[center][img]http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/5/4674/Ithorian_-_SWG_TCG.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Worror Taldura [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Species:[/b] Ithorian [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][b]Basic Abilities:[/b] While he has studied the basic abilities he is not that skilled in any area of mind control. [*][b]Plant Surge:[/b] His natural affinity with working with Plant life and his connection to the Force he has the ability to bend them to his will. [*][b]Force Stasis:[/b] Through training, and an unwillingness to harm except when absolutely necessary he has become proficient in stunning people rather than maiming and killing them. [*][b]Force Comprehend:[/b] It is always useful for a diplomat to be able to understand what someone is saying without having to study a language for years. [/list] [b]Non-Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][b]Lightsaber Combat:[/b] Though he is not a fan of it he is skilled in the use of Shii-Cho, Soresu and Sokan. [*][b]Diplomat:[/b] Worror is a trained diplomat, and as such is versed in many cultures and traditions. He also has studied history extensively. [*][b]Peace of Mind:[/b] Due to the Ithorian way of life, and his years as a Jedi he has a clear and quiet mind. Which helps him to make clear and unbiased decisions. [*][b]Shuttle Pilot:[/b] He hasn’t had any practice in flying Star-Fighters, trying to avoid combat wherever possible and not having been directly involved in the Clone Wars. He can however pilot shuttles and freighters. [*][b]Concussive Scream:[/b] With his nature of being Ithorian, he can violently expel air from his four throats in a deafening/concussive scream. [*][b]Botanist:[/b] While he actively meditates Roron finds peace in and finds there is a certain level of tranquility in plant life, his use off Plant Surge has allowed him to study the inner workings of plants and as such he has become quite proficient in working with plants. [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Worror is wholeheartedly devoted to life, and the Jedi Order. He will always try to prevent the Darkness for gaining a foothold in the galaxy but without the risk of damaging life. Prior to, and including the Clone Wars he avoided the fight in order to try and fix things. Even the life of Clones were important to him which is why the clones that often acted as his escort respected him, as he respected them and treated them fairly. Despite this inward drive to protect all life and follow the code from the outside the way he holds his demeanor he can appear to be distant and uncaring in lieu of following the code but deep down his personal requirement to preserve all life is the only thing that he holds dearer. He often expresses his caring willingly, however he never loses his cool and has never been seen to be aggressive, upset or annoyed. His respect for life comes between his support for the theory of the Living Force and after spending time on Ithor he has come to understand the Law of Life but he has also adopted it into his way of life. [b]Biography:[/b] [hider=Initiate] Worror was born in one of the flying cities above Ithor, to this day he still hasn’t personally stepped foot on the planet's surface due to the strict regulations his race impose upon journeying to the surface of Ithor. He was transported to the Jedi temple at the young age of three, his parents discovering about his Force Sensitivity (like many other parents) purely by chance. Then it was a simple task of them contacting the Jedi, who then came to collect him to take him to the Jedi Temple to begin what would become his entire life. Though he wasn’t old enough to understand it when he first moved to the temple he was placed in the Mynock clan, there was no real reasoning for the formation of clans other than beings of a similar age group. His own clan held two Mon Calas, three Humans, a Wookiee and himself. It wasn’t the easiest clan to be in, from a young age he tried to understand the other members of his clan. While he could easily understand everyone, other than the Wookiee they couldn’t understand him. A protocol droid always tailed the small Wookiee and Ithorian, the two of them quickly became friends. At the age of five his official training began. He had always known that one day he would get to work become a Jedi Knight, everyone in the Temple knew what it meant to be a Jedi. A real life superhero! Someone who got to go throughout the Galaxy beating bad guys and making the world a better place. He took to his studies easily, though he hadn’t been raised on his home planet or by his own people he still retained their respect for life. The Force was just a natural extension of that. Meditation he found solace, the Force connected all of life and when he was connected to it. When he used it. He was so much more than his physical body, he was a part of everything. While