"Howdy, Pilot" replied Blade as the younger fox arrived. He looked nervous, but had a smile on his face all the same. Blade couldn't help but smile slightly at that, as it reminded him of himself in younger days. "Don't fret about it," he replied to Maxwell's explanation. "Things are always like that in the military, especially when you're joinin' a bit of an unorthodox unit like this. Once we're underway, I'm sure things'll get a bit more squared. We're kinda re-writin' the book as we go, here." He nodded to the kit bag the vulpine was carrying. "Leave yer weps with the quartermaster over by the staircase, he'll sign 'em into the armoury fer you. Then sync yer PADD up to the shipnet, and y'all should be able ta find yer bunk-room... or hang around here fer a few, an' come wi' me." He glanced at his PADD and tapped a flickering holo-icon, before nodding. "Yer chopper's not aboard yet, it'll catch up with us once we're a coupla hours out, as per the regs. I'll make sure y'all get time to check it over once we're runnin' tho. Welcome aboard, and ta the 101st. I'll give a proper brief later, all right?"