[CENTER][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m86nMHfvl7s][COLOR=WHITE][SUB]Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga, Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga[/SUB][/COLOR][/URL][hr] [IMG]http://oi62.tinypic.com/23ti99l.jpg[/IMG][hr][/CENTER] [INDENT][b][i]STARDATE: 1379019.4 [INDENT]Somewhere on the Outer Rim of the Andromeda Galaxy...[/INDENT][/i][/b][/INDENT] The void of space was suddenly illuminated by a blinding flurry of lightning as the fabric between time and space was ripped apart like a once clenched jaw. The bow of a ship slipped through the gaping maw as the Hive Ship exited slipstream and came to orbit around the remote M-Class planet. Behind the massive vessel came another like it and another after that as each of the ships entered into orbit around the planet. From the surface, the humanoid populace turned their eyes to the sky as even from orbit the Hive ships were visible to those upon the surface. A primitive culture, they could not possibly understand was was about to befall their societies but yet they knew enough to feel fear. From within the Hive ships came a deafening humming noise as hundreds of small ships suddenly exited from the hexagonal patterning on the ships' underbelly. Diving through the planets atmosphere, the ships began to fire on those below. A man reached out to his child only to be struck down, a metal prong hooking into his back as his body was forcibly transformed. Crying out to his child one last time, the man's eyes went blank as he lost his individuality becoming nothing but a drone to the invading aliens. Turning to his crying child, he extended a spike from his wrist before reaching down and submitting her to the same fate as he. More and more of the natives began to fall to this fate as a voice echoed over the planet from the Hive ships above. [B]""[/B][sup]1[/sup] The message continued to play on a loop as the Reach began to bomb the planet from orbit. As they had done to the populace, the surface was transformed as the Reach penetrated the surface with pillars that unfolded to cocoon the planet. Drilling to the planet's core, the Reach were preparing the world for a metamorphosis, insuring it would survive the terraforming process. As the cocoon began to spread, the planet's resources were slowly absorbed as the Reach harvested each and everyone of them. Their new drones slowly awakening from the transformation process as they began to assist the cocooning process, their new implants allowing them total comprehension as they became one with the hive mind. Descending through the atmosphere, the first of the Hive ships prepared to land as the other two departed from orbit. This world, like many others now belonged to the Reach. [hr][INDENT][b][i]STARDATE: 1379019.7 [INDENT]Tarnax IV, Drox System[/INDENT][/i][/b][/INDENT] "So here's how the job is going to go..." Peter Quill said as he slid down the ladder that connected the helm of the [I]Milano[/I] to the main deck. "...We come in on Tarnax four's dark side, land on the outskirts of the capital and then the Princess and I will sneak in." Quill stated looking towards Koriand'r. He still couldn't believe his team included the Princess of Tamaran. It was only seven solar cycles ago that they had met on Knowhere. Quill couldn't help but smirk as he thought back to his first impression on the Princess. Looking back towards Quill, Koriand'r's bright green eyes were unblinking as she slowly nodded before voicing her own concerns. "And how exactly will we be sneaking in. I have never met a Skrull but based on Rocket's description of them we don't exactly look green or have long pointed ears. If the pointed ears are what makes a Skrull then perhaps it would be best if we send Rocket and Taghurruh." She said nodding towards the raccoon and feline humanoid in the room. It seemed like only hours ago they had all been at each other's throats with weapons drawn. "Look Quill it sounds to me like you don't really have much of a plan once again." Rocket piped up from the corner where he had taken his gun apart and was cleaning it piece by piece. "That's really only about twelve percent of a plan when you think about." Quill still couldn't believe he had taken on that pipsqueak of a bounty hunter. His team really wasn't the stuff of legends that Yondu's original Guardians had been. Then again, where was he supposed to pick up a Kryptonian in this day and age. A Tamarian was basically the next best thing, it was everyone else he was worried about. "I am Groot." Came a strong stoic reply. Quill could only roll his eyes at the vocabulary challenged half of the bounty hunting duo. "What do you mean it's better than eleven percent of a plan?" Rocket snarled towards the towering floral colossus behind him as Groot voiced his opinion to the group. "I am a fan of the Princess' plan personally." Growled Tigorr from the otherside of the deck. "I would make an excellent Skrull, especially once I have spilled enough of their blood on me." Quill didn't know much about Tigorr, what he did know was that the Karnan had once been a proud officer before being dishonorable discharged and becoming nothing more than a drunk wandering Knowhere. "We are not going in guns..." Quill paused as he looked towards Tigorr again. "Err claws ablazing. We need to be able to get in and get out with that medicine for Tarnax two." He looked around at the team again. "That means we need to avoid fighting." "[sub]I do not even see why I am here then.[/sub]" Tigorr muttered angrily as he leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed. "Has to beat losing money on poor bets and cheap alcohol." Rocket snarked from his corner. "Face it, you were the planet drunk before Quill and Kori pulled your ass out of that bar." "As I recall it, I was the one who saved their... how did you put it? 'Asses'." Tigorr replied. "I believe you were the one wanting to collect the bounty on the head of the Princess." "Don't sell yourself short there toothy, you've got quite the bounty on your own head." Rocket replied as he held up his assembled gun. "A deserter goes for a pretty sum, not as pretty as a Princess of Tamaran mind you." "And I told you, when we have freed Tamaran, then I will pay you tenfold the price upon our heads." Koriand'r said to Rocket. "Can we get back on topic here?" Quill asked as he looked around at the team, holding his arms out as he tried to act like some sort of mediator. "Y'know only twelve percent of a plan over here." "Peter, we're ensuring our allegiances are all accounted for. I believe that is more important than your fool hardy plan at the moment." Koriand'r replied as her solid greens eyes stared towards Peter. "Well excuse me Princess." Peter replied as he slumped down on the floor with his arms crossed. "Eh don't worry Kori, for that sum of units I'd be a fool to turn you over to the Psions." Rocket assured Koriand'r. "Never liked dealing with those sadistic bastards anyways." "And what about Taghurruh? Is your loyalty to him as well." The Tamaranian asked. "Provided he doesn't try to eat me again, we're all good here." Rocket replied as he turned to Quill. "Now then, as for your plan, here's what we're going to do..." [hr][SUP]1[/SUP] [I]Translated from Alien Dialect[/I]