[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Lunch ==> Armory[/h2] Sapphire packed up her things quickly and succinctly looking forward to her next class. Sapphire might not have been a terrible engineer but she did lack her mother's skill with numbers and calculations. As a polymath Melanie had almost been born to the work of an engineer. Sapphire could only aspire to be that good. The schematic she'd been working on all day was tucked into her school books. As far as she could tell the principles the device operated on was sound. But Sapphire's experience with actual forging was somewhat limited. Working from a tested and proved schematic wouldn't be difficult, it was simply a matter of following the instructions but if something went wrong with her invention Sapphire wasn't confident that she had the skills to determine the source of the problem and repair it. That was the reason she was taking armory class. Being able to adapt was the most important skill a hunter could have whether it be out in the field or simply working a piece of metal. Sapphire thought this through as she walked towards armory class. She resolved to go over her figures and proposed materials before attempting to create a prototype. It was safer to have all the theoretical safely in order before moving on to the practical. As she walked though the hall Sapphire spotted a white head of fur and the memories of the pills she'd found in Shiro's name came flooding back. She needed to talk to him about that. It could very well turn out to be nothing but if she was going to be on the same team as Shiro she needed to be sure of his competency. [color=0054a6]"Kuhaku!"[/color] Sapphire shouted over the crowd. She weaved through people to catch up to her teammate. When she'd gotten close she grabbed him by the arm and pushed him out the throng of people and into one of the unused classrooms in the hall. Sapphire flipped the lights on throwing the formerly darkened room into sharp relief. [color=0054a6]"Kuhaku, we need to talk. I'm going to guess you can imagine what this is able."[/color]