed one of the clan's three heirs, he has not been notified of this fact so as to not influence his development or over inflate his ego. As a child Himawari was fairly personable, with a positive attitude and he brought it into the Academy when he joined. With his studies there and his more specialized training at home, Himawari graduated with good scores in most things, even excelling in genjutsu theory, though he can't preform it himself. He's been a genin for only a month or two. [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] Often amused, Himawari finds a lot of the world to be funny. This may because he feels he understands it and experiences it in a greater sense than others. One could say it is an illusion of superiority, but this illusion stops at his ego as in truth he is quite intelligent. His humor and mentality is rather sarcastic, but generally he feels that anything he says --given the situation is at least somewhat appropriate-- is in good humor and not insult or the like. When it comes to his friends he is loyal, the same generally goes to any whose allegiance he is sworn. In terms of anger, well he is no stranger however, he certainly does not have a short temper and it is only slights to his friends that effect him. He can be seen as a bit of an ass at times due to his natural tendency for sarcasm, but beneath the surface he is just a guy having some light hearted fun. He has a severe dislike of being underestimated. He is generally a rather calm individual however, he quite enjoys battle in almost any form and becomes quite excited during, though he doesn't allow this to let him lose his focus. Unlike many others in these rough times, Himawari has lived in relatively peaceful and unchanging times. However, he was not born into the direct lineage of his clan and so has had to struggle for most of his life to be acknowledged to the extent that he wished. His parents were a mixed brood, a dissatisfied mother, but a rather supportive father. As he grew in age he came to understand that while he could gain power and some measure of skill within the bounds of his clan compound, he would never be able to stand the confinement, the hierarchy, or the monotony of seeing the same people and places over and over again. At the age of 13 he informed his mother that he'd become a shinobi. In reaction, his mother --for the 1st time in his life-- showed her affection to him and extracted a blade from a hidden compartment in their home. For several months, as he had decided to wait a fair time till he felt more desirable as a recruit, he trained under his mother to master the art of kenjutsu. He came to better understand his mother and why his father would marry such a woman, despite her disposition towards him prior to. Finally, on his 14th birthday, he departed from the Kanagata clan compound and entered Shin'gakure and Qui Languidis. Since then he has made friends with the genin and chuunin of the village, quite enjoying the missions and experience he has gained in his time thus far. Theme: TBA.[/hider] [hider=Equipment Data][I][B]Base Weapons & Items:[/B][/I] X shuriken. X kunai. X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X wire [U][B]Specialized Weapons & Items[/B][/U] [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Jiyūna([sub]自由な[/sub] [I]'The Unfettered'[/I]). [B]Description:[/B] Granted to him by his mother, Jiyūna is a blade forged from the specialized alloys of the Kanagata clan. While it is nowhere near as famous or powerful as the three ancestral blades of the clan, Jiyūna is a very useful weapon. This is particularly due to the kanji inscribed upon the katana's blade. The following kanji are upon the blade's base and are what allow the blade to shift its form with the assistance of the Raijin no junshū: 無関心フォーム(Apathetic form). In essence, the special alloys are especially conductive of chakra as well as electricity and being incredibly magnetic. This more or less allows the blade to be heated by lightning chakra and its form shifted by magnetism with ease. This, due to the kanji, which in fact form a seal, does not damage the blade in the least. This means that no matter the form it takes, it remains equally resilient to strikes and its capabilities remain. It should also be noted that this blade is exceptionally dense and thus heavy as otherwise it would not have as much mass to be manipulated when it shifts shape. [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/66d0/i/2015/088/5/6/sam_s_sword_by_danpilla-d5cmvjc.jpg]Appearance[/url][/hider] [hider=Combat Data][U][B]Special Traits[/B][/U] Wind and water affinity techniques cause him more damage. Fire affinity techniques disrupt his magnetic field. Inability to learn genjutsu due to Kekkei genkai. Electromagnetic aural field - sensory. Naturally larger chakra reserves. Talent, but not skill, in ninjutsu. Fair amount of chakra control. Limited skill in taijutsu. Skilled in kenjutsu. Quick learner. Adaptive. [U][B]Kekkei Genkai:[/B][/U] [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Raijin no junshū([sub]雷神の准州[/sub] [I]'Territory of the lightning god'[/I]). [B]Clan:[/B] Kanagata. [B]Description:[/B] The Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai is forged from the earth and lightning affinities to make a powerful electromagnetic field around the user. Depending on skill and overall power, the clan member's magnetic field will be anywhere from 5-30 meters in its hemispheric radius. The inheritors to this genetically dominant kekkei genkai receive both Denjiton(Electromagnetic release) as their chakra nature, but also naturally wider chakra pathways within their body. This gives inheritors a naturally larger chakra capacity. As to their aural field, they are able to sense movement through it as it displaces and reorganizes the chakra present therein. This magnetic field can be disrupted by fire affinity jutsu, but not destroyed. The chakra is linked directly to the inheritor's chakra system and can be considered in the same sense as internal chakra; thus it cannot be sealed by normal means. Their electromagnetic field allows them to control lightning chakra within its bounds as well as to magnetize and manipulate possibly magnetic bodies while they remain within the field --the exceptions being chakra infused weapons, armor, or the like. Lastly, skilled inheritors gain a resistance --not immunity- to genjutsu due to the natural flux of their inner chakra system. ========================================= [U][B]Techniques:[/B][/U] [I][sub]Possesses all academy jutsu.