While Jimmy laid out his plan, Kain leaned back against the wall casually scanning the room, marking the other Wardens in his mind. Not having worked with them before, he knew that he would have to be extra careful not to have any interference go on when the spells started flying. When Jade volunteered to be with the support team, Kain stepped away from the wall as a wolfish grin spread across his face, [color=aqua]"I must say, going with the support team sounds like my gig, allow me to introduce myself,"[/color] he raised his gauntlet hand in a wave, and put just a tiny amount of will through it, causing a few small sparks to dance between his fingers. [color=aqua]"Warden Kain, door smashing and ass kicking specialist, at your service."[/color] [hr] Waiting outside with Jimmy and Jade, Kain began to feel the wire tight exhilaration run through his body that he felt every time a fight was about to go down, he saw Jade draw her sword, and rested his hand on his collapsed staff that sill sat in his thigh holster, ready for a quick draw when needed. Grinning like a mad man, Kain resisted the urge to laugh as he whispered to Jimmy, [color=aqua]"Let's do this."[/color]