[@WilsonTurner] [@ClocktowerEchos] lol nice, though I don't think it would fit most of those ideals. Especially yours Wilson, with splitting the atom and everything... I don't think I'll let magic go that far because it could destroy a lot in regards to the entire rp..... Magic worked as part of every thing part of the world, everything and everyone had magic within, but humans along with some other people, can't simply access this magic. Magic would almost act sentient in the way it moves and reacts. Each magic would also have a color to it when in phyiscal visible energy form it's most basic self. This color will coincide with how it reacts, Red for wild doesn't like to be controlled, Blue for sweet calming, Green for easy going, etc... which in OOC i will allow the rpers to pick a color for their energy, and say what that color represents, well besides the most basic ones which i have already said. before i didn't do that but i think it'll be better if i did this time. Everyone has a different way of accessing magic once they can (after undergoing a ritual for over 4 hours that causes intense, unimaginable pain as it opens their body to the magic) access it, Some may have their magic like threads throughout their body, some it could be a sphere at the very heart of their being, and so forth. I'm opening the rp up more then i original did to allow more ideas to flow into it. Yet to use magic they need two things. 1. They need the Phyiscal stamina and Abilities in order to continuously use magic or else their bodies could destroy itself from how it would affect their body. 2. They need a steady supply, at one point they can learn to change energy and take energy from other sources, but they need the storage in their own body in order to use it affectively. Note: They Train both of these throughout the entire course of the roleplay, as they learn. Number 1 rule about magic is never try to completely force it under your control, otherwise it will backlash on you and case near-death or in some cases full death. Unless you know how to defend yourself (A Master will know how.. there will be only one you will mainly see in the rp and that'll be my character the teacher to all the apprentices) If you want a better way of seeing how the magic is, please do read the original rp, it will explain a lot of stuff within it. Everyone will learn every possible type of magic, but some will be more talented in certain kinds (They learn it easier, not incredibly easier but easier then others, like it flows better). I'm not incredibly good at explaining some things I will emit right now, but i can do stuff a lot better then i can explain it. most likely 85% of the needed information is all in the original roleplay, just got to read.