Phew! Finished, I hope it's acceptable. On a separate note I was wondering if anyone wanted to already know my character just to make things a little easier (if she gets accepted ofc) [hider=Cora Dubois] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Cora Dubois[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Cat, Cajun[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]28[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'9[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]142 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Eastover Woods[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dirty Blonde[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Green[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Scottish/American[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Cora overall appears more human than bestial but she does have some significant and obvious feline characteristics. Her skin is a light yellowish brown and is covered with rosettes, dark spots clustered together, (like a leopard) the markings are concentrated on her back, arms and legs with only a smattering on her chest and torso. Because of this people often assume she has fur but this is not the case. Her eyes have vertical slitted pupils surrounded by green irises. They look reflective in bright light and occasionally the extra membrane is visible though this is usually when Cora is really tired or ill. She has an inverted triangular face shape with her forehead being wider than her jaw and her face narrowing to a pointed chin. High defined cheekbones and her light weight give her face a gaunt, angular appearance. She has never been called pretty or beautiful as her eyes are a little too large, her mouth a little too wide but she has been described as striking or arresting. Her hair is a mass of thick dirty blonde curls that reach the middle of her back. Her physique would probably best be described as athletic with long legs and a lean musculature bordering on skinny. She is not skin and bone however, and has a healthy amount of muscle and fat. Her build is one designed for speed and agility with a healthy amount of stamina but no real strength to speak of. Her bust is on the smaller side (B-C cup) but appears somewhat larger due to her weight and small hips and stomach. Her calves are lightly muscled and well defined as are her arms and are an obvious giveaway of her skills in running and agility. Her hands and feet are human but her nails are harder and can grow or shrink at will (like retractable claws) this makes climbing easier for her. They are also black from base to tip making it seem as though she constantly wears black nail polish or has badly injured nails.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Her style, when not working, is a mixture of hippy and bohemian flavours with long flowing skirts, baggy or ripped vests and shawls. She has also been seen in bohemian style maxi dresses and is never without her favorite pair of faded brown cowboy boots. She likes big belts and wears multiple necklaces and silver rings When working she still likes the vests and shawls but pairs them with serviceable jeans or shorts for ease of movement.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Cora is not the easiest person to be around, she's not nasty or malicious but suffers from a lack of tact and will speak her mind with a directness that often makes others wince. She just doesn't see the point in flowery statements or beating about the bush and such behavior invariably irritates her. She is a straightforward woman who expects the same of others and gets irritated or confused when they are not. She does have a sense of humor though it is dry and leans toward the darker side, she will make a joke about the darkest of situations and this can often offend those around her. She does not do so to be insensitive it is more her way of coping with a unpleasant or emotionally charged situation. She is affectionate by nature and likes to be around others though only on her terms, she doesn't really like crowds as she finds them too noisy and too containing. She is somewhat of a free spirit and does not like to be controlled or constrained by others. She appears confident and unafraid but this is a facade and underneath she is insecure, needing attention and reassurance from others to make her feel good about herself. Other people's opinions matter a great deal to her and it bothers her if she thinks someone dislikes her or that she might have inadvertently upset someone. She has an open trusting nature and this does leave her vulnerable to emotional manipulation and deceit as subtlety and deception do not come naturally to her. She feels that she has changed since manifesting and that she has taken on some of the feline characteristics and traits, whether this is true or not is unknown however she does have some behavioral similarities. She is aggressive about what she considers to be her own space, the cabin she lives in, her own personal space or even the people around her. If she perceives this as being threatened it will often be enough to trigger her temper. There is a willingness to do violence that bothers her, when angry she often has to fight not to physically attack whatever angered her. She also has no qualms about killing animals when out hunting and sees is as survival of the fittest, the strong survive and the weak don't. She is also intensely curious and wants to learn about anything and everything, if she thinks there is something interesting she will go and investigate it regardless of any danger involved. She has also discovered a preference for sleeping during the day and being awake at night though she does force herself to work in the daytime when she has to. When not asleep she is often seen lying under a tree or sitting on a rock basking in the sun and will avoid being cold at all costs.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Cora loves photography and is always snapping pictures, she also enjoys writing and has written many short stories and novella's (for her private enjoyment only)[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Her enhanced senses make Cora a natural born tracker and she has the stubbornness to not give up until she has found what she was seeking. She is also naturally agile and hobbies such as Gymnastics have made her even more so, she can climb, leap and tumble etc with ease. She's fast on her feet and has the stamina and endurance to keep going after others would have stopped. She is comfortable in both the night and day and is particularly adept at moving quietly and stealthily. Her vision, hearing and smell are much stronger than a humans and as such her reflexes kick in that much quicker. She began learning American Kenpo as soon as she turned eighteen using the breathing techniques and discipline to help her control her more aggressive tendencies. She still trains and is adept in this style, which focuses more on defence, efficiency of movement and using the opponents strength against them. She is also a talented photographer. [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]Her Nikon Camera[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Cora was born in New Orleans and is the product of a Scottish mother and American father, her mother met her father in London at a science conference and chose to emigrate to be with him. Both were respected geneticists and her mother joined her father's team at the well funded New Orleans University. Cora saw little of them in her early life as both were workaholics and spent most of their time in their lab. She was looked after by various nanny's who ensured she had whatever she needed. Though not wealthy her parents