[h2]Kristan Saillis[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Baroness Kristan Detot Saillis [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Nature:[/b] Kristan is studious, having dedicated her life to the study of the forces. She has great loyalty towards her liege, and her people. [b]Looks:[/b] She is good looking for her age, with pale skin and long, dirty blonde hair. She usually dresses in gowns, with the mantle associated with her office as court magician. When she expects to enter combat, she wears a simple tunic with hose. [b]Class:[/b] Magician She has long studied the arts of alchemy and summoning, in an effort to understand the forces that guide the world. [b]Story:[/b] She was born into the barony of Saillis, having a good education. She was married to the neighbouring baron of Zerillet, and their daughter is now 15. She took particular interest in the arts of magic, and after her marriage, she took up residence as the court magician in the court of the Count of Selrith. She has yet to make a covenant with any spirit, but she has much academic knowledge, giving advice to her liege and her husband in arcane matters. [b]Motive:[/b] She came at her lord's orders, to learn practical magic, and to win glory for the count.