[color=#FF4500][b][u]Ahio[/u][/b][/color] The sound of cannon fire reverberated through the city as several ships somewhere in the city opened fire. There were three possibilities of whom could be the cause of this and Ahio liked none of them. Either there were pirates fighting in the port like idiots, a large group of pirates were raiding the town, or the marines were attacking the ships of pirates new to the Grand Line. Yet, his thoughts were disrupted as he watched a cannonball rocket through the sky and fly into the tavern. The young swordsman heard the crashing of wood breaking and of somebody or something crashing against stone. From what Ahio could see, the young woman who the fishman had indicated to be the ‘Captain’. After less than a minute, Ahio turned his focus back to the outside to find the white haired male who had been inside had taken out quite a few marines who had obviously rushed into the town to take out the new pirates who had obviously been heading the Grand Line. Ahio noticed the five captains and lieutenants standing in the road with a rather large number of grunts with them. [color=FF4500]”Well, this isn’t how I expected my day to go but it is more fun than expected.”[/color] Ahio stated as he slid his katanas out of their sheaths. A captain stood glaring at the man with the white hair as two others motioned for their soldiers to attack. The approaching marines were intent on taking down white hair but Ahio had no intent of letting him take all the glory. The swordsman smirked at the advancing marine grunts and raised his blades as easily as he could down a bottle of sake. [color=#FF4500]” Rumble Rumble, hōshutsu!”[/color] Ahio said lightly as a current of lightning ran into the blades of his katanas. Small but highly dangerous bolts of lightning quickly launched from the blades and struck five marine soldiers center mass with another three grazing them. The advancing soldiers stopped as the five who were hit fell to the ground writhing and the three who were lucky enough to only be grazed held the cuts to stop the bleeding. Ahio took this short pause to slide his katanas into their sheaths. The young man couldn’t help but smile in ecstasy. It had been too long since he had actually fought with somebody and even the act of fighting weak marines gave him the feeling of being at peace. But the battle was far from over. The marines shook of their shock and turned towards Ahio, splitting their forces between both him and white hair. But Ahio was ready for the advancing soldiers who obviously didn’t really want to get close to him. [i]”It’s nothing more than a trick men, keep going!”[/i] called a low level sergeant as he lead the marines towards the logia user. [color=#FF4500]”Rumble Rumble, Sōn shōmei!”[/color] yelled Ahio as lightning nearly encased his entire forearms. Ahio swung down one of his arms creating a vertical blade of lightning which hit four marines in a line sending them flying backwards. Two more horizontal blades were released from the young lightning man as he took a step forward. Nearly ten of the advancing marines were most likely paralyzed at this point while another seven were out of commission for the rest of day, maybe even a week. [color=#FF4500]”Couldn’t let you have all the fun over there White Hair!”[/color] Ahio yelled as several more marines scattered away from him in fear. [@Ira]