[@Hexaflexagon] One thing I want to go with is eight may be a bit old I feel. 5-6 would still let you have your past but is likely to be a more accepted age. Alternative is if Raonk teaches him himself as an initiate for a period of time. [@Gowi] Could you maybe add when she learned Battle Meditation. It's not the most common of abilities and from what I've read I'm not doubting she would have picked it up, just she seems to have been busy it's more of a [i]when[/i] did she pick it up? [@ChaoticLaw] So far so good, look forward to seeing the rest of it. [@Blackbeard] While I acknowledge this isn't finished yet the question will be a) Why not just a standard Jedi Cloak and b) Why cut of your horns within the Jedi Order where everyone is accepted? An Example of this is there was even a Hutt that was a Jedi. [quote=@Sloth] [i]Oh....[/i] Well, there's still hope for the legendary Gungan Padawan, Tar Tel Breen! :newlol [/quote] Told you, Bothan or Shistaven. Cats and Dogs under one roof is bound to be fun! Also Rename, as it sounded cool. I have started working on my sheet, completed one should be up by tonight.