others preferred the more active segments of their training, practice of a lightsaber or learning to move things with their minds he found peace and meaning in meditation and solace in the cultures and histories of other races. While others grew stronger and faster in their physical abilities, his mind grew more powerful and his connection to the Force grew stronger. As a natural step, while it wasn’t in his studies, he managed to convince one of their training masters to train him on how to use the Force to understand the language of another being. Feeling it was courteous to his Jedi friend that he did not have to rely on the Droid to relay his words. This small act of kindness had him put under the watchful gaze of Jedi Knight Tyrell Omi-Ren, a diplomat who travelled all over the galaxy solving problems while trying to avoid violence and sometimes a small act of kindness was all it took. [/hider] [hider=Padawan] After completing the trial Worror found himself taken under the wing of Tyrell Omi-Ren, a Jedi he had heard about during his long hours within the Jedi Temple. It took him mental will in order to prevent himself from losing his focus when being introduced to his master, ensuring that he did all the required greeting in the kindest way possible. Feeling an instant connection when after bowing and introduce himself he saw a warm smile on the old Jedis face. He knew that the adventure was only just beginning. Their first mission had them taken out to Yinchorr, a relatively newly discovered world in the Expansion Region they had interest in joining the Republic despite their low technology level it was felt that an older Knight with a young Padawan would be a combination that could appeal to the Yinchorri and show trust. However the endeavour proved more taxing than they had previously hoped. The Yinchorri had no understanding of Galactic Basic, obviously, and while the Force allowed for him and his master to understand the Yinchorri it was a one way system. Worror was the one that found the way to communicate, though it could have easily have been a first test from his master. While they did not have a translator droid he did have a translator harness on his neck to translate what he said into galactic basic. With some minor tweaks his master managed to find a language similar in a holotablet to the one the Yinchorri were using, downloading it to the translator so that they could communicate to one another. Once again Worror proved that a small gesture of kindness could change a galaxy, as Yinchorr agreed to join the Galactic Republic. Little did he know then, that next time he would meet a member of the Yinchorri species it would be under less pleasant circumstances. They spent the next eight years doing little, but at the same time doing a lot. There was an abundance of Jedi but this was an Era of relative peace, though they kept on the move. His master taking him to new worlds where they worked to bring peace wherever they could. His master teaching him the art of Force Stun to incapacitate foes without causing them serious harm, a skill he would later perfect as a Knight. The greatest journey they had was when they went to Ithor on the eve of his fifteenth birthday (Not that he knew it was his birthday). Here he looked upon the vast Mother Jungle with awe. His master even went as far as to ask if Worror would be interested to venture down to the planet his race came from however he merely shook his head. He had not heard the call, as others of his species had, to venture to the planet's surface and he would respect that. They had no time anyway, for he and his master were called to take part in the Telosian crisis. While they did not take part in the negotiations Master and Apprentice were visible on the streets of both Telos IV and Toprawa making assurances and finding out the opinion of the people. When Crion betrayed the negotiations resulting in Telos IV rising up in protest Tyrell and Worror returned to the planet with as much haste as possible. However by the time they arrived the conflict was over, as Crion was dead and Xanatos had fled. They took part in the efforts to try and stabilize the planet while Qui-Gon Jinn returned to the Jedi Temple to submit his report. The situation took several years to fully stabilize on the planet, and between Telos IV and it’s neighbour. Sometimes his master would remain behind as he returned to the temple, and sometimes he would remain. For several years this back and forth was the norm. Until one day they were both called to the temple. Once there Worror was congratulated, a beaming Tyrell gave him a hearty pat on the back as he was to take the trials of Knighthood. At the age of twenty-one he would finally become a Jedi Knight. [/hider] [hider=Jedi Knight] By his own leave he spent the next three years of his life in silent meditation. He felt that it was the right time to return home to Ithor, and felt as if the Mother Jungle truly was