[/sub][/I] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud-Style_Crescent_Moon_Beheading]Kumo-Ryū Mikazukigiri(Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud-Style_Front_Beheading]Kumo-Ryū Omotegiri(Cloud-Style Front Beheading)[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud-Style_Reverse_Beheading]Kumo-Ryū Uragiri(Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading)[/url] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Raika shin'i(ライカ強電 [i]'Flash of lightning God's authority'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei Ninjutsu/supplementary. [B]Rank:[/B] C-S. [B]Range:[/B] Within the magnetic field of his kekkei genkai. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Denjiton. [B]Description:[/B] Raika shin'i is a jutsu that was created rather recently by the clan's 2nd in command. The Raika shin'i, aka Flash of lightning god's authority, allows those of the Kanagata clan the ability to control the movement of their lightning techniques through their magnetic field. It is also categorized as a magnetism based ability due to the fact that it also helps techniques like Kanaaji inryoku function properly. This, in essence, is the precise control of the individuals magnetic aura as well as their inner chakra system which is what creates their resistance to genjutsu and innate shape manipulation abilities. [B]Weakness:[/B] Due to it being a highly valuable technique it can be crippling to almost any Kanagata to lose the ability to use it in battle. This can occur by blocking the chakra points, which does take at least twice the effort (2 hits or a very efficient taijutsu) in order to block. It can be disrupted by water or metals as they have higher conductivity then the air that this technique controls the conductivity paths within through the use of the magnetic field. Fire can be a bane to it but is not as effective as the aforementioned abilities and unless B rank or above will take time to effect the technique. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Ishoku Goukin(衣食合金 [i]'Living Alloy'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei Ninjutsu/passive ability. [B]Rank:[/B] N/A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Denjiton. [B]Description:[/B] This technique is very simple in nature and is a passive trait of the Kanagata clan's kekkei genkai. Essentially, the body of a Kanagata clan member is a super magnet, the reason is thought to be that their chakra system is almost entirely composed of magnetic chakra rather than normal chakra. This means that they can effect their own bodies with their magnetism abilities in addition to being able to conduct more lightning techniques without taking nearly as much damage. Their own lightning techniques are also essentially unable to damage their body unless otherwise is stated. [B]Weakness:[/B] Affinity weaknesses. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Jiyūna tomonari(自由な共鳴り [i]'Unfettered resonance'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] D-A [D]. [B]Range:[/B] Contact-Within magnetic field. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Denjiton. [B]Handseals:[/B]: 3. [B]Description:[/B] A technique taught to him by his mother to eventually perfect his ability to wield her blade, Jiyūna, this essentially extends the chakra of the user into the blade and causes a constant flow between the two to occur. A small amount of chakra is lost due to his imperfect chakra control however, the benefits of this technique are far greater than such a small loss. Essentially, this constant flow of chakra makes the blade almost literally part of him thus increasing his ability to wield it far beyond what his rank might suggest. Additionally, this keeps the blade in a state of malleability without actually changing its shape, meaning that the moment he wishes it, he can shift the blade's shape. The greater the skill of the user, the more effective this is and the more applications it gains. At the moment, Himawari is really only capable of minor changes to the blade and thus this technique only allows it to be lightened and attuned to his body. While this is active, any techniques channeled through Jiyūna become 5-20% more effective depending on the skill of the user (currently 5%). [B]Weakness:[/B] Once the three handseals are utilized once, this technique becomes permanently active until the blade is sheathed, this means that it takes a constant but tiny drain on the user's chakra. This technique puts a degree of his focus into his blade naturally, causing him to lose a slight amount for other things. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Kyōmei hirameku(共鳴閃く [i]'Resonance flash'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei Kenninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] D-C. [D] [B]Range:[/B] Within magnetic field. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Denjiton. [B]Handseals:[/B]: 2. [B]Description:[/B] Utilizing handseals with his free hand, Himawari sheaths his blade and allows its magnetic resonance to channel through its sheath. Then in an instant he will cause this magnetism to polarize to the same frequency of the blade. This causes Jiyūna to be rapidly expelled from his sheath just as he quick draws, increasing the speed exponentially and delivering a strike that few, if any, of his rank can handle at close range. At C rank the speed increases slightly, but just as the blade's tip reaches the edge of the sheath, it pulls some of the electromagnetism into itself. This causes the strike to send a small shock of electricity, only enough to cause minor damage and stun for around 3 seconds. [B]Weakness:[/B] Requires him to sheath his blade and thus disable his weapon before use. Takes a small chakra cost. Difficult to utilize while moulding chakra for other techniques. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Ryōiki no seiteki hankyō(領域静的反响 [i]'Field of static resonance'[/i]). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Kekkei ninjutsu/Supplementary. [B]Rank:[/B] D-B [D]. [B]Range:[/B] Within magnetic field. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Denjiton, [B]Handseals:[/B]: 5. [B]Description:[/B] Utilizing 5 handseals as he moulds chakra, Himawari releases a shroud of denjiton chakra, with an ambient amount of raiton chakra, into the area of his magnetic field. This allows him several capabilities, one of which is the utilization of his blade which will latch onto the static electricity in the field as he swings and increase the speed of the strike as well as allowing him to send shocks of lightning, with varying levels of power, from his blade. Besides this, the user can utilize Raika shin'i to focus, channel, direct, and generally manipulate the static electricity into more dangerous forms. