Myrinda cursed under her breath. The last thing they needed was to hang around in the square with hundreds of possibly hostile locals. She leaned back into a corner between two flimsy prefab shop fronts and flicked on the sensor attachment which was under-slung on her rifle. With seeming nonchalance she swept the barrel across the square. The holocam in her sensor package began mapping the square in minute detail. [b]"Bravo one four,"[/b] she murmured, tripping the com-link to the sharp shooter. [b]"Transmitting the site,"[/b] she reported. Uploading the three dimensional map of the square to the over watching sniper. Having an accurate holo map allowed the sniper to pinpoint locations that might be dead space from her position. The comm-link scanner didn't register anything out of the ordinary. She had done all she could. Leaning back, she tried to stay alert.