beckoning him home. While he was still forbidden from living down on the planet he could venture down on daily trips, taking residence in one of the orbital cities. By night he would walk the halls of his people, helping anyone that needed his assistance before sleeping and during the day he would return to the planet. The flow of life was amazing on such a green world, he felt himself probing the plant life with his mind. Then he discovered something, he could influence it with the Force. He could help it grow, help to shape it. The feeling of connectivity with the planet, was truly oneness with the Force especially a planet so alive. It was at this point that he truly sealed his resolve to help all life within the galaxy, and never end a life. For just as there were planets in the jungle that could maim or even harm him, there were beings that would do the same. Though like the plants he could help shape them, help them grow and enter harmony with the Force. It was in 44BBY that he was called back to fulfill his role, and duty as a Jedi Knight. As the Stark Hyperspace-War engulfed the Thyferra and Qotile systems. While he was a member of the peace summit, the negotiations soon failed and he was thrust into the middle of a war. He refused to just acknowledge that this was the way things were going to go. Just as he could shape the very plants in the soil despite how firmly they were planted he would find a way into the Stark Commercial Combine and try to bring reason to them. He allowed himself to be captured, they obviously tried to ransom him off however the Republic obviously refused to pay the ransom. What was more interesting was at one point the Jedi sent a member of their order to rescue him, and he refused. Stating that he would not leave until he could find a way to forge peace. It was a trying time, however he managed to become friends with one of Iaco Starks aides. A bumbling Twi’lek by the name of Heran. They differed in their philosophical views of course, but over time Wirror wore him down, what could they hope to gain from this? What would it lead to? Could they best the Republic? The Trade Federation? All it took, was the small spark for a chain of events to end up reaching Iaco, who having a friend within the Jedi Order ended up defecting. While he had a hand in it, Wirror refused to accept credit. Stating that he had only done what was necessary in order to try and bring back peace to the Galaxy. With nothing more said he returned to the Jedi Temple where he would return to meditation, and help train the next age of Jedi. This was when the Force guided him to take a padawan, and in a swing of fate he ended up being guided to a young Besalisk by the name of Trya. She seemed to be his opposite, headstrong and aggressive. However the Force had guided him to her for a reason and he would not deny it. Then, five years later the past came back to him. The Yinchorri always a headstrong and more violent race, accepting the influx of technology upon entering the Galaxy they had appeared to amass an army and an attack on Mayvitch 7 Wirrors former master and new Padawan were sent to try and broker peace. While he and his own padawan tried to reroute in order to meet them at Yinchorr. However by the time they got there, it was too late. Both the Jedi who had been sent had been killed and he, his padawan and the team with them quickly came under attack. It was a hard escape, them just barely escaping. Then feeling a semblance of responsibility Wirror pledged to help end this crisis. However the Jedi council, fearing that his judgement may be clouded instead moved him to help keep systems near the edge of Yinchorri space calm and prevent any unrest. This was harder for his Padawan, forever headstrong to accept and while she had mellowed slightly under his tutelage she seemed to feel that the connection between her and his former master merited a response. However he soon taught her, that while he would mourn his former master he was still with them in the Force and as such he would continue his teachings as he was taught, in order to pay homage. Whether it be from the tone he committed to the conversation or the message she seemed to accept it willingly. Nodding her head, he could only hope that one day she too would honour his legacy should he fall in the line of duty. Though of course she would, while they differed in that she chose to take action where he chose words their base instinct was the same as all Jedi. To help those that cannot help themselves, and in that moment despite the Death of his master he had never felt prouder. When the conflict was finally resolved, the Galaxy threw another one at them. While he and Trya weren’t part of the Invasion of Naboo he certainly heard about it, more so in the aftermath than anything. The Separatist Crisis dominated the galaxy. He was sent from one world to the next, trying to convince worlds of the Republics Sincerity and willingness to help them, to