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique takes a moderate-high chakra cost, though such is currently only moderate due to the rank at which he uses the jutsu. Affinity weaknesses do apply with a predominance of the lightning affinity's weakness to wind.[/hider] [center][color=#417994][h2][U][B]Mayonaka, Seisui[/B] – [I]The Tranquil Lotus[/I][/U][/h2][/color] [img]http://oi50.tinypic.com/2yvlx1x.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=General Data][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Mayonaka(Midnight), Seisui(Elegance). [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] The Tranquil Lotus. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 28 [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 32. [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Heterosexual. [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] N/A. [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] Land of Iron. [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] N/A. [B][U]Clan/Style:[/U][/B] Mayonaka/Shizukana-ryū-ji no. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] A rank Samurai. [I][U]Position:[/U][/I] Heir to the Mayonaka. [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] N/A. [I][U]Additional Appearance Details:[/U][/I] On both his right and left forearms beneath his garb are bracers. He stands at 5'10 and weighs somewhat above average due to his musculature, which is well defined. [B][U]History:[/U][/B] Seisui is not so much his past as he is a persona defined in the moment. As such all that needs be known is that his life has consisted of being raised under the tenants of the Mayonaka and with the discipline necessary for his clan's legacy to be passed onto him. He spent extra time within the clan compound to allow the Shizukana-ryū-ji no to truly engrave itself in his body and mind. After this Seisui set off on his pilgrimage to refine and become a grandmaster of his clan's style. In the process of such he came across a certain wandering monk and has taken to traveling alongside her. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] [I][B]"At our core we are human beings, our purpose is that of the conduit through which flows the power to give tranquility to any who oppose us, whether they believe it to be such or not. I am a conduit just as you are, a human conduit, through which the tranquility can flow; I walk a path of serenity and peace despite the damage I appear to deal on the surface. For, it is not physical beauty I wish to bestow, but rather the beauty of wholeness of self, inner peace, which I wish to give unto all who strike at me in adversity or challenge. I wish to give my opponent what they cannot with honor give themselves: Death,"[/B] - Mayonaka, Kōtaku.[/I] Like his great grandfather Kōtaku, Seisui is resolute of his purpose, his sense of self, and knows what he must do, always. However, in the scope of wisdom he is yet lacking to his ancestor and still has much to learn by comparison. Seisui is a calm existence, filled with understanding and empathy for those around him. He strives to understand himself, others, and the world in order to reach the purest state of his existence. While this is indeed the perpetual wish of practitioners of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no it is still indeed a strong aspiration to which he reaches. Yet while resolute in this he is nowhere near perfect, in fact Seisui has many flaws, as all men and woman do. While he does not have the shortest of tempers he is known to react badly to what he perceives as 'insults to swordsmanship and the blade'. He is unforgiving when truly slighted and rather disgusted by those of hypocritical nature. When faced with a foe he know he cannot best, Seisui will not bow his head, and he will not run, but he will instead push himself to the furthest edges of his ability and hope for a miracle. He is a spiritual man, understanding the flows of yin and yang energy, and the essence that forms all things. As a practitioner of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no he has instilled in himself the dogmas by which those who wield its serene glory live. [I][U]Theme:[/U][/I] [/hider] [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X kunai X shuriken X wire [B][U]Specialized Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Chinmoku: Yōikō no sharakuna ginren([sub]沉黙: 容易光沢、洒落な銀蓮[/sub] [I]'Silence: Simple Match of the Boldest Silver Lotus'[/I]). and Tōrenai-men to naikō([sub]通れない面と乃公[/sub] [I]'Ego with an impassable mask'[/I]). [B]Description:[/B] A blade whose essence has been passed down through the Mayonaka family since its beginning, Chinmoku changes with each of its wielders' passing. The blade, due to how many times it has been altered and had chakra poured into its magnificent form has become nigh unbreakable and gained an edge so sharp that in the right hands it could easily sheer through even the strongest of substances. Due to the nature of Chinmoku and the fact that with each passing generation it is reforged and renamed, something unique has come of its existence making it much more than just an ancestral blade. With each passing wielder it is melted down and taken apart only to be created once more to better suit the inheritor. Its name is than chosen via the use of the wielder's closest relatives, for while the user names the blade themselves and to express its new form and how it will be used, it must still reflect several of its more recent wielders to remember its place in the world. Beyond these facts there is still a very unique aspect that many never truly realize is present in Chinmoku, for only with in depth meditation and reflection with the blade can one realize that within the blade is something similar to a soul or consciousness of some form. In fact, from the very beginning, Chinmoku has imprinted the skills and wisdom of its wielder into itself, acting as an ancient record of all those who have wielded it in earnest. These skills and this wisdom can be accessed through meditation and trained into a form that can become reliable in combat, but in no way are they easy to obtain. After all, the blade has a consciousness, and to truly unlock its secrets Chinmoku's sheath must be taken off the wielder's person so that there is no filter between the blade and the wielder's consciousnesses. It becomes a tug of war, a power struggle to see whom shall truly influence whom. Once the blade has however lost this struggle and its wisdom and imprinted skill has been unlocked, the user can once again don Tōrenai-men to naikō and still access the bounty of experience imprinted within Chinmoku. To expand, one ought to understand the nature of Chinmoku's sheath, Tōrenai-men to naikō, for without