"No problem, it's just that it ended better than expected..." said Qa-Ra as he took of his weapon of choicïe. "Too good..." he muttered as the inn cleared somewhat. He made a mental note to check his surroundings when leaving the inn. Then as he looked at the counter Qa-Ra was just in time to spot Ka-Vara pocket the septims 'That greedy bastard' he thought with a smile. Following the rest of his party inside the small room, Qa-Ra paused next to the Orc enforcer giving him a friendly clasp on the shoulder. "See, told ya we'll be done quick!" then continued on his way in, taking the last seat at the table, next to Ka-Vara. As each took turns apologising menacing the non present Nords, Qa-Ra made himself confortable by crossing his arms and leaning back on the chair. Leaning inconspicuously towards the Argonian he whispered in his ear, "You do remember we're all a team right?" after that going back yo his confortable position and let the Altmer speak. Actions: feels something amiss about the hasty retreat of the nords. Spots Ka-Vara pocketing gold(will bring it up less gently later if necessary).