[center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1456/0e7d9aec5ed149d405952897be13812fb360651b.png?1525080[/img] [color=plum][b]Name:[/b][/color] "Shattering" Sylas Maison [color=plum][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 6'0" (182cm) / 170lbs (77.1kg) [color=plum][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=plum][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Eccentric and emotional, Sylas is known for being an overly melodramatic fellow. Prone to telling tale tales of grand feats he may or may not have ever accomplished, his flair for drama is second-to-none. He always strives to be interesting and unique, making it easy to spot him in a crowd by looks and sound alone. He is often written off as crazy by those that meet him, especially after they see what he is capable of. Sylas is as impulsive as they come, and accordingly unpredictable. He always strives to amaze those around him with feats of power or compassion, to be recognized as a man worthy of legend. At the very least his wierdness is legendary, but getting that point across to Sylas is impossible. Nobody looks up to Sylas more than Sylas himself. He is infallible in his own eyes and he won't stop until everyone else sees him that way too. [color=plum][b]Home Island/Sea:[/b][/color] West Blue [color=plum][b]History:[/b][/color] Born to Captain Ismael Maison of the Firefly Pirates, Sylas was immersed in the world of swashbuckling from a very young age. Though the Firefly Pirates and consequently Captain Ismael were nothing impressive that didn't stop the enigmatic leader to present grandiose tales to his son. Enamored with his unrealistic and romaticized view of piracy, young Sylas aimed to follow the footsteps of his father and become a legend (despite the fact his father's name was unheard of outside the West Blue). He spent his entire life on board the Firefly's ship, Chain Breaker, training to take the reigns from his father one day as the captain of the crew. When Sylas was fourteen he encountered the Hari Hari no Mi. And encountered is the correct word, as he saw the fruit on board an enemy ship while the crew was raiding it. Being he was hungry at the time he ate it without a second thought. It was only after Ismael questioned where the Devil Fruit was that it was realized Sylas had eaten it. This temporarily put a damper on crew relations, but it was found that Sylas was an even greater asset to the crew now. He was no longer just the captain's kid but now a useful member. Granted his [i]odd[/i] personality didn't make him exactly likable. He trained to use his new abilities to the max, believing that they would be key to his future legends. Over time he became the powerhouse of the Firefly Pirates, surpassing anyone else on board by leagues. At nineteen his father finally grew ill and passed away (likely scurvy), leaving Sylas in charge of the Firefly Pirates rather than the more popular first mate, Hopper. Taking it to heart, Sylas immediately declared they would head to the Grand Line. As they made their way across the West Blue, slowly but surely, the crew grew dissatisfied with Sylas's style of leadership. They no longer pillaged towns or raided islands, instead marauding only other pirate crews. After three months they couldn't take it any longer. Following an overly-eccentric twentieth birthday party for Sylas, the crew immediately mutinied. Led by the former first mate, the mutiny forced Sylas to walk the plank. As a Devil Fruit user, this surely meant he would die. But quick thinking and the Hari Hari no Mi powers allowed him to create a small boat. Using his incredible strength and a single paddle, Sylas escaped his former comrades by fleeing towards a nearby island. Or so he thought. His sense of navigation wasn't very spot on and instead Sylas had traversed into the nearby Calm Belt. In a feat of fear-fueled stamina, Sylas managed to paddle his way across the calm belt and onto the Grand Line. With no food or water, Sylas found himself close to death before spotting Reverse Mountain and the Town of Contradiction. After arriving at the port he was given some food and water by sympathetic locals. It took only a day to recover his strength, in which Sylas was immediately indebted and forced to work off the bills for the food he had eaten. This brings us to today, two days after Sylas had arrived at the Town of Contradiction... [color=plum][b]Fruit:[/b][/color] [hider=Hari Hari no Mi] Known as the Glass-Glass Fruit, it is a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to create glass at a rapid pace and to manipulate existing glass under certain conditions. Notably not Logia class as users cannot turn themselves into glass nor are they invulnerable to physical attacks. The glass created by a Hari Hari no Mi user can have various properties as determined at the time of creation, though for existing glass to be manipulated it must be untempered and have no stain. The glass created can only ever be in a crystal, solid state though it may be structured to appear liquid. Liquid glass can also be manipulated, if pure and unstained, despite not being able to be produced by the user. The thicker the glass, the longer it takes to create. Glass can only be created from the user's body, but glass that is being manipulated has a much longer range. Most common uses