[hider=Koyoshi Murakami] [b]Name:[/b] Koyoshi Murakami [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Knight%20and%20bodyguard/ab536693fc8d7d307e8391a94203f43b_zpsb2e1fe86.jpg[/img] [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Knight%20and%20bodyguard/bba4913e061e2e0842156a467402dc19_zpsc7252cfd.jpg[/img] "Ooooo, I found a hollow mask. MI'm gonna keep it" [b]Age:[/b] 182 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'2 [b]Hair Colour:[/b] Ash Brown [b]Eye Colour:[/b] Deep Purple [b]Birthday:[/b] October 24th [b]Clan/Family:[/b] Adopted into Murakami [b]Race:[/b] Soul [b]Profession:[/b] Shinigami - Head Reporter for Squad 9 Magazine [b]Rank:[/b] Squad 9 - Captain Power Level: Captain [b]Spiritual Energy Color:[/b] Golden with tint of orange [b]Personality:[/b] Despite the girls drowsy / clumsy and rather calm demeanor, there hides a truly great large intellect under it all. She has a almost 'fan girl' like respect for powerful opponents, often trying to get them to sign things or tell her the name of their moves if she thinks they are cool. She seems to enjoy fighting a lot, even more so on the side of tactics, however she has been known to 'snap' in a way and her glare becoming a well known scary accompaniment to this. Raw power is only as good as those that use it, and the ones that use it wisely are the strongest of all, this is the belief she wishes to prove to her new family and her squad. However, despite this she still holds fear, fear of no longer being in control of her own power... She hopes this fear will never come to pass. [b]History:[/b] Ko was not a high born girl at first, she never thought that luck would one day shine her way but after crawling up from the gutter she came into her own during the tests to become a Shinigami. The deciding factor was the Zanpakuto that was already at her side, giving her a big advantage over the others. She had no idea wear she claimed such a blade, only that it was drenched in blood when she did so, a fact she has not forgotten but chooses to ignore thanks to the power gifted to her by the sword. During these tests she was noticed by one of the visiting clans, impressing the head through her attitude and skill which now has allowed her to secure a place among the Shinigami and soon enough to be adopted within a family. Her ascent to the top did not stop there as she soon came to control her bankai while as a lieutenant within squad 13, a place she would soon leave to become one of the youngest captains ever to be established, a shame in the eyes of some of the other members but a great opportunity for her... With her enhanced communication with her Zanpakuto she as soon able to start learning new and advanced techniques, even copying formerly secret arts from other shinigami without their knowledge. Still she retains the innocent moniker as the soul society's mascot, a nice title to hide behind to say the least~ [b]Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings:[/b] Tamera Murakami - Head of Family [b]Other: [/b] Is never seen without her colorful scarf that represents her namesake of colorful leaves Uses the Iaijutsu style of swordsmanship along with more common styles. Has a jug of fruity sake Byakuya [b]~Zanpakuto~[/b] Zanpakuto name: Kogane no Aki Type: Kido/Physical Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: "Saw through them Kogane no aki!" Zanpakuto Bankai Release command: "Be Unleashed Aki!" Spirit Appearance: [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/RP%20signs/withinthesoul_zps56381604.jpg[/img] The fluffy scarf around her neck flows out behind her while leaves fall from its edges. Inner world: [img]http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/anime-autumn-scenery.jpg[/img] Sealed appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d0/27/21/d02721c2247bdd69b9f5c620b4b1fcb2.jpg[/img] Shikai appearance: [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/RP%20signs/Auguss_Sword_zps40c2496c.jpg[/img] The sword retains its sheer size of a orochi, while the blade also turns black and gains a serrated edge. From its hilt it has a long piece of cloth flowing from the bell on the end. The bell reacts to spirit pressure, and the ends of all the cloth that the user wears infinitely breaks apart into golden leaves which flow around the user. Bankai appearance: The sound of shattering chains echo out from Koyo, her head and body pounding