I'm back from helping people :D My CS is still progress, see ^.^ Here Name: Cassius Hale Call Sign: Lone Wolf(Formerly known as Fenrir) Race: Human Creed: Silently in, Victorious out Official Personnel Description: [img]http://i.imgur.com/T07AEAa.jpg[/img] Cassius stands at 6'8 out of his armor and 7'2 in his armor and has a muscular build. Armor: [hider=Rogue Armor(Heavy)][img]http://i.imgur.com/9dVhq6H.jpg[/img][/hider] Weapons: M-3 Predator, M-15 Vindicator, M-22 Eviscerator, Nova-Blade(A combat knife that can tear through heavy armor as if it were butter) Speciality: Vanguard Powers: Cryo Ammo, Shockwave, Singularity, Throw, Slam, Lash, Adrenaline Rush Homeworld: Earth History: The past still clings to Cassius, he had once been apart of an elite squadron that had been classed as the best of the best, Cerberus took children from their homes. The goal was to create a team of soldiers in replacement to a military force, Illusive Man himself was the orchestrator of the program. The group of children were now soon to become Spartans, each were put through intense training to better their skills and administered a powerful dose of an advanced hyper-stimulant, over the course of years they were given these serum doses. In result their physiology had changed as they aged, the now adult children had been stronger than any army would be, all of their skills were greatly enhanced by the now permanent stimulant. When training had been completed to its fullest, the squad now dubbed as Zeta Squad was given a new type of armor labeled as Mjolnir, very powerful as well as durable, the armor was linked to a specific soldier to improve their faster than normal reaction times, each were gifted with an A.I. He and a squad were shuttled to Hades Gamma milky way to investigate rumors of Reaper occupation in the Farinata system, the rumors had indeed been true and he was the last of his team, the last Spartan. [hider=His Story]The relatively small yet roomy ship's interior broke the atmosphere and the feeling hadn't phased Cassius all, the rumbling and shaking of entering a planet never bothered him. He looked at his squad mates, the orange visor of the helmet he wore reflected only their own unique helmets, each had different armor styles based on their personality types, their A.I's were the same, his was a little different, well a lot different and with more freedom of thought. She was called [url]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/015/8/0/____auntie_dot_____by_xxnoxisxx-d379xen.jpg]Moira[/url], she had been his wingman from the very beginning of his training, aging with him, learning with him, the other Spartans were his teammates and his brothers but not on a level like he and Moira. The descent toward the planet had been steady until they came to a stop, the landing bay doors opened and the ship rested fifty feet or so above the planet's surface. "You all know your mission." The pilot barked at them, without word the team stood, one by one they jumped out of the ship, landing without problem onto the sc[/hider]