this sheath chinmoku would become an unwieldable monster, or rather it would be foolhardy to wield it if one did not want to go insane. In essence, the Tōrenai-men to naikō was created to filter the influence of Chinmoku's soul on its wielder. When Chinmoku is sheathed its influence is entirely filtered, and even if drawn it is not able to subjugate or totally influence its wielder as long as the Tōrenai-men to naikō is on their person. It is only when the blade is wielded and sheath discarded that its influence becomes dangerous to the mind of the wielder. Otherwise it has been seen that the sheath is just as resistant to damage as Chinmoku itself, the actual reasons behind this are unknown, but it is thought that the sheath was made to be even more impervious than Chinmoku so that it would not be destroyed, damaged, or influenced by the blade which it is meant to limit. Last of all, it has been seen that the Tōrenai-men to naikō has an incredibly calming effect on any whom it touches, entering them almost into a state of pure all consuming serenity. This effect can be felt even through clothing and indirectly through a weapon or armor, though its effects would be noticeably dulled. It is said that, in essence, Chinmoku and Tōrenai-men to naikō are the yin and yang to one another, for while Chinmoku is used for physical damage and destruction --embodying the yang-- Tōrenai-men to naikō is used to bring peace and serenity by way of sheathing the blade and keeping it from destroying --thus embodying the yin. So it has been seen that one cannot be used without the other, plain and simple.[/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Incredible physical attributes --durability, strength, stamina, speed, agility, flexibility, etc etc-- Exceptional chakra control No purely nin or genjutsu Average chakra reserves Close range combatant Master Swordsman [U][B]Style:[/B][/U] [i][B]Name of Style:[/B][/i] Shizukana-ryū-ji no(Style of the tranquil path). [i][B]Clan:[/B][/i] Mayonaka. [i][B]Description:[/B][/i] [I][B]"To the eyes of a swordsman it is a strange aloof thing, beautiful in its strangeness; to a peasant it is a strange peace embodied by the swordsman's form, blade and sheath and mortality alike; but to the truest of swordmasters, one who understands that there is always more to learn, it is a masterpiece constantly renewing itself to perfection. This is the Shizukana-ryū-ji no, the style of the tranquil path,"[/B] - Mayonaka, Yōi-tsūka.[/I] Just as his grandmother told him so many years ago, the style of the Mayonaka clan is indeed a constantly renewing masterpiece. For while many a style does not change once one has considered it perfected, this style is not as such. With every passing generation is is altered slightly to reach further into the concept of perfection that the user of that generation holds in their core. There are two codes which practitioners of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no live, the first set of codes are those of the Mayonaka family, while the second are the dogma of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no itself. While those from outside can attempt to learn the Lotus dogma and become practitioners of the Style of the Tranquil Path, it is unlikely that they would ever truly be full practitioners of masters as they lack the background of the Mayonaka. [U][B]Tenants of Mayonaka[/B][/U] [list] [*]Be humble, but understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, never allow yourself to limit yourself to this position.[/*] [*]Judge one by your impressions of them, but do not underestimate them due to your judgements.[/*] [*]Strive till your limits, then come to understand what keeps you there and again surpass yourself.[/*] [*]Do not squander or show off one's abilities and talents, to do either is to demean oneself.[/*] [*]While one may judge and adapt, understand that you can easily be proven incorrect.[/*] [*]When proven incorrect, accept that you were wrong and change.[/*] [*]Be malleable only to your own will and the will of the universe.[/*] [*]Respect those wiser and more skilled than yourself.[/*] [*]Be changed by all, but be moved by only yourself.[/*] [*]Predict, verify and adapt.[/*] [/list] [U][B]The Lotus Dogma[/B][/U] The four petals of the lotus flower, a flower which sits upon the surface of the water and spreads its arms in the four directions, represent the four core ways that the blade is drawn and wielded in the Shizukana-ryū-ji no. These four methods of unsheathing and positioning the blade are considered part of the No geijutsu nodjiita ken(の芸術野地板剣 'Art of Sheathing a Sword'). These forms are each named after one of the four cardinal directions each of which have their own purpose in the scope of the style, without one form the others would simply not be in balance, that is the way of tranquility. [U][I]Kita-muki Renge-hen(北向き蓮花片 'North Facing Lotus Petal')[/I][/U] draws the blade with its edge facing forwards and its tip pointing upwards, the sheath comes off by pulling it up along the blade rather than drawing the blade from the sheath. This is considered one of the most bizarre of the No geijutsu nodjiita ken, but is nonetheless necessary. Typically the user will place the sheath upon their shoulder with the edge of their blade pointing away from their body even while within the sheath. One of the few dogmas that has the user fully draw the blade almost at all times, the Kita-muki Renge-hen is used for frontal attack. Once the blade is drawn, the sheath tends to move to the shoulder opposite where the blade was originally drawn from. The blade itself is then held with the dominant hand with the blade vertical, tip pointing up, edge facing away and forwards. The pinky is used to stabilize it, while the rest of the hand grasps it, the arm in a diagonally downwards position. This dogma is actually used to create openings by sliding the attacks down the blade, and then utilizing the sheath to strike the attacks away from the blade as it flows right into position to strike the opening. It tends to throw the attacker off balance while allowing the wielder to flow from defense into attack almost effortlessly. [U][I]Azuma-muki Renge-hen(東向き蓮花片 'East Facing Lotus Petal')[/I][/U] begins with one of the wielder's shoulders facing towards their enemy as they stand sideways. The left palm cradles the sheath, the blade's point aimed forwards towards the enemy or target and the sheathed edge facing away from the user's side, to the right. The fingers of the left hand are pointed towards the hilt as the hand cradles the sheath while its kin on the right hand easily grasp the grip of the blade. With this the stance is set and the user may use