from the pain as something forces its way into her very being, and for a moment her lips part as if they are being forced to speak the word; "Bankai..." With that Aki is unleashed,chains burst from the hilt of the sword to start wrapping around Koyo's body, her hair taking on a much darker hair with her purple eyes being replaced by golden orbs. Her sword doesn't change, but it is clear that whoever is using it has... Shikai skills: 1. Never Ending Fall: The leaves that fall from her clothing and the cloth of the sword never stops, and they will follow the user around and act on their own. Covering for their master in attacks or distracting the enemy. They produce 10 leaves over time {Or per post or so} with 30 being produced when she first uses her Shikai 2. Hyakunin Giri: Ko slashes through the leaves that surround her, and for each leaf slashed a ranged slash follows. This power increases the more leaves that are cut by her sword and so the more time passes the more leaves she can cut. This also works for casting Kido where she can channel the cast from the leaf instead of herself. Uses 1 leaf 3. Leaf Clones: Is able to use the leafs to construct clones of herself, tho they are far from perfect Uses 10 Leaves 4. Saw Through: This is in fact one of the main abilities of Kogane no aki. When drawn the edge of the serrated blade hums like hundred of falling leaves, its edge covered with golden Reiatsu which acts much like a chainsaw when striking. This technique only lasts for three posts, at which point Ko much re-sheath her blade and draw it again, to 'rev' it with power. When striking a leaf with this technique it sends out a spray of tiny slashes instead of just one big one. 5. Sword Sacrifice: Koyoshi turned her sword into leafs, leaving her more defenseless but in turn giving her many more leafs to use in combat! She can form weaker versions of her blade back again, or her original back at the cost of the extra leafs.(60 leafs gained) 6. Sword Whip: By using the cloth on the end of the blade Koyoshi can toss and pull back the blade, using it as a primitive grapple or last chance attack. 7. Falls Cloth: The never ending cloth at the hilt of the blade can be used in many ways, from trapping or even using the leaf based powers, but leafs must be used to reform the cloth. 8. Feed the Blade: By 'feeding' the gathered leafs the power of Kogane no aki's Saw through them ability will increase dependent on the amount used. Bankai skills: 1. Unleash Aki: The forbidden spirit within the Zanpakuto breaks its chains and takes over Koyoshi, using her vastly tuned skills and combining their power for a amplifying effect! A stronger connection is formed when this happens, giving her grater power but no longer any control over her own body, giving way for a merciless and bloody fighter. 2. Chains of Punishment: The chains replace the once smooth cloth, these once bound the spirit Kogane no aki are now able to be summoned into the real world through the sleeves of the users robes. 3. Binding Pillar: Huge pillars in the shape of blackened swords can be summoned from the leafs, using them as primitive attacks or changing the environment to the users needs by forming cover, stands etc. 4. ??? 5. ??? 6. (Ultimate Skill) ??? Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: [b]Skills[/b] [u][b]Zanjutsu[/b][/u] Hozuri (3) Shitonegaeshi (3) Hozan Kenbu (3) Ryodan (3) Senmaioroshi (3) Suikawari (3) Agitowari (3) Onibi (3) Hitotsume: Nadegiri (3) [u][b]Kido[/b][/u] [b]Hado[/b] #1 Sho (3) #4 Byakurai (3) #11 Tsuzuri Raiden (3) #31 Shakkaho (3) #32 Okasen (3) #33 Sokatsui (3) #34 Kongobaku (3) #40 Gaki Rekko (3) #54 Haien (3) #58 Tenran (3) #63 Raikoho (3) #73 Soren Sokatsui (3) [b]Bakudo[/b] #1 Sai (3) #4 Hainawa (3) #8 Seki (3) #9 Geki (3) #9 Horin (3) #11 Kyomon (3) #12 Fushibi (3) #20 Hakufuku (3) #21 Sekienton (3) #22 Inemuri (3) #26 Kyokko (3) #27 Tanma Otoshi (3) #28 Shibireyubi (3) #30 Shitotsu Sansen (3) #37 Tsuriboshi (3) #39 Enkosen (3) #58 Kakushitsuijaku (3) #61 Rikujokoro (3) #62 Hyapporankan (3) #63 Sajo Sabaku (3) #65 El Escudo (3) #73 Tozansho (3) #75 Gochutekkan (3) #76 Hako Okuri (3) #77 Tenteikura (3) #78 Hakudan Keppeki (3) [u][b]Hakuda[/b][/u] Shunkō (3) Tessho (3) Tsukiyubi (3) Chōhigezutsuki (3) Kazaguruma (3) Gatoringu Jidanda (3) Sandobaggu Bīto (3) Kagamibiraki (3) Oni Dekopin (3) Ikkotsu (3) Raiōken (3) Sōkotsu (3) [u][b]Hoho[/b][/u] Shunpo (3) [/hider]