Steven walked on the rocky plateau, taking in the scenery. As he trudged onwards, his eyes moved disinterestedly between rock formations. With each step, he felt the hefty weight of the load on his back and felt the shape of his dad's halberd indenting itself into his shoulder. Dragging around a full set of plate armour would weigh on anyone quite heavily; though Steven had always been quite strong. Nevertheless, it was somewhat tiring walking all day carrying a heavy load. If not physically, then mentally. [color=coral][i]At least I managed to make it stop clanking every step.[/i][/color] He thought. By any farmer's standards, today was a good day. The sun shone from high above, baking the surrounding mountains, but a cool breeze blew to cool it down, creating a wonderful equilibrium of temperatures any farmer could appreciate. The sun was good for crops, and you worked up a sweat while you worked. When you stopped, the cool breeze would tickle your spine and you'd cool down a little before you started working again. The scenery had remained quite samey for the past few hours, however, and Steven wanted something else to look at. As Steven walked with the group, he surmised that travelling was somewhat like farm work despite their differences. Long hours of repetitive actions straining your physical prowess in order to achieve some sort of goal, although one difference is you don't normally get paid for travelling. Another way that farm work differed from travelling is that you'd typically be friendly with who you were working with, and you might chat after a long day of work. That wasn't really the case here. The group Steven was travelling with was kind of quiet. They had pretty varied personalities, of course, but no one was extremely talkative. Maybe it was just the long distances they'd been travelling, but there was a sort of awkward tension in the group, likely stemming from the fact that they were a group of strangers who have the same destination but different goals and motivations. Everyone was older than him, for one, even though one didn't have the height to seem so. It made it a little awkward for him. Some were certainly amiable, but he found he didn't talk very much with them regardless as he had little to relate to. [color=coral]"Oh look, we're almost there."[/color] Steven said to the group, more for speaking's sake than anything. Steven stopped by the plateau edge and peered out at their destination. Avveel. He could see farmers working in their fields and children playing in the streets. Out in the distance he could see a river snake from a lake, disappearing into a dense forest which housed a waterfall the river likely came from. Behind the waterfall, Steven could see even more mountains, stretching to who knew where. Avveel was situated in quite a pretty area, ringed by nature and high mountains. Steven closed his eyes and breathed deeply as the breeze rolled in. [color=coral]"Hm..."[/color] He said contemplatively. [color=coral]"You know what, this is kinda the same as where I come from."[/color] Truth be told, his home town and Avveel were very similar as both were isolated towns which mainly focused on agricultural pursuits. He could smell certain things on the wind, and the scene overall reminded him of home. [color=coral]"Well, not completely the same."[/color] He said, staring on. [color=coral]"Different scenery and stuff."[/color] Indeed, while Steven's home town was near a mountain, Avveel was practically ringed by mountains whereas Steven's home town was closer to a big plain. Furthermore, the fresh alpine scent from the surrounding mountains made Avveel's atmosphere feel somewhat different. Steven turned, mindful of his heavy load, and began to continue walking. [color=coral]"Ah well, there's probably more to it."[/color] He said. The group could probably guess the things he'd observed, but he figured it would be nice to say stuff once in a while, add some colour to travelling. It'd been fairly boring, and pretty tiring. [color=coral]"It'd be nice to go down and grab some food, catch a break and maybe get a bed for the first time in a while."[/color] Steven said as he walked with the group. [color=coral]"Guess we could all use some rest."[/color] He continued his banter as they neared a rocky archway, seemingly as a gate. He managed to get to the front of the group. [color=coral]"See the sights and see where we need to..."[/color] Steven stopped and looked ahead. There seemed to be someone ahead looking for something in the rocks. It was curious as to what someone would lose in a place like this; perhaps they were delivering something and it got lost on the way. [color=coral]"Hey, looks like that guy might want some help."[/color] Steven said, pointing him out. [color=coral]"Do you guys think we should?"[/color]