[b][u]Robert Fallson - Akward Timing[/u][/b] Since Delta decided to go exploring before class started and the rest of his team didn't seem to be going to Grimm Studies, Robert began the short trek on his own. Even though he had been going to the same class for the last several days, leaving from the Deli instead of the usual exit he took out of the cafeteria seemed to had completely thrown him off. [b]"Where am I now? All these hallways look exactly the same,"[/b] he said as he quickly began to take in his surroundings. [b]"It certainly doesn't help that this hallway is packed with more students than a can of sardines... If the sardines in that metaphorical, packed can represented the students... Just shut up already and stop correcting your stupid analogy, Robert,"[/b] Looking to one of the nearby classrooms, he saw the room numbers painted on the front and felt a feeling of familiarity. [b]"Wait, is that the Grimm Studies classroom? I think those are the right numbers,"[/b] he said as he reached for the door handle. The first thing he couldn't help notice was that the door just felt... off. [b]"Why's it feel like there's extra weight on the door?"[/b] Next he noticed his reflection staring back at him from the blunt side of a sharp knife. [b]"Well that certainly explains it."[/b] Robert removed the blade from the door in case someone who wasn't paying as much attention tried to walk inside before looking back up at the only two students inside. [b]"I do not think this is the right classroom."[/b] Looking back and forth between the obviously irritated Sapphire and the retreating Shiro, Robert couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. [b]"Am I interrupting something?"[/b] He looked at the picture of a pill bottle that Sapphire had pulled up on her Scroll and then asked, [b]"What's with the pills?"[/b]