solve their problems. Trya, he knew, sometimes felt that these talks were not the way they should be doing things. However he continued to impress upon her how a small act of kindness here and there, helping a planet out or even an entire system could change the fate of the galaxy. [/hider] [hider=Master Jedi] Five years on, and his Padawan passed the trials to become a Jedi. However sadly he was unable to be there during her trials, he was constantly being called away from one planet to another. There was no war, but a constant struggle between the Galactic Republic and the growing Confederacy of Independent systems as more and more planets found reason to leave the Republic. Accusations of corruption and mistreatment passing from one mouth another, no matter who said what. Even when he managed to convince someone allegations rose that he had used Jedi Mind powers to coerce them. It was a never ending battle. That was when he was placed into what truly seemed like a never ending battle. Nobody in the Republic truly knew how long the Sepan Civil War had been going, however it was clear that no side was going to win anytime soon and the bloodshed was just going to continue. Wirror was the second Jedi to be placed into the conflict. He tried to examine both sides, the records inconclusive due to virtually none on the civil war existing. So heading to the system he tried to discover the causes. That in itself was a problem. While both were willing to admit him, in the hopes that he would obviously take their side and bring in the Republic to help end the war neither could give a defining reason for why the war had started. Yes each had their reasons but they were as twisted as the oldest tree on Ithor. It was sad to say that neither side truly knew, the only solace was that the Separatists could not decide which side in the war they wanted to support either. Though that didn’t stop a bounty hunter from coming after the only Jedi on the planet. He isn’t entirely sure what happened to this day, all he knows is that there was an explosion and three weeks later he woke up back at the Jedi Temple. He still wasn’t sure what happened, other than the Sepan Civil War was still raging on. The Jedi chose, at this time, not to use anymore resources on it. Deciding to try and learn more about the conflict before getting involved again. Obviously with more caution than before, though for now Wirror had one objective: Rest and teach. So he spent the next couple of years in meditation as he felt the dark side grow, something was going to break. He was just worried that when it did the Galaxy would never be the same again. [/hider] [hider=The Clone Wars] When the Clone Wars started he was still on Coruscant training younglings. Like most of the older Jedi in the temple he knew something big was going on but didn’t know what, the real question was what the consequences would be and with something as big to get the whole Jedi Order on edge… an unbalance in the Force was growing. What with this new threat whatever it was and the growing power in the Dark Side of the Force. He never expected the battle of Geonosis, and was glad he hadn’t become involved. Such a slaughter, of Jedi and their new Forces. A Galactic War was the last thing he had been expecting, but here it was. How could he not get involved? He didn’t fight, that was for sure though. He still upheld his oath and felt that Jedi should not be so proactively involved in the war. A Different stance from his former padawan, when he saw her she seemed to accept the role of General Gladly charging into the fray. Though he felt the power given to the Jedi was one they should not have, and for a good reason. As he travelled to Kashyyyk in the aftermath of the Dark Reaper Crisis and stood on the once forested moon in an attempt to coax life out of hit he couldn’t help but feel that this moon was what would happen to the Jedi if they continued on their path of war. They would be left in the ash as a new order was built on top of it. While that would later be true, little did he know that the seeds for his survival were already being planted by the Force. As the Clone Wars raged on a year after it started there was talk in many of the Ithorian Herdships about a Separatist plots. Worror was called back to the system, a Jedi they knew and trusted to go down to the planet if necessary. However he was a diplomat, hoping to find the Separatist Cell and then try and speak to them. Find out why they were trying to do and why. So for the job he needed a Jedi Investigator, though one that was capable and willing to know the cultures of other people. Feemor and his young Padawan Charuri Rol were the ones he needed. Ariving at Ithor the three of them went about there work, during a lot of the investigation Worror would willing accept the job given to him by the more experienced Feemor, and even (as far as he knows) to Charuris satisfaction he would gladly do as she asked in terms