the variable movements of the sheathed tip with precision to disrupt the flow of attacks and then sway the blade to the other side of the body, exposing the other shoulder and hiding the prior thus allowing the blade to be drawn, its edge still facing right, to strike. This No geijutsu nodjiita ken is utilized to disrupt and then simultaneously block and strike the following counter if necessary. It is an intriguing and certainly unique form of the style. [U][I]Minami-muki Renge-hen(南向き蓮花片 'South Facing Lotus Petal')[/I][/U] is likely the most bizarre forms of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no as it is not used in true conflict, or at least that is not its primary purpose. Rather than conflict the form is used to disarm an armed opponent, even if this opponent's weapon is their body, their jutsu, or their mind. Standing with feet apart and the point of the blade facing to either side, blade horizontal and sheathed edge pointing towards the wielder, this style begins. Beside the blade itself, as the sheath is seldom used in this form, a guard on the forearm is typically applied so as to shield from the wielder's blade as it is held in reverse grip with the edge facing towards the arm rather than away. Another of this form's defining characteristics is that most of its attacks are delivered backwards and are piercing or pincer oriented. Beyond this there is only one other truly unique thing to be said regarding the Minami-muki Renge-hen, and that is that it is the only form (excluding the Shinzui no Hasu) of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no that can tap into the yin and yang of both the wielder and their opponent intentionally. It does this by using the blade as a conduit, which is how they manage to seal off certain capabilities, or even tenketsu if one is skilled enough. In this way it differentiates itself from the other No geijutsu no nodjiita ken. [U][I]Nishi ni menshi Renge-hen(西に面した蓮花片 'West Facing Lotus Petal')[/I][/U] first cradles the sheathed blade with the left arm, letting most of the sheath rest against the crook of the elbow. Within the sheath the edge will face away from the user's body, conversely it can face towards the user's body if they happen to wield the blade better with their left arm rather than their right. Given that they are right handed though, they will rest their left hand, fingers outstretched, along the sheath near where the blade's hilt is located. The blade is drawn by simultaneously pulling the sheath back with the left arm and drawing the blade with the right hand. The only explicit rule of this dogma is that the edge must always face towards the user's left side, meaning if it is drawn from the right side, its edge must be pointing towards the left. Many applications of this style do not actually fully draw the blade. Rather the sheath and hilt are used to block and trap the weapons or attacks of the enemy, flick them away and then quick draw when openings are present. Additionally, with a hand on the sheath and a hand on the katana, the blade can be sheathed and drawn at increased speeds allowing a limb to be more easily cut off by forcing the blade through it by manipulating the it via the sheath's movement and positioning. [U][I]Shinzui no Hasu(真髄の蓮 'Core of the Lotus')[/I][/U] is both the initial and final style of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no as it is used first without its definitive stances to test the opponent(s), and then later as a last resort to be the core of the lotus dogma and bring together the other four petals into a cohesive whole, a unifying central point. In its essence it is simple yet complex as it unites the four forms into a wonderful state referred to as Mabayui mankai which simply allows the user to do something that'd be otherwise essentially impossible, utilize all the forms with little to no hesitation as one flows through them and with no possibility of harming oneself. Lastly it does one thing that no other form of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no, it discards the sheath. ========================================= [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Samurai_Sabre_Technique]Samurai Sabre Technique[/url] [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Mabayui mankai([I]まばゆい満開[/I] 'Resplendent Full bloom'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninkenjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] Useing the same principle as the samurai sabre technique, Mayonaka clansman who master the Shizukana-ryū-ji no are taught to utilize this technique. Through pushing chakra into their blade, the user will create what appears to be an almost a cylindrical formation of chakra, making their blade omnidirectional and also non-existent. It shields the wielder from the blade's edge, and simultaneously makes it deadly from all angles. Not only this, but it acts as an imprint of the Tōrenai-men to naikō for a short period of time, thus allowing them to better handle the influence of Chinmoku's unrestrained power. [B]Weakness:[/B] While it acts as an imprint of the Tōrenai-men to naikō it cannot do so indefinitely and will only last for around 8 minutes max, though currently Seisui can only hold its imprinted effects for around 5. Such is the limitation of the technique. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Menimienai jokyo([I]目に見えない除去[/I] 'Unseen removal'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninkenjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] Once Mabayui mankai is active, the user is capable of utilizing this technique. Designed to allow the user to utilize the movements of the Nishi ni menshi Renge-hen stance, Menimienai jokyo adds an additional layer of chakra just over the surface of the Mabayui mankai, allowing the user to grip and remove it at high speed. This additional layer looks no different from those below it and thus cannot be seen with normal vision, though doujutsu like the byakugan would be able to tell the difference. This technique essentially facilitates of the Iaido like techniques of the aforementioned stance, which would otherwise be impossible without the use of the practitioner's sheath. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique can only be utilized when Mabayui mankai is active and the user has initiated the complete Shinzui no hasu stance. The additonal layer of chakra takes only a fraction of a second to create and requires an utterly miniscule amount of chakra however, every second counts in combat so the user must time its use well lest their opponent(s) gain the upper hand. