[B]Gratia Mindaro - Armory Class[/B] Armory. For those who knew nothing of her family (every single one of her classmates, as she was not somebody who talked particularly much about her home life), to see Gratia Mindaro attend a class geared towards weapons was a great surprise, especially when her preferred tools consisted of a simple, dull sabre and a carbine that would not be out of place amongst the weapons used by the Mistralese Army (in fact, the model was only phased out mere years before she had ripped and torn her way into the prestigious Haven Academy). There was no grand complexity to her fighting style, no need to know every detail about a versatile and powerful weapon, but she had chosen the class over Grimm Studies anyway. It kept her far away from that cheese-eating, irksome bastard fool, at least. The presence of Fiordilatte aside, she was the daughter of a metalworker. No matter the lack of success that her father faced in his everyday life, the Mistralese Huntress was still very much familiar with the intricacies of metallurgy and smithing. Unless there was some great, mysterious component to the class Professor Chatsworth ran, then she would possess a solid grounding for whatever was taught. Armory would provide her greater skills for weapons maintenance, and if the orientation package had not lied to her, a number of other benefits. And so it was without fanfare that the stoic girl walked through the doors of the classroom, her flowing locks fanning out behind her as she made her way to a seat near the front, as far away as possible from the rest of her classmates. There was no need to associate with them.