[color=f26522][h2]Dr. Cashino King[/h2][/color] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/40/c8/54/40c8542ca7f02fa8dad52adfce181abc.jpg[/img] [i]"There’s only one problem with society and it’s that people listen to late"[/i] Cash is a pretty is skinny dude who stands at a 1.91 m, he wears a Hawaiian shirt with Brown khaki pants and flip flops, ________________________________________ [i]Age[/i]:35 [i]Gender[/i]: Male [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Pretty well off [i]Power Descriptions:[/i] “Super Power you have reading way to many comic” [i]Skills:[/i] He’s a well known author, he also went to medical school (though never finished) ________________________________________ [i]Personality:[/i] ”If you where to ask anyone else but me they would say Cash is a Drunk, Arrogant, Insane Son of a bitch an they would be right and wrong because I am not just something you can just label and file away in your government cabinets ” A snippet from a old radio interview. [i]Biography:[/i] Cash doesn’t speak about his past like at all (Because he doesn’t remember much of it) however he did go to medical school and later on became was a fairly successful author who was known for his heavy drug-use. [i]Likes:[/i] MILFs Drugs Westerns Tobacco The Beatles [i]Dislikes:[/i] The Government Bats Whiners [i]Fears:[/i] Bats he fucking hates them [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Older Women especially single mothers [i]Other:[/i] -quite knowledgeable on just about everything but it can be best describe as a patchwork quilt for example he might know who built the Eiffel tower and how long it took to do so but he won't know when or why it was built -Has tried almost every drug known to man -Has written two novels listed down below “The Drug Hound” A book about him wakening up in a Vegas hotel room with a pug (who had several pounds of cocaine and weed duct taped to him) “The Russian Road” His First Novel and it caused him to be hated by the Russian mafia [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDYdtljigLs]"[i]I Gotta Go[/i]" by Robert Earl Keen[/url]