[img]http://www.enchantedlearning.com/africa/madagascar/colormap.GIF[/img] [b]The Confederacy of Sawl [/b] Government Info: The Confederation is held together by a dictatorship backed by a strong military to keep everyone oppressed enough to make sure they don't attack the dictator but still be happy with their lives. The current dictator is a man named Elijah Zaro whom finds time to address his people's happiness but refuses for them to have political or civil rights. Military Overview: All Sawlians are required to serve at least one year of military service in their lifetime once they have reached the age of eighteen. The military utilizes more technology than anything making them weak if some sort of electromagnetic pulse went off. They navy is comprised of many battleships and submarines which are constantly patrolling the waters and warding off any intruders with a warning before shooting. Economic Overview: The economy is run by many private businesses which have a set amount of money that they must pay yearly, depending on how well the business is doing and how large the industry is. Most notably they have Arms manufacturing, Automobile manufacturing, and raw material extraction. However, their newest business would be Space Exploration and Colonization. Cultural Description: Everybody is equal in the eyes of Sawl and many people can worship and do what they want so long as it doesn't endanger anybody. They are renowned for their national park which contains many different types of animals. All people of Sawl must be polite in order to keep appeal to others who dare visit their countries. Technological Overview: Sawl has very advanced weaponry but is still within kinetics on their infantry, they have handheld rail guns that are designed to destroy tanks. Many of their citizens are into science and so the rate of scientific advancement is astounding. they have more advanced space flight technology as they have taken the time to develop better technology to get from planet to planet. Newly built space ships now have weapons equipped to do damage from orbit or to engage in dogfights in space. Colonies: While currently having no colonies they plan on expanding to the moon or Mars, as well as terraform Venus. History: Sawl had started up as a single business which rapidly grew into a monopoly in Madagascar, having many political ties with the government. They were seemingly peaceful up until the monopoly started a civil war within Madagascar and split it up into different states, all of which fought each other. Eventually Sawl won, they rebuilt and established their mark as a power on the planet. Now they aim to extend their power to the stars. Other: N/A