of undercover work. It was easier for an Ithorian to blend in after all, especially aboard an Ithorian Herdship where they were the norm. It took them several months before discovering the Separatist plot, one that would effectively take control of the planet to then strip mine it. While the Separatists surely knew that this would set the Ithorians against them, they also had a plan to hold the herdships at ransom. The mission on Ithor was one of the few where Worror got proactively involved, once they routed out the Separatist factions within the Herdships and they had either been converted or imprisoned they ventured down to the planet surface. When they found an outpost on the planets surface, they defeated the defending forces before in the most exhausting feat he has ever performed with the force Worror had the plant life grow and retake the jungle that had been destroyed by the Separatists. After Ithor Worror took a very unpopular view, at least unpopular with the younger more headstrong Jedi. He felt that the Jedi Order should remove themselves from the war. Remove themselves from the command structure of the Grand Army of the Republic and remove themselves from control of the Senate. There was a small group of Jedi that believed as he did. Some on the council even admitted they followed his philosophy, however not to the point that they should abandon the war effort. Worror found himself leader of a small band of Jedi trying for peace, often working with a group of Senators who too sought peace over bloodshed. The biggest issue for Worror, was that Jedi were no longer peacekeepers. They were soldiers, and while yes they appeared high in the command structure what did that do to them? They were sent in head first into conflicts while expected to lead a battle. Lightsabers, a sign of freedom became known to the Separatists as a sign of oppression. While yes the Separatists were lead by the Dark Jedi, perhaps even Sith Count Dooku that did not make all of the people within the Confederacy of Independent systems evil. In fact he had known some people within that space before the war broke out, some of them he could even call friend. That said, it wasn't long until he was sent back out by the council. At least one squad of Clone Troopers in tow. On another diplomatic mission for the Republic, to strike a deal to acquire more fuel for the Republic War Machine. -Rest of Clone Wars will be added as people form connections to him. PM me if you have an idea for something our Jedi could have done together.- Toward the end of the war, he found himself on Kashyyyk. In a period of high tension before the battle of Kashyyyk he was present in order to try and mediate a peace between the clans. Try and help them work together in order to unite as a planet against the oppression of the Droid Army. No meeting was more tense, than the final meeting of the tribes. During which there was a thunder as droid ships began raining from the sky, missiles and laser bolts began blasting back and forth between the small Clone Army and Wookiee forces and the invading Droids. He himself, while he had didn't want to abandon the Wookiees those that knew him knew his belief. Helping him in order to get back to his ship and leave, he promised he would send them help. He did, instead of going all the way back to Coruscant he stopped at the nearest Republic Outpost. Contacting the Jedi Council, who then shortly after dispatched the open circle fleet. Since then he hasn't been on assignment, the war is coming to a close. With Dooku dead and Grevious on the run, soon to be found by Obi-Wan Kenobi he has come to spend his days meditating in the gardens of the temple. Waiting the day, when peace finally returns to the galaxy. However, part of him senses it. The foreboding, a great shadow looms over the galaxy as if to pounce when it should be lifting. Though this is something new, something different. Something big. [/hider] [b]Secrets:[/b] [b]Ithor:[/b] On Ithor was the only time Worror has ever taken a life. When faced with no alternative and the lives of an unknown number of animals and plants on Ithor and that of one Separatist when all other options failed he chose to take the life of the Separatist. Despite the fact he was not raised on Ithor he subscribed heavily to their Law of Life, and as such as one life was taken two must take its place. He took a tissue sample and after asking Feemor and Charuri to keep it secret he had the sample sent to Kamino for two clones to be made of the commander. [b]Relations:[/b] [list] [*]Trya Aland: Besalisk Jedi Guardian, Ex Padawan. [*]Feemor: Jedi Investigator/Diplomat previously worked alongside. [*]Charuri Rol: Padawan to Feemor, worked on the same mission. [*]Seris Vakaan: Due to a large portion of his time being spent in the archives, he has come to know and respect her. [*]Due to his team helping teach he knows a myriad of Jedi that he has helped teach at one point or another. [/list]