[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Empty Classroom ==> Armory[/h2] Sapphire closed her eyes in frustration. He knew exactly what it was she wanted to know but he insisted on playing the ignorant fool. She was about to explain in very slow, very simple and very patronizing terms exactly what she wanted him to tell her when someone opened the door, pulling her dagger out of the wood. It was Robert, not that she'd taken a whole lot of the notice of him. She remembered his name and that his entire team had one day just vanished but she didn't know anything more about him save for the fact that he'd rather look like a fool than hit a girl. It would get him killed one of these days. She was just about tell him that this was a private matter and he should ask the office where his next class was when Shiro using any excuse to get out of the situation he was currently trapped in offered to assist Robert. They were both out the door before Sapphire could stop them. She didn't want to make a scene in the middle of the hallway but she had to let Shiro know that they weren't done talking about this. She'd bring it up again till he gave her a straight answer. She also needed to get her weapon back, it was still in Robert's hand. Sapphire weaved through the crowd and snaked up to the pair as they walked away from her. Sapphire laid a hand on Shiro's shoulder. [color=0054a6]"We're going to have this conversation sooner or later Shiro, if you don't want to talk about it I'll get the information from Ozpin."[/color] Then Sapphire turned to Robert. [color=0054a6]"I'll thank you to return that."[/color] She said snatching her dagger from Robert's hand. The handle was covered in his sweat. She was going to have to clear it before using it again. [color=0054a6]"You might want to work on your sense of timing."[/color] With those words Sapphire disappeared into the crowd heading the other way towards armory. When she got to the class there weren't a lot of seats left available. She was stuck sandwiched between Emerald and Krysanthe. Oswald was only a few seats down which was alright but Sapphire didn't really enjoy being in this close proximity to anyone. Choosing to ignore the sense of danger she was feeling Sapphire pulled out her schematic and started to double check her calculations. If her figures were off the device could let her climb twenty feet up before it gave out and sent her tumbling to the ground. It was better safe than sorry. The schematic was covered with numbers and equations so checking her answers would take some time.