[hider=Rui Aizheng] Name: Rui Aizheng Appearance: [img]http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag407/Hatakekuro/6bb2bcac3afa96f1c3e18091742b80ca1367971837_full_zps226ee27f.jpg[/img] Wears a sleeveless top similar to Soi Fon's and wears black colored versions of those pants and a red sash around his waist. Age: 310 (15 in human years) Height: 5'5 (Still growing) Weight: 121 lbs Hair Colour: Black Eye Colour: dark grey Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami Clan/Family: ??? Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Rank: 3rd seat, squad 1 Spiritual Energy Colour: Orange, red and, and yellow. If observed closely the reaitsu seems to take the shape of leaves. Power Level: seated Personality: An ambitious young man that aims for the top, hoping one day to become a captain that is greatly admired. He believes that one must train their mind and body in order to become the perfect warrior and he follows it almost religiously. Zheng cannot stand slackers as he believes them to be the least productive people that hold everyone back. That's not to say that he doesn't know how to relax. He knows the importance of taking a break as it is a good rest for the body and mind. Zheng enjoys spars as he likes to match himself against others and see how strong he had become over a period of time though he isn't a man who enjoys senseless violence. History: (No idea. Working on it.) Other: He has an impressive understanding of the body's of humanoid beings and takes advantage of it in many ways. For example, he knows where to strike that will really damage and even impair them for a period of time. Another use is that he is able to use muscles that a normal person doesn't use in on a daily basis so he can make use of most of his body. ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Tenzai (Heaven's Riches) Type: Organic/Reaitsu Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Along this road Goes no one This autumn eve Spirit Appearance: [img]http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag407/Hatakekuro/Martial_artist_DD2_zpsc74535b0.png[/img] Inner world: [img]http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag407/Hatakekuro/Bellchimetrailafteredit_zpsf47547f0.jpg[/img] Sealed appearance: Two simple gold bangles. One on his right wrist and one on his left. Shikai appearance: He himself becomes the zanpukto Bankai appearance: Shikai skills: 1. Art of Motion: This is a move that redirects long range attacks by exuding reaistu in his own palms and by moving his arm or even his whole body depending on the size of the attack in the desired direction of redirecting the attack. This can only be pulled off when the attack is with in 5 inches of his palms. Needs a cool down of 5 posts. 2.Tempered Iron Will: By creating a thin layer of reaitsu on his body, he is able to create a strong defense that would be able to withstand many attacks and even lessen the damage of very powerful moves. It's so hard that he can even block blades with it and increases damage of his physical attacks. In this way it's like an Arrancar's Herrio. Lasts for 3 posts. 6 post cool down 3. Heaven's Soaring Fist: By using his own reaitsu as a medium, he can send a long range punch at his opponents that is equal to his strength. They are the size of his fist. What makes this dangerous is that this move can be used in conjunction of Hakuda techniques that involves hands.1 to five post cool down without Hakuda techniques used in conjunction. 5 posts if Hakuda techniques are used. 4. Fist of the Monkey King: Zheng gathers reaitsu into one fist and when he punches someone he transfers that reaitsu into his target's body and uses it to hinder the flow of reaitsu of his target, weakening his opponent's attacks. The higher the rank of his target, the shorter it will last. As of now: seated (4 posts), lieutenant (2) captain(0). 10 post cool down. 5. Tempest Autumn Dragon: The user charges a mass of reaitsu on his leg and when he sends a kick, he releases a traditional Chinese dragon made of entirely of reaitsu that goes down of tries to blast through his target. This attack has a very powerful piercing power and compared to his other attacks this is much more destructive as it destroys almost whatever gets in its way. Should not be used in spars. 7 post cool down 6. (To be gained) Earth Dividing Sword: Zheng gathers a mass of reaitsu on his leg and forms it into a blade, sharpening it to a great extent to the point that it can cut through solid stone. The attack is initiated as a drop kick, using full force to cut through his targets in half. If given enough reaitsu the reaitsu can extend from his leg so that it can have further reach. 5 post cool down. -Variation: Instead of a drop kick he can use it as a side kick instead. It can as well be mixed in with hakuda that uses the legs. 5 post cool down without hakuda. 7 post cool down with hakuda. 7. (To be gained) Internal Shock: This attack is very precise and has to have excellent timing. Zheng concentrates a small mass of reaitsu into his palm and has to strike his opponents head. As soon as his palm strikes his opponent the reaitsu flows into his/her head in a focused strike. They will feel like that their brain is shaking. At this point their cognitive abilities are weakened and they will most likely have trouble standing let alone walking, unfocused vision and then pass out depending on the target.They will pass out or feel the other effects for 2 posts if seated level,: 1 post for lieutenant level, captains: no affect 8. To be gained Raging Tempest Embodiment: Zheng forces his reaitsu to increase his blood flow through out his body, making them become exponentially stronger and faster. His metabolism is increased to the point that his own sweat vaporized, making it look like he is steaming. The drawback is however that his heightened metabolism means he absorbs nutrients faster than before, meaning that overtime this ability would be weakened and even may outright kill him if used for too long. Has to be used if the situation calls for it. Never to be used in a friendly spar and only on enemies. After use, he must eat food with plenty of nutrients in order to make up what he lost before. Can be used once a day. Bankai skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: Cloud Stroll: By focusing his reaitsu onto the soles of his feet, he is able to release said reaitsu and stomp the air in order to make it appear he is jumping on the air while in reality his reaitsu is just giving him a quick boost. This allows the Zheng to be able to move around in the air easier and in conjunction with shunpo he can move even more rapidly. 3 post cool down Skills Zanjutsu: Non-existent Kido: Expert Level Bakudo: #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi Hado: #1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui Hakuda: Master Tesshō Super Harisen Slipper Hoho: Expert Shunpo Points gained from missions: Mission log: Points spent and skills gained: Hoho: Hakuda: Kido: -Hado: -Bakudo: [/hider]