When the cannons began to fire Able was completely confused. Why would the marines bombard the entire town,sure a bunch of pirates lived in this town but their are still plenty of innocent civilians. This can not go unpunished. Suddenly he heard Nikko yell and suddenly a cannonball crashes into the bar. Able braced for a explosion but their was none, as Nikko caught the cannonball. Able yells out loud "[color=0072bc]Damn it you idiot[/color]" once he see's her lying unconscious on the floor. Nabil picks her up and hands her to Able. She still breathing which is good. The bar begins to fall apart and Able runs outside with Nikko in his arms. Once Leanord gets outside Able motions for him to come over to him. Able lays Nikko against the wall and tells Leanord "[color=0072bc]She took a hit but she will be fine. You have good eyes so I will leave her in your care. If she wakes up soon tell her I went to cause some trouble[/color]." Able begins to run off towards the marines. Able is running down the street dodging past civilians running away from the fighting and some looters taking advantage of the situation. He saw a pirate sticking a blade to a mother and child. The mother had jewels around her neck. He could hear the pirate tell her to hand over the jewels or she will die. Able uses sudden step to quickly get behind the pirate and hits the pirate in the back of the head with his fist, knocking the pirate out. The mother screamed at the sight of Able, probably thinking he wanted the jewels. Suddenly he can feel blood lust and turns around to see seven marines closing in on Able, five had swords two had guns. Able turns around and says to the mother "[color=0072bc]Run get to some where safe[/color]." The mother than ran and her son thanked Able. Able faces the marines and closes his eyes to calm down. He could smell blood from the marines swords. Rage build inside and looked at the marines "[color=0072bc]You all call you're self protector of the civilized world. Please you all make me sick. However I shall not pass judgment down upon you, instead I shall let my blade deal with you're punishment.[/color]" He pulls out his blade then uses sudden step, shooting past three of the marines, suddenly huge cuts appear across their chests and they fall. The two marines shot at Able,Able reacted and cut the bullets. He then turned around to slash downwards onto the marine behind him taking him down. He turns around again and swung his sword towards one of the gunmen, using his water missile to throw compressed water at the gunmen knocking him out cold. The second gunman shot again, this time Able grabbed the last swordsman and used him as a shield. The bullet hit the marine, taking him out. As the last gunman was reloading suddenly Able closed the gap between them with a sudden step, attacking the gunmen taking him out. Able looked out towards the massacre he just performed, and remembered that he must focus on his objective. He continues his charge towards the main marine forces. Even if it was for a brief moment he remembered seeing the white hair fellow come this way. He was impressively fast must be a devil fruit ability.He then see's Ahio take out marines as well with his devil fruit powers. A strong man, hopefully he would join the crew. Then he arrived at the location of the white hair man and the five captains. They seem strong, strong enough to were one man would not last long. He walks up to the white hair man saying "[color=0072bc]Well it looks like you made some new friends, mind if I join the party?[/color]" He then looks at towards the captains sizing them up. [@The Irish Tree][@Invisible][@Ira][@Yorutenchi]