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Menimienai shunji([I]目に見えない瞬时[/I] 'Unseen flash'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninkenjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] B. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] This technique is achieved through the utilization of chakra flow through constructs and/or objects, whose currents and polarities oppose one another. This causes the two objects/constructs to be pushed away from one another at high speed. Practitioners of the Shizukana-ryū-ji no utilize this technique on their sheath and sword whether it is physical or not, allowing them to preform terrifyingly fast quick draws, which carry enough momentum to shear through flesh and bone easily, and enough to cut rock. Metal can become dented or cracked if it is not reinforced sufficiently when this attack hits it. This technique is typically used during the state of the completed Shinzui no hasu after Menimienai jokyo has been activated. [B]Weakness:[/B] Dodge or block it. Additionally, the chakra build up can be noted by adept users of the chakra sensing technique, and those who possess doujutsu. [/hider] [center][color=#8A4117][h2][U][B]Reitemu, Shijima[/B] – [I]Seijin no Sanmyaku[/I][/U][/h2][/color] [img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/286rhbt.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=General Data][B][U]Name:[/U][/B]Reitemu, Shijima. [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] Tsuchi no hokkyokusei(Earthen Lodestar); Seijin no Sanmyaku(Sage of mountains). [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 36. [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 25. [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Straight. [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] Iwagakure. [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] The Land of Earth. [B][U]Organization:[/U][/B] Rebels. [I][U]Position:[/U][/I] Adviser. [B][U]Clan:[/U][/B] N/A, Shijima comes from a non-shinobi family with him being a sort of black sheep. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] A rank Jounin. [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Earth and fire. [I][U]Additional Appearance Details:[/U][/I] Beneath his earthy brown cloak he wears [url=http://oi60.tinypic.com/9k88et.jpg]this garb[/url], consisting of normal leather armor and the tools of the typical shinobi. He stands at a humble 5'7 and weighs average for his height. His body is fairly toned and his movements imparted with a certain grace due to his years of combat experience. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] A man who picks his words carefully, Shijima is a quiet and somewhat reclusive individual who knows his place in the world and what he wants to do while he is in it. Having no delusions of grandeur or the like, Shijima is a realist who looks at the solid facts and tends to weigh opportunities, relationships, choices, and people to ascertain the likelihood of the beneficial nature of such things. He is brutally honest, making no attempt at niceties most of the time, so much so that many consider him without tact, which is not far from the truth. Finding himself uncomfortable in large crowds, Shijima has taken to keeping very little company, causing him to possess oh so few friendships, or otherwise relations with other people. However, while he is certainly reclusive, he is not truly eccentric, as some people believe. Beyond this there is not very much to know about Shijima other than that he always keeps a cool head, no matter the situation. Lastly he is a fairly wise man, having learned much throughout his years of combat and otherwise social interactions, for they were once more common in his life. [B][U]History:[/U][/B] Having been born to a family of humble farmers, Shijima has been a black sheep since he could remember. Starting out as a rather quite child, Shijima worked as the rest of his family did, tilling the fields and tending the animals of their small outpost in the wilderness of the Land of Earth. So it came as quite the surprise when one day the son of two farmers decided to leave home and head for Iwagakure to enroll in the shinobi academy for training. There was harsh resistance from his mother, but his father, having been a young boy with dreams once, allowed it and so his son was sent off. Still, behind his back Shijima's father scoffed, estimating that the boy would be back come next year. He was wrong, Shijima never returned and never once did he fail to practice and do as he was told...and beyond. However, his methods were never the same as his peers. During their break time he would climb a tree far from the others, or hide somewhere to be left alone, disliking all the noise and hustle-bustle of his classmates. Every so often the girls would take an interest in his odd quietness and would play with him, but it never lasted. Eventually they came to believe that he was rather boring, or thought him dull in his antisocial ways, though he was the exact opposite of such. So it was in his early years that jealousy formed in the hearts of the other children, for Shijima always came out on top and they never seemed all to able to get back at him for it. He was weird, he was the outcast, and while most began to think his skills natural talent, such was not the case. He studied near endlessly, learning early to hide his materials and himself from those who ought to cause him harm or hinder him. However, with the war ongoing, Shijima found himself thrust into battle where he quickly found his place among peers. He fought valiantly, if not with a sort of stoicism, during the war proving his worth and making a name for himself. It was during this time that he learned from a member of the Ametsuchi clan and forged his now infamous style. Now, ten years later he is an advisor to the current Tsuchikage and a well respected member of Iwagakure. [I][U]Theme:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQuKMggYJiI]Theme:[/url][/U][/I] audiomachine - Evasion.