[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XalelKH.png[/img] [h3][color=#b28f00] Nabil.[/color][/h3][/center][hr] [b]B[/b]ehind the fighters outside, the tavern had finally collapsed on itself. The sound of the wood cracking was sonorous, echoing from all sides until the final pebble pounced from the fifteen foot tall mess and onto the ground. At the very top, where the sun’s ray glared its strongest and blinded white, was a crouched, seated figure. [b]N[/b]abil looked down at the Marines with a tense frown, his deep green eyes were narrowed with hatred. Slowly, he raised up from the crumbled mess and judged each of them guilty for hypocrisy. Marxo, a sword-wielding stranger, and that fishman from before was gathered along with them. Which meant he’d have to be more … delicate with his approach. [color=#b28f00][b] “D[/b]isgusting, vermin,”[/color] muttered Nabil as he shaped the heat flowing off his body. Red-hot needles formed around him, each aimed at one of the marines surrounding his comrade and the others. [b]A[/b] shot from a musket banged the air as it was released towards him. Again, the thin thread pulled at him and directed his senses towards the danger. A single needle shot through it with such speed that the iron ball cracked and fell to the ground. Was that all the speed he could muster at his current level? he wondered. [b] “W[/b]-Wah, impossible. I know those powers. Marxo and Nabil, that strange duo from Yumil Isle. They’re … They’re here too!” Fear made the man’s words stutter and tremble. [b]B[/b]efore the others could aim their muskets at him, Nabil sent the needles into their chests. They all froze in pain before their heads tilted back, their eyes went white, and they sunk to the ground. Each pierced in the heart. Their muskets fell to the ground and when the last hit the floor, Nabil had lept down and landed on the windy road. [b]H[/b]e sighed with boredom. Those were rookies, obviously. If the captains and lieutenants had been there, they would have be cautious of the needles and been prepared. The fresh meat was less inclined to be wary of the needles positioned around him, unaware of the speed he could release them with. Heat was a powerful fuel. [color=#b28f00][b] “P[/b]arty’s over, Gills,”[/color] said Nabil in response to the fishman’s question. [color=#b28f00][b] “M[/b]arxo, you’re playing with your food again. That cig must’ve calmed you down considerably. Let’s head for the harbor, I’m sure they didn't attack our ship.”[/color] [@Boss Muffin][@Invisible][@Ira]