did well in their work and Cora lived a comfortable life. Despite they're lack of attention Cora loved her parents deeply and did her best at everything she did in the hopes that they would notice her. She knew she had been an accident and over time grew to believe that neither of her parents really cared about her. She was a good student who enjoyed her lessons particularly the more creative subjects, but this meant others saw her as a nerd and so she was never part of the popular crowd. But she had a small group of close friends and suffered very little bullying. On the whole her life was a pretty good one other than her parents disinterest. However when she turned thirteen and began to change Cora suddenly received all of her parents attention and soon grew to hate it. Her parents were fascinated by Metahuman genetics and to discover their own daughter was a Metahuman delighted them. They now had a subject to study at their leisure and she became their new 'project'. They studied her changes and tested her capabilities and how well she adapted after each of the changes. Cora now spent most of her time in the lab and as such her studies began to suffer, the university were uncomfortable with this and asked the Dubois's to cease their work. But her parents were determined, they knew there was a wealth of information hidden in their daughters genetic structure and they wanted to discover it all. They sought private funding from various companies and one such company funded their research and enabled them to have a lab custom built at home. At first Cora was happy to have their undivided attention even if she did dislike the testing and long periods of boredom that came with it. She did everything they asked of her and never complained, not when they pulled her out of school, nor when she was no longer allowed out to see her friends, not even when the tests became more invasive and painful. But after several years living as a science project Cora had had enough, she knew that this was not normal and she desperately wanted normal. She understood that it was her metahuman nature that her parents loved and not her and as such she grew to hate her appearance. She became a resentful, rebellious sixteen year old who, with her abilities, caused havoc for her parents ordered and logical lifestyle. She began deliberately acting up, escaping the lab and running away whenever she could, smoking, drinking and any other ways she could think of to anger her parents. Cora was never really sure in the end what it was that made her parents realise they had gone too far, they never told her and she never asked. But one day her uncle arrived and she was told she was going to live with him. Her mother's brother he had emigrated from Scotland with his family a few years previously and they had settled in Verthaven. Cora learned what a real family was like. Her uncle had three strapping boys and their house was always full of life and laughter, she was welcomed immediately with none of them seeming to care that she was different. Her uncle enrolled her in Academy 12 and there she found others like herself and others even more different. She had already learned how to live with her abilities but the academy taught her how to utilise them and most importantly how to accept herself as a Metahuman. After graduating she then studied Photography having discovered a passion for it whilst at the academy, and at the age of twenty two she began working in the industry. It was a hard slog with several years of working dead end jobs to make ends meet whilst she continued photography part time. Her uncle had offered to help her but she was determined to make it on her own, and insisted on paying her own way at home and refused monetary help. By the time she was twenty six she had begun to be recognised in the industry and she was soon earning enough to live on her own. She chose to live in a cabin out in the woods as the swamps and woodlands reminded her of the bayou's of Louisiana.[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Moira Dubois - Mother (Estranged) Daniel Dubois - Father (estranged) John Mackenzie - Maternal Uncle Elise Mackenzie - Aunt Rory Mackenzie - Cousin Connor Mackenzie - Cousin Ned Mackenzie - Cousin [/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent]Will add after discussing with other players [b] {Character Name} [/b] | [b] {Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral} [/b] | [b] {Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)}[/b] | {Character Thoughts via in-character quote} |[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System:Bestial[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][b]Feline Physiology[/b] Cora has the abilities of the large and diverse group of felines in particular those that fall under the genus Panthera. She seems to have drawn characteristics from the big cats but there are several things she possesses more notable with the smaller species. She gained the Cheetah's ability to reach extraordinary speeds in seconds as well as their endurance enabling her to get by with less water (can survive three-four days without it) From the Jaguar/Leopard/Cougar she gained their incredibly powerful legs and as such Cora is able to leap large distances and from great heights and always landing on her feet(Reaching distances of fifty feet) She is also a natural climber and can climb pretty much any surface as long as she has something to dig her nails into and has a very good sense of balance. She has feline eyes and as such sees just fine at night or in areas of low light and is able to spot movement at great distances with very little light. Her hearing is very acute and she can hear sounds in the higher and lower range than a human would. Her sense of smell is perhaps her least powerful sense yet it is powerful to distinguish scents at distance as well as track using only the slightest scent. Second to her speed her most notable trait is her agility which combined with her gymnastic skills makes her very hard to hit, she can dodge, roll and leap so quickly that it can give you whiplash. Because of her enhanced senses her reflexes are incredibly sharp giving her a much faster reaction time.[/INDENT] [b]Limit:[/b] [INDENT]Cora has a very fast metabolism and burns calories faster than normal. She needs to consume much more food than a human in order to keep going.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Cora is extremely vulnerable to sensory overload so too bright lights, particularly loud noises or even strong unpleasant smells can affect her negatively. She can often be stunned by them or if powerful enough they can knock her out. Other than her nails (primarily used for climbing) Cora has no offensive traits such as elongated teeth and doesn't exude anything to aid in her defence. Cora is prone to Migraines (perhaps as a result of her brain being overloaded with stimuli) these are very painful and can leave her incapacitated for several days Cora is more feline than human when it comes to behaviour. Her bestial instincts make her unpredictable, frequently aggressive, easily distracted and more. This seriously affects her social skills and ability to be around/interact with others.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Cora has two cats Mojo and Luna Cora has a very strong Louisiana accent and often shortens words or drops terms into conversation common in New Orleans such as 'Boo' and 'F'true' Cora is a freelance photographer who specialises in Metahuman artwork, she is known for capturing the beauty of even the more freakish Metahuman. She is respected as an artist who is working to improve human's opinion on those Metahuman's who look very different.[/INDENT] [/hider]