of the Hari Hari no Mi are to create weapons or structures of glass, usually thick so as not to be broken easily. The fragile nature of thin glass makes it a great weapon for slicing even when broken, though thin glass is also useful for manipulating light. A skilled user can create illusions with cleverly manipulated glass and even a an unskilled user could reflect sunlight to blind foes. There are a wide range of possibilities with the Hari Hari no Mi, though it is not without weaknesses. Even the thickest glass is weaker than the equivalent thickness of steel, and due to the crystalline nature of untempered glass it is prone to fracture with ease if it is not made to be especially thick (and even then it is not on par with an identical weapon/structure made of metal). Due to the nature of Busoshoku Haki, Hari Hari no Mi glass of any thickness is shattered with ease if struck by it. Consequently, Busoshoku Haki can be imbued into the glass created if the user is adept with Haki, negating the Haki weakness to a degree. [/hider] [color=plum][b]Fighting style:[/b][/color] Sylas is a powerhouse, exhibiting incredible strength and the capability to wield absurdly large weapons of his own creation. Though agile in his own right he will stick to his greatest strength: strength. Sylas primarily fights using glass weapons, such as hammers and swords, but his style is just as versatile as his Devil Fruit. Though he is capable of fighting without his Devil Fruit powers, he does lack martial art skills and has to rely on pure physical capability to get by. Sylas is capable of using Busoshoku (Arms) and Kenbunshoku (Observation) Haki to certain degrees, though he reserves this ability. [hider=Techniques] [i]Hari Hari no Hammerfall[/i] Sylas creates an absurdly large hammer of glass, over twice his own size, and swings it down with enough force to annihilate the hammer and usually most anything in its path. This can be considered his signature technique and has attributed to his epithet, for the shattering hammer. This technique can be used alternatively, to allow extended use of the hammer by [i]not[/i] immediately smashing it. [i]Hari Hari no Great Hammerfall[/i] An enlarged version of his signature technique. Sylas creates an even more absurdly large hammer, this time large enough smash an entire building or even a ship. Notably takes more time to create the weapon and it is much more unwieldy in his hands. Only ever good for one attack. [i]Hari Hari no Saber[/i] A large glass sword is created. Though fragile and easy to break, it is incredibly sharp. When it is broken the shattered pieces are capable of causing further damage. Sylas can repair the blade in order to extend how long it can be useful. [i]Hari Hari no Windmill[/i] Two meter-long, six-point throwing stars are created and flung at the enemy. Due to Sylas's ability to control the glass they will give chase and home in on the desired target until broken beyond use or they hit their mark. Much like the Saber they are incredibly sharp and breaking them still has a probability of taking damage. [i]Hari Hari no Geyser[/i] An eruption of thick and spiky layers of glass form from Sylas's feet, stabbing foes and repelling attacks. Due to the thickness of the glass it is less sharp and not as likely to completely slice through opponents, but it is more resilient and can withstand stronger attacks as well as still being able to harm whoever was in the blast zone. [i]Hari Hari no Anchor[/i] By creating a sheet of glass across the ground (or oceanwater, if out at sea) and underneath a foe (or opposing ship), Sylas can trap his enemy. Once the glass reaches underneath the enemy it will grow upwards to anchor them in place. For humanoid foes this only requires reaching up to the waist to completely halt their leg movement, and for ships at seat it simply requires getting completely underneath and surrounding it only by a few feet (which is more than enough to completely remove the ship from the water). [i]Hari Hari no Mirror[/i] One of Sylas's weaker moves, as it does not usually fit his style and is thus not often used or practiced. Sylas creates a pane of glass, warped to just the right angle to reflect the brightest light source available (usually the sun) and project it in the direction of his enemy to temporarily blind them. [i]Hari Hari no Mist[/i] Two balls of glass are created before being broken (throwing, crushing, smashing, doesn't matter), causing them to explode into many tiny shards of glass. Controlling the direction of the spray can create a painful diversion for his foes, potentially blinding them (the permanent kind of blind). [i]Hari Hari no Laser[/i] Using a large, circular disk of glass, Sylas focus sunlight onto a specific point via refraction and magnification. This is used to cause fires on anything wooden, and only requires a few seconds of accurate aiming once the disk is properly aligned with the sun. *Note* Due to the versatile nature of the Hari Hari no Mi, there are many more possibilities of use other than those listed above. This list is to cite the most [i]common[/i] and most [i]notable[/i] techniques, though more may be added as Sylas expands his uses. [/hider] [color=plum][b]Ship Positions:[/b][/color] TBA (Former Captain of the Firefly Pirates) [color=plum][b]Bounty:[/b][/color] 3,000,000 Berries [/center]