"I know, but it would be best to wait with children 'till after the war either way. And they say the war can be over by Christmas if things turn out right. With the progress made in Italy, it might just be true." Tom whispered back, doing his utmost to believe the words coming out of his mouth. Things that were too good to be true, usually ended up in the dirt. Anna's kiss made him blush, just like all those times before they could be themselves. "I love you too, Anna, so very, very much." Tom didn't care for the jealous looks given to them, as he kissed Anna back on his cheek. She did indeed look wonderful in her new dress and wig, though her short-cut hair did make her look rather fine too. Perhaps she would become what people called a 'trend-setter'? It didn't take too long for the couple to finish their meals, and Tom did feel the wine going to his head. Tom took Anna's hand and walked alongside her out to the street, headed for the hotel located further away from the army camp. "You do look great in that dress, Anna, but I can't wait to see how beautiful you are without it." Tom whispered, chuckling quietly as the couple wandered down the street, happier that they had been before.