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X kunai X shuriken X wire [/hider] ========================================= [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] [I]Unique fighting style:[/I] Shijima's fighting style is a mixture between taijutsu and ninjutsu, giving him a reliable and dangerous repertoire of abilities. In combat he mixes his extensive knowledge of taijutsu and masterful use of ninjutsu to both maneuver and manipulate the battlefield with ease. His mastery of earth-based ninjutsu and his unique senjutsu technique, Kikan wa – Chijō no Kyōmei, allows him to defend, attack, and counter with deadly efficiency. This coupled with his skill in taijutsu makes him a frightening combatant despite his fairly peaceful nature. [I]Potent chakra:[/I] While Shijima only has the chakra stores of your average jounin of his rank, his is a fair amount more potent than your average individual. The reason for this is due to his continued use of natural energy, particularly his moulding of it with his own chakra, causing the two to mix more and more over the years. As such, Shijima has ended up with more potent chakra, allowing him to execute jutsu of greater rank with slightly less chakra then the average individual. Nonetheless, due to the nature of his techniques, he tends to use roughly the same amount of chakra in combat, and thus tires at around the same rate as others. Absolute chakra control Experienced combatant Nearly no resistance to genjutsu Short-mid ranged combatant ========================================= [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning:_Lightning_Flash_Blade_Creation]Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka(Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation):[/url] Linked to all weaponry and the palms of the user's hands in this case. [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Kikan wa - Chijō no kyōmei ([I]馈还轮 - 地上の共鳴[/I] 'Feedback Loop – Earthly Resonance'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Senjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] S. [B]Range:[/B] 80 Meters max. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth, Natural Energy. [B]Handseals:[/B] 23. [B]Description:[/B] Preforming 23 handseals while his body is in contact with the ground, breathing calmly as he does so, Shijima will channel continual pulses of chakra into the ground through his feet, or whatever part of his body is in contact with the ground at the time. Shijima does not however lose control of this chakra once it exits his form, instead, utilizing seals on his hands and feet, he retains complete control of this chakra to the extent that he can almost ignore how far away from him it gets. After three seconds of this, the chakra wavelengths that had been emitted will begin to be pulled back towards his body and as they are the chakra, which has been programmed to do so, will pull natural energy from the ground back into his body. The moment the chakra enters his body and cycles through his chakra system once, it is immediately released back into the ground. This process continues, creating a natural feedback loop which gathers more and more chakra into the ground, chakra which has been mixed with Shijima's. This process, taking roughly 15-20 seconds facilitates the majority of Shijima's abilities as it allows him to freely manipulate any rock, earth, metal, or the like that has been infused with his chakra and the natural energy that is mixed with it. It should be noted that as long as Shijima remains stationary, or whenever he becomes stationary for any time exceeding 8 seconds the process repeats. This means that should he remain in the same place in a different location, regardless to whether or not it overlaps with the ground that he already infused with chakra, the ground will be infused with his chakra allowing it to be manipulated as well as long as it is within his maximum range of control. At any given point that he is stationary for roughly 10 seconds, additional earth, stone, metal, or other such materials that he is in contact with will be infused with his chakra via the same method. The rock or material that this process is applied to repeatedly will become increasingly sturdy as more chakra is packed into it. [B]Weakness:[/B] One cycle takes roughly 10 seconds to be complete, a single cycling of energies will infuse roughly 17 or so meters horizontally and 20 vertically and diagonally in between. If standing for 20 seconds a horizontal area of 35 meters will be covered, with 38 vertical and diagonal meters being infused. The longer he stands the more area is infused, with the maximum being 80 meters horizontally and 83 meters vertically and diagonally. One cycle takes roughly 15 percent of his chakra and it would thus take a total of 60 percent of his chakra to infuse the maximum amount of space. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Niku to ishi - chijō no karada dōchō ([I]肉と石 - 地上の体调同[/I] 'Flesh and Stone – Alignment of Earthly Bodies'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu; Taijutsu; Sensory ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-A. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth and Natural Energy. [B]Handseals:[/B] 6. [B]Description:[/B] This technique can only be used of this user has exchanged chakra with the stone that he wishes to manipulate. Thus, this technique is typically only available to Shijima after he has utilized Kikan wa - Chijō no kyōmei. Niku to ishi allows the user to manipulate any earthen material that has been infused with the user's chakra in part. Once that has been done the technique is executed by simply preforming 6 handseals after which point all chakra infused earth is synchronized with the user's consciousness and physical movements. This allows them to guide the stone and/or soil with their mind and movements both. Additionally, it should be noted that as long as some part of the user's body retains physical contact with the ground they can manipulate and sense through the earth. This means contact with the ground will be noted by the individual as it sends vibrations throughout which reach the user and notify them of the entity's position. The user also releases vibrational shockwaves into the ground by making contact with it, thus allowing them to sense through these vibrations running through, or being interfered with by, other objects and beings. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique takes no further chakra to utilize, but does require intense focus and concentration. The individual must retain some form of contact with the ground for this to remain functional, though it does not need to be reactivated every time the user loses contact with the ground. It should be noted that the physical movements will take energy from the user as per normal and the chakra that has been infused with the ground will not last forever, though it may last for a fairly long time, depending on how long the precursor technique is utilized. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Chijō no kyōmei - Shōsū no sen'yaku ([I]地上の共鳴 - 少数の煎薬[/I] 'Earthly Resonance – Minor Infusion'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-B. [B]Range:[/B] Contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Natural Energy, Fire and/or Earth. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] Utilizing a similar process to its namesake, Chijō no kyōmei - Shōsū no sen'yaku works through the use of the initial handseals and contact with the object, or entity, that the process is intended to be applied to. This technique's initial purpose is to allow Shijima to infuse objects he comes into contact with, be they his or otherwise, thus allowing him to influence them by manipulating the chakra therein. This ability is can be either detrimental or beneficial to the object(s) in question depending on Shijima's intention. Should he intend the action to be beneficial, the object will become sturdier and perhaps even more effective, depending on its purpose and traits. For example, a blade might become sharper and more durable. If Shijima instead holds ill intent for the object(s) in question, he can infuse them with his chakra, affinity or otherwise, and influence them from afar. He could utilize his fire affinity to heat objects rapidly, making them increasingly difficult to wield over time. Or he could decrease their structural integrity by causing erratic chakratic movements within the object, thus weakening structure through a multitude of collisions within the object. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique not only requires direct contact with the objects that the user wishes to influence but also requires the contact to last at least two or more seconds. If the object is larger than a long sword than it will require more than the aforementioned time. This technique cannot be applied to living things, though clothing is not out of the question. Shoul Shijima attempt to use this on something living, it will instead give them chakra, though it will cause brief pain in the effected area. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Kutsugaesu([I]覆す[/I] 'To Undermine'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] Contact. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire and/or Earth. [B]Handseals:[/B] 0. [B]Description:[/B] By infusing earthen materials with his fire affinity, or simply manipulating them with his earth affinity, Shijima is capable of undermining their stability, or the status of their temperature. Thus he is capable of destabilizing these materials and/or increasing their heat. Depending on the circumstances, these traits will be mutually exclusive, at least when it comes to this jutsu. Through the use of this technique, Shijima can both destroy other techniques, or he can reinforce their damage output via the heat he can bestow. This technique also allows him to sap and transfer the heat of materials or objects infused with his chakra. In this way he can cool objects down by transferring heat between mediums. [B]Weakness:[/B] Requires that the user has either infused the material with chakra beforehand, or makes contact with the material. Materials can transmit his chakra as long as they retain contact for 2-4 seconds depending on circumstances. Can be nullified via the use of water affinity chakra channeled through the material. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Hi no zokuhen ([I]火の続編[/I] 'Fire's prequel'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu and Minor Sensory Technique. [B]Rank:[/B] D. [B]Range:[/B] Maximum of 10 meters. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire. [B]Handseals:[/B] 6. [B]Description:[/B] Building fire affinity chakra within his body, Shijima allows the chakra to heat the surface of his flesh, which he has reinforced with chakra so as not to damage himself. After roughly 3 seconds his skin will feel feverish in its temperature and the heat will slow its ascent. After an additional 8 seconds the technique's true purpose will activate, releasing the stored heat from his body into the surrounding area. This heat is not enough to cause pain or damage, but is enough to be uncomfortable to most. The area in which the heat resides is lightly infused with Shijima's chakra, which blends with the surrounding natural energy. This allows Shijima to sense disturbances in this field of heat, but serves little purpose beyond that on its lonesome. It should be noted that Shijima can choose not to release the heat from his body, and can instead transfer it through the use of other techniques. The chakra of this technique can also be infused into areas already effected by Kikan wa – Chijō no Kyōmei. [B]Weakness:[/B] Has no real application on its lonesome and the sensory advantage is not all that considerable. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Honō tenka([I]炎点火[/I] 'Blaze Ignition'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-A. [B]Range:[/B] Maximum of 10 meters. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3-8. [B]Description:[/B] Once Hi no zokuhen has been utilized, Shijima may activate this technique, allowing him to gather the thermal energy with his diffused fire affinity chakra after which point he an ignite it. This allows him to suddenly and rapidly create fires of intensities equal to techniques between C and A ranks. [B]Weakness:[/B] This technique cannot be utilized outside an area that Hi no zokuhen has influenced. It also has natural affinity weaknesses and strengths. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Chijō no kyōmei – Kōkai shindō ([I]地上の共鳴 - 更改震動[/I] 'Earthly Resonance – Renewal tremors'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-B. [B]Range:[/B] 5-8 meters or less. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Natural Energy and Earth. [B]Handseals:[/B] 3. [B]Description:[/B] Utilizing a similar principle to Kikan wa - Chijō no kyōmei, Shijima pulls a small amount of natural energy into his body through the ground, mixing it with the chakra in his body, after which he expels it in any given direction to quickly and efficiently take control of earthen materials within direct or indirect contact with his body. This is achieved through forcing this moulded chakra into the ground in the same manner as Kikan wa, but instead doing so quickly, within a much smaller area, or in a specific direction. This chakra can be expelled at a slower rate in order to facilitate continual control over different areas as Shijima moves. It should be noted that while the majority of the chakra used in this technique is lost, remaining infused in the effected rock or otherwise material, around 15% of it returns with each use in the form of natural energy. This is due to the similarities between this technique and Kikan wa. It should be noted that considerably less chakra is utilized when less ground is infused. [B]Weakness:[/B] Fairly small range in comparison to Kikan wa. The technique is much lower in power and the chakra can be somewhat disrupted through the use of the lightning affinity through the effected area(s).[/hider]