Hopefully I'm meant to post here. . . Name: Azurael Winchester Age: 22 Level: 1 Appearance: (Picture or description) Azurael is roughly six feet tall, give or take a few inches, she isn't good with imperial measurements. Her hair is platinum blonde and her eyes are an odd shade of blue, almost like some-one leeched nearly all the colour out of them. She likes to wear male clothing as she views it as far more practical (generally a polar fleece, a turtleneck, and slacks). Her hair is always done in a tight plait, reaching to the small of her back. Biography: Azurael was taken from the rather modern year of 2015. She lives in a small backwoods town somewhere in an isolated country called New Zealand. She, specifically, was taken just as she was about to undo her seatbelt to get out of her wee Cessna-172. Azurael is a qualified pilot. Special Abilities: (Leave this blank for now.) Special Items: (Leave this blank for now.)