While initially he wondered how on earth they would be able to work together, and thus attempted to make some bonds with the group. At this point it all seemed for naught. The reason why they were four was because there were four leads. Shifting in his seat as Ka-Vara spoke he leaned forward [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEQZchKCvPARWcEnRNytUw8a-gFBLfYtFY17AZmVWsq4MxcCty]interlocking his fingers[/url]. 'I'll have Ka-Vara part with some of his lore before separating...' then Metosi asking about the merchant. 'Would have thought that as a Guild Mage he would prefer the College.' shrugging he thought something on the line of, to each his own. As the Altmer waited to be questioned further before answering the questions received, Qa-Ra added his own thoughts. "The most important question here is actually how do YOU want us to proceed?" taking a breath he continued, "You want us to spread out and investigate all sources at the same time or concentrate on one at a time." Looking at his companions he unclenched his fingers. "There are pro's and con's for both options..." heaving a sigh "but this feels more like choosing the lesser evil..." then he just crossed his arms again leaning back making it clear that he had nothing else to add. With a side glance he looked at Sinnon who was the last to speak. Action: tries to gain some